Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1333: 8 party cloud movement

Not just the Beiqiu Mountains.

With the opening of the Big Mountain Games, all forces are ready to go. For everyone, this is an opportunity to reshuffle once a decade, and you can compete for more benefits.

Black lotus mountain.

This is the only Buddhist gate in Beishan.

Looking down from a high altitude, in this mountain group, there are numerous black lotus flowers blooming like lotus ponds. It looks like blossoming black lotus, but it is actually a rising vision in a black lotus temple. Just like the warrior's cultivation, the heaven and earth vision triggered by it.

Among the mountains, a black lotus is the purest. At this time, the black lotus was blooming layer by layer. Looking from the top to the bottom, the center of the black lotus was an old monk in a white coat.

The old monk clasped his hands and sang the Sanskrit in his mouth. His body was like the Vajra glass, spotless, almost like a perfect artwork.

"Congratulations abbot, great work!"

Another monk said with surprise.

The old monk in a white robe was the abbot of the Black Lotus Temple, Xuanming!

"I worked hard for three hundred and sixty years, and finally became a King Kong Liuli body!"

Mysterious eyes in Xuanming's eyes.

"Brother Abbot, in these years of retreat, Xiao Yuntian has a tendency to rule the ox ears in the northern mountains! We Heilian Temple was suppressed by him ..." a young monk hated.

"Huh, it's time to give up his position as the first force in Beishan!" Xuan Ming rose suddenly.


The lotus outside him suddenly turned into a dark Buddha. This great Buddha is forged like black jade, as if it were a substance. If Devil was here, he would be shocked.

His Maitreya appearance was motivated by the spirit, and there was a flower shelf empty. But this mysterious image of the devil is like the orthodox demon!

More at the same time.

On the Black Lotus Hill, the numerous black lotuses bloomed at this moment.

Seeing this scene, all the monks in the Black Lotus Temple burst into tears, and fell to the ground with the help of the Buddha. With this kind of strength, why worry that the Black Lotus Temple cannot be restored to orthodoxy?

Xuan Ming stepped out and landed in the void, and saw him step by step to grow lotus, step on the black lotus, and step towards the distance. In the void, his voice came from a distance:

"Departure, this time I'm going to meet Xiao Yuntian for a while!"


The Zhao family is located in front of the largest Nu River in Beishan.

The river raged until.

Even the Eight Border Warriors did not dare to go into it. Otherwise, the body of the river will be smashed instantly.

Many people, while practicing as usual, suddenly felt a blast of sword energy breaking out. When everyone looked up, they saw a sword rainbow running through the heavens and the earth, erupting directly from the depths of the Nu River and directly into the sky.

The rushing and endless anger drank, and the anger river was split in two, as if blocked by a dam.


When I saw that Jianhong, it swung straight down in the air, like a meteor burst through the void. There was almost no half-interval, and it was already slammed into the Zhao Family Square.


The gigantic Zhao family was silent for a moment, and then moved violently. Everyone rushed out, gushing towards the square.

After seeing the Jianqi dissipating, an old man with white beard and white hair and wearing a robe was appeared.


Seeing the appearance of the old man, everyone in the Zhao family fell to the ground with a single cry, bowing their heads and shouting:

"Have seen the owner!"

This person is the owner of the Zhao family, Zhao Qianfan!

Then someone hurried forward and said to the old man:

"Homeowner, your exit is ..."

"It's a big match in Beishan, once every sixty years. I missed it so many times, and I will never forget it again!" The top of the North Mountain Domain! "

Everyone in the Zhao family heard the words and was very excited.

It was a continuous stream of surprises.


In addition to Hei Lian Temple, the Zhao family, and the family forces in the Beishan area, all heard the wind here.

Or prepare to shame before this big game, or prepare to blockbuster.

After all, this is a grand event once in sixty years, when it is time to decide the distribution of benefits and resolve conflicts.

And at this time.

On the other side of the entire Beishan area, the magnificent Xiao family is located here.

Below the mountains, there are palaces rolling up and down. There are a total of thirty-six, and in each hall there is a strong man sitting in the town. Countless children are practicing under the mountain.

This is the Xiao family.

The largest family in the entire Beishan area is the owner of Xiao Yuntian!

At this time, among the thirty-six halls of the Xiao family, all the house masters gathered.

There are constant reports from the audience:

"In the Black Lotus Temple, a black buddha appeared, and Xuanming appeared suspiciously!"

"The Zhao family has soaring sword energy. It is reported that Zhao Qianfan is out of customs!"

"Longwei emerges from the Flying Dragon Valley. It is reported that the Tianyan Monster Dragon of the Flying Dragon Valley Lord has awoken!"

"Bai Cao Yuan ..."

A piece of news made the faces of the hall very ugly.

The Xiao family's status in the Beishan area is the existence of a ruling cattle. ~ In recent years, there has been a great unification. Now these people are unanimous and go out of customs at the same time, and their Xiao family has the biggest influence, which is naturally the first to bear the brunt.

"I didn't expect even Xuanming to come out. He has been closed to death since he lost the homeowner's hands before. This time, I am afraid that the magic has been accomplished!" Someone worried.

"Yeah, the Dragon Flame Dragon in Minglong Valley is still very young. It will take at least 500 years to wake up. I do n’t know how many Dragon Spirits have been invested in Dragon Dragon Valley for this Dragon Flame Dragon!"

"Yes, Zhao Qianfan's old thing has also come out this time. I'm afraid this time, he has already cultivated the Twelve Swords of the Blood River! Strength has taken another step!"


Just then, a cold hum came.

Almost immediately, a huge breath came down suddenly.

Gathered here are the masters of the Xiao Family's thirty-six temples, each of whom possesses the cultivation of nine realms. It is the existence of these masters that made the Xiao family sit firmly in Beishan.

Now, with the emergence of this breath, the thirty-six masters of the temple felt that a mountain was suddenly depressed on their bodies, and even breathing became extremely difficult. They looked subconsciously towards the sound source and saw that there was an extra figure in the hall when they didn't know when.


The thirty-six masters of the temple shivered in unison, and then fell to the ground fiercely:

"The thirty-six masters of the Xiao family, see the owner!"

I saw the figure with his hands on his backs, his back to the crowd, and looking towards the Xiao family, the sound of the mountains and rivers sounded lightly at the same time:

"Hundreds of years ago, I was able to step down on the many forces in the Beishan area, killing them and causing them to bleed into blood, and they will not break into the army. Now it is natural! If they do not agree, I will let the scene from hundreds of years ago be reproduced!

Everyone heard the words, raised their heads fiercely, their eyes were full of shock.

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