Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1163: Tout


A dead silence!

Everyone was stunned and looked at the scene in front of them. Everyone felt scalp numb and cold.

Especially Zhao Linlong, they simply couldn't think of how terrible lethality would be once Chu Jingtian opened his hands. The spear he threw was able to connect the lingering aliens running through the rows.

What kind of power is this?

What terror means?

Can the other party survive if they show such strength at the summit? For a time, this question could not help but flood Zhao Linlong's mind.

Zhao Linlong dare not imagine.

As for the people around him, they were stunned.

They want to kill a Styx alien, they don't know how much effort it will take, and even have to spare their lives. But now Chu Chutian is easy to kill. How is this possible?

why? why? why?

It wasn't until the last alien race stayed in the stray fog of the Styx River was killed by a cave that the general landslide and tsunami attack came to an end.

Before the passage of space, time is still.

Lying down all around were the bodies of the Minghe aliens, like Shura's killing ground.

"Is this Chu Chutian's strength?"

"No. 1 on the holy list! This is what it deserves ..."

"This strength is simply terrifying!"

Many of the older generation of warriors were present. They also heard about what happened at the summit. However, he did not care too much about the activities that only existed for young people. He just heard that a young man from the desert of Aura was pushing the top three of the holy list to win the top spot on the holy list.

When I heard the news, maybe it was just a simple ‘oh’ sound. I just remembered such a person and did n’t care.

But now, this shocking scene of Chu Jingtian really shocked them.

What kind of means is this? Is the younger generation now so scary?

For a while, there were constant discussions around.

"This guy is so amazing?"

Zhao Liner also exclaimed.

Originally in her mind, Zhao Linlong was the first place on the holy list, and even Xin Xinmo had to stay aside. But Chu Jingtian's outrageous shot really shocked her.

"Huh, I haven't played a real hole card! Let him steal the show!"

Listening to Chu Jingtian's talk, exclamation, and admiration, Zhao Linlong was particularly unhappy. Especially his sister, who praised him so much, made his heart jealous.

"Nice! Brother Lin Long hasn't exhausted all his efforts to make this kid grab the limelight."

Several of Zhao's family members also had a strange yin and yang expression.

Obviously, they were upset at the moment by the other party. It might be better for others, but it's amazing.



Exhaled a long breath.

Even with him, such a crazy attack is extremely laborious, and Rao is the body under Zulong's body. However, the resilience of the ancestral dragon's body is still quite strong, but in a few breaths, with the beating of the heart, the qi and blood swelled and spread all over the limbs.

Fortunately, at least those Heihe aliens were frightened and did not kill them again.

‘What are these aliens? ’

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes.

Judging from the performance just now, these Hades aliens are clearly intelligent creatures. They knew that after throwing a ghost river bone wolf to explore the road, after confirming that the channel had run through both sides, this was a large-scale killing.

‘Unfortunately, I do n’t know much about this kind of thing…’ Chu Jingtian shook his head secretly.

According to the development of the timeline, this should happen more than a thousand years ago when he came to the holy realm. It was only then that he had not reached the level where he could reach the other 35 worlds, so he knew nothing about it.

It is only vaguely remembered that someone seems to have mentioned that this time the ancient **** mountains seemed to have an alien invasion, killing the warriors wandering in the ancient **** mountains.

‘Looks like I was accidentally drawn in! ’

‘But when will this passage be maintained? ’

Chu Jingtian's heart moved darkly.

"The younger brother Chu is truly a hero. Just one person, they will kill the falling rivers and streams of the Minghe aliens and escape back to Minghe. It really makes me admire it!"

At this time, everyone returned from the horror and came to Chu Jingtian to thank each other.

"Yes, if it wasn't for the little brother Chu, I'm afraid we would all be buried in the hands of these aliens."

"Non-ethnic people will have different hearts!" Chu Jingtian waved his hands, "Not to mention, these aliens will kill each other as soon as they appear, apparently treating us as prey. I just try my best ..."

What he said is also true.

If we don't try to stop the appearance of these aliens as soon as possible, the number will increase more and more ... even he cannot guarantee what will happen next.

"Does anyone know the details of these aliens?"

Seeing the crowd gathered around, Chu Jingtian asked.

"I know!"

A middle-aged man stood out from the crowd. He came from the Su family, but he was just a tribe. ~ and Su Yue's status was completely different.

Originally thought that it was very likely that Huang Quan would be killed this time, but did not expect Chu Jingtian to make an outrageous attempt to kill countless Minghe aliens, and his heart was not admirable for Chu Jingtian.

He quickly explained:

"These Heihe aliens live in the Heihe, but there is no sun, there is no one there. Every alien lives through a series of assassinations."

"In their eyes, everything can feed."

Everyone heard the words and nodded.

"It seems that they are treating us as food! But these things can be done." Thinking of the appearance of the Hell River aliens, and the pictures of people eating in public, there is another kind of speech in the hearts of everyone feel.

Chu Jingtian nodded.

This can explain why the Hades aliens hunted them directly.

"Thank you today for thanking my little brother Chu. I have never heard of your name, and I have never seen it. Now it seems to be a well-deserved name at first sight!" Someone said quickly.

"It's true that although the Minghe aliens are fierce, they are just like this in front of the little brother Chu ... they are just like chickens and dogs, and they are vulnerable!"

These people are thousands of years old, but at the moment they are not verbally touted, they look very funny. However, they did not know that they had previously faced the killing of the Heihe aliens. They had little power to fight back, and now they have forgotten honor and shame.

At present, this space channel has not been disconnected. Who knows what will happen next?

Have a good relationship with Chu Jingtian, can you save your life at a critical moment?

Just then, a cold hum came from one side:

"Is he worth it?"

At this moment, there was a fierce silence around. When I saw Zhao Linlong in a gold robe, his eyes were full of disdain.

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