Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1290: Sword Demon Island

"Finally in!"

While stepping into the law circle.

Chu Jingtian felt a strong aura coming towards him, and he saw an island surrounded by clouds and mist, with a radius of hundreds of miles, like a built-in island.

"This island is not naturally formed, it should be from a powerful hand!"

The French array believes that the marks are extremely obvious and are not naturally formed, so it is very easy to distinguish.

"Why does the other side build a secret place here? Is it living in the East China Sea, or is it like us, coming for the key of the Nine Sword Pavilion?"

Chu Jingtian was puzzled.

After all, the millions of islands are extremely dangerous and inaccessible, and no one should come here with nothing to do.

Without stopping outside the island, Chu Jingtian flew directly towards the depths of the island.

The island is not large, and his divine thoughts can be shrouded in an instant, so as soon as he entered, he learned that it had been abandoned for a long time, as if it had been inhabited for a long time.

"this is?"

But within a few breaths, Chu Jingtian arrived at the center of the island.

Immediately after, he saw a very familiar scene, such as a bamboo forest, a lake, a small building, etc. This arrangement surprised Chu because it was almost exactly the same as the Sword Demon House.

But what surprised Chu was that this courtyard was not protected, and it looked like it had been abandoned for a long time.

"What the **** is going on? Does this mystery have something to do with the sword demon?"

Confused, Chu Jingtian stepped into Xiaozhu.

I saw an old man sitting between the courtyards, with a sword and eyebrows, and Yuyu Xuanang. At first glance, it looks like a living person, but when God's thoughts are swept, you can find that the other person's heartbeat and pulse have long disappeared, and they have all been scattered and returned to the world.

It's just that because of his strong physical body, even if he dies, he still looks alive.

"Is he the sword demon?"

"Did you die in the East China Sea?"

Chu Jingtian's heart moved slightly.

He noticed that there was a manual in front of the old man, and he quickly picked it up. When he saw what was described in the manual, his complexion changed.

The manual is a few feet long, and it is made of the dragon skin of the Nine Realms Demon Dragon. It will not rot for thousands of years and will not change for thousands of years. The typeface described above is vigorous and powerful, as if a peerless swordsman is practicing swordsmanship, pick it up, and the sword is coming!

The above record is exactly the origin of the island and even the identity of the corpse owner.

"... The deity was decisively battled in the East China Sea with the Emperor Donghua. Although the Emperor Donghua was a Tiangong strongman, he did not believe it, and gathered six people to kill me in the East China Sea ..."

"this is?"

Chu was shocked.

No wonder the sword demon suddenly disappeared for no reason. It turned out to have been killed by Tiangong.

Resisting the shock in his heart, Chu Jingtian continued to look down.

The rest of the blockbusters are about improper sons of Tiangong, who actually violated their promises and designed to kill him. Those who participated in the siege were all immortal-level beings. In order to repel these people, the sword demon had to forcibly upgrade Xiu to the earth fairy.

Unfortunately, although he beat the opponent back, he was equally worn out. In order to avoid revenge from the Heavenly Palace, the sword demon simply crossed the ocean and passed through the East China Sea. However, as he passed the island, injuries eventually broke out.

"Human fairy, earth fairy?"

Chu Jingtian frowned.

"Can it be said that this is the existence of the nine masters?"

Chu Jingtian quickly looked at the manual again.

However, in this manual, there is no description of human fairy and earth fairy.

"Judge Cui, they should know the secrets of the immortals and the earth immortals!" Chu Jingtian secretly said, "I just didn't expect that Tiangong actually did this. The sword demon is a sword idiot, and he was even challenged by the land government in that era ... … But the prefecture did not do it like Tiangong! On the bright side, he promised a challenge, and he secretly sent someone to surround him! "

At this point, there is not much content.

Most of the rest said that the sword demon knows not many years, and spends the rest of his life here.

"I didn't expect a generation of sword demons to be buried here! Unfortunately, there is no record of the key to the Nine Swords Pavilion." Chu Jingtian looked a bit ugly. He thought that after he found the place where the sword demons lived, he thought the keys had been secure. This trip ran away again.

And the sword demon did not record anything about Emperor Yuan sword either.

"No more, no more!"

"The Sword Demon doesn't know the origin of Emperor Yuan Sword, and naturally there will be no record. And this time he came to the East China Sea to take refuge, how could he know the key to the Nine Sword Pavilion? Perhaps he didn't even know that there was a key Things! "

Chu Jingtian sighed, his eyes glanced around.

"Since it's here, you can't just go like this. It's better to see if there are any good things about the sword demon!"

Thinking to myself, Chu Jingtian had already let go of his thoughts and started scanning the entire island.

After all, his current practice has reached the dual eight-level master, although there is still a distance to reach the nine-level ~ ~, but he is only a short distance away from the triple eight-level master.

If you can find any aura full of treasure in this space, it will not be a problem to break through again.

Among the million islands, Tiangong and Difu gathered. Once the key is born, it will inevitably lead to a war between the two sides. So Chu Jingtian felt more urgent and wanted to quickly reach the Three Masters of Eight Realms.

So he didn't let go of every space in the sky.

And there is plenty of aura in this space, and Tianlingdibao is also in the minority.

"Liuren ambergris, a herb that enhances qi and blood, can greatly improve physical defense. It can be refined into violent dan, which can increase strength in a short time, but the side effects are extremely strong!"

"Bodhi ginseng fruit is the best treasure that condenses the divine thoughts. It can remove the impurities in the divine thoughts. Unfortunately, it is not useful to me!"

"The ferocious treasure tree grows in an extremely hot place. If you use it to refine a fire magic weapon, you can increase the success rate several times. You can also use fire magic spells!"

Divine thoughts swept down, Chu Jingtian really found a lot of treasures.

It's like a fierce sacred tree, if it is obtained by a strong person who cultivates fire attributes such as Huode Xingjun and Zhu Rong, the control of the flame will be further enhanced.

"Still put away these things first, after all, it is the sword demon's collection, even if you can't use it, it is enough to bring it back to the local government branch to use it."

Chu Jingtian thought.

He put away all the Lingbaos he had searched for, and the island was almost turned over by him, and he found enough twenty or thirty pills. These are the heaven and earth treasures of the Nine Realms, which are extremely rare in the outside world. Taking them out can set off a storm of existence.

"Haha, it is hoped that the master of the Three Realms of Eight Realms!"

After a while, Chu Jingtian stopped on a Hengyu star fruit. "I didn't expect to find this thing!"

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