Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1160: Chu Jingtian shot

The sudden shot of the Heihe aliens was an unexpected thing.

By the time it was discovered, it was already too late.

The bone spear that burst out bursting into the void at this moment went straight to the crowd.

It's Ben Lei, it's lightning, it's the fast wind!

This stalk spear is completely illusioned by the divine mind and condenses into substance. Coupled with the terrifying power of the Muhe alien, let alone the warriors present could not resist, even a mountain would be thoroughly penetrated.

This stalk spear was turned into a weapon for harvesting life on the spot, just like wearing a sugar gourd, and blasted directly towards one of the cultivation wizards.


That spiritual warlock is also a power of the Eight Realms.

When the Heihe alien appeared, he had long been vigilant and summoned sixteen Thunder Shields around him. The sixteen thunder shields shone with infinite electric light, and each side could block an attack of the Eight Realm Powerhouse.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A continuous crackling sounded.

In the depths of countless people's eyes and pupils, the sixteen-sided Thunder Shield broke apart. The body of the true warlock was directly pierced, and its powerful power flew out with the other's body, and then completely disappeared in front of everyone.

This stalk spear is like a clarion call.

The aliens who came out of the cracks in space launched an attack at this moment.

Suddenly, a bony spear flying like a lightning beam flew out, and the dense crowd of sacred warriors was like leeks cut by a sickle.

Suddenly, a scream came in all directions.


The next moment, these aliens were like tigers going down the mountain, rushing with a smile.

After a brief shock, the saintly warriors also returned to their previous shock. The consequences of this group of Hades aliens appearing elsewhere are uncertain.

But those who have the courage to wander in the ancient **** mountains do not lack the Eight Realms. At this moment, they all pulled out their weapons in unison, and killed the past towards the Hades.


Chu Jingtian looked coldly.

Compared to ordinary martial arts, only one of them is refined, or refining, or refining, or gas refining. These Heihe aliens are basically proficient in refining and practicing.

"Is this existence in the Styx?"

Chu Jingtian recalled the attack methods of the previous opponent again. "Their thoughts are rather rough, and their attack methods are relatively crude, and they are better at hand-to-hand combat. And the thoughts are just a supplement!"

Chu Jingtian's guess is basically inseparable.

The Styx aliens have a long life and have been fighting since their birth. Although they have not studied systematically, they have come out of countless battles. Each one is an orthodox killing machine!

"If the same number of cases, the Holy Realm and the Styx go to war, I am afraid this will be an overwhelming massacre!"

Chu Jingtian shook his head secretly.

Today's scene is that three or four holy warriors joined forces to deal with a ghost river alien, and it still seems a bit difficult. Only a few people were present, and they could not fall behind in the one-on-one match.

"Too strong!"

"Why are these Hades aliens so powerful?"

Looking at the scene of the chaos in front of them, everyone could not help looking pale.

"No, we were found!"

One of the Heihe aliens waved with a big palm, his sickle-like right hand tore a warrior, and suddenly noticed everyone standing in the distance.

After the general general glance came, everyone standing beside Chu Jingtian couldn't help but look pale, and even frightened and stumbled involuntarily toward the rear.

But immediately, the sight of the Minghe alien fell directly on Chu Jingtian's body.

Even in different worlds, these aliens can still distinguish between edible sheep and extremely ferocious lions. But there is no doubt that Chu Jingtian is such a lion in the other's eyes.

Eye pupil closed slightly.


He condensed a bone spear directly.

The huge bone spear is extremely fine, with infinite gray inscriptions and runes swirling around the bone spear. This alien triumphantly stretched out his hand and drew the bone spear in his hand, like the death of harvesting life, banged, and blasted the bone spear toward Chu Jingtian.

The bone spear, which is four or five feet long, draws a long mark in the void, like the Changhong that strikes the moon, and penetrates the space.


The surrounding crowd took a breath and took a cool breath, their faces changed drastically.

However, Chu Jingtian only slightly raised his hand.


The stalk spear was shattered on the spot, and then turned into bits and pieces of gray light, disappearing in the mist.

At this time, the alien had stepped on his feet and rushed over. The huge figure of four or five feet is like a towering mountain peak, so the sky is so high.


Chu Jingtian snorted coldly, and grabbed his right hand as well.

Divine thoughts were surging, and the wind screamed around him. Numerous hurricanes visible to the naked eye gathered into his palm, forming a blue erratic wind spear.

He slowly reached out his hand and held the wind spear, and the momentum changed suddenly, as if from an ordinary young man to ~, it was like a towering mountain peak.


Chu shockedly threw this spear out.


Much more intense tearing sounded than before.

The wind spear swept across the void, bringing up a shining electric snake, and then blasted towards the Minghe alien.


The hard layer of bones in front of the aliens, like external armor, burst like an egg on the spot.

The opponent ’s body that has experienced endless slaughter in the Styx River has been tempered for hundreds of years, even thousands of years, and is strong enough to be comparable to the body of a strong body of the Eight Realms. Under the bombardment of this wind spear, at this moment Thoroughly penetrated.

The wind spear pierced through the throat of the Hades alien, and shot directly from the back of the head.

There wasn't even a scream of screaming, and the alien raced out at a faster speed than when he came.


All these warriors standing beside Chu Jingtian were stunned.

They saw with their own eyes how terrible these Heihe aliens were, but in Chu Jingtian's hands, they were killed like cave chickens and dogs. Is this too scary?

However, for Chu Jingtian, his offensive has just begun.


After seeing him slaying this Heihe alien, the action did not converge in the slightest, but the sole of the foot was gently tapped.

At this moment, he pushed the divine thought to the extreme.

Gale winds, lightning, flames, ice, rocks ... in a flash, it was already gathered around him, and a spear was formed in the incredible eyes of everyone.

"What is he trying to do?"

Everyone couldn't help but raise such a question.

However, they knew it the next moment.

Because, Chu Jingtian shot!

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