"Dan furnace!"

"This is the fourth-order Dan furnace!"

Even in the Dongsheng dynasty, the fourth-order instruments are very scarce. Although it is a very upset Dan furnace, but still makes many people move their minds. With such a Dan furnace, it can definitely bring a good Dan teacher to the family!

"three million!"

After a brief silence, there was a burst of bidding noises throughout the venue.

In just a moment, it has already grown to five million.

"Lu Fat, how much money do we have?" Chu Jingtian asked.

Seeing Chu Jingtian's eyes full of heat, Lu Jianli couldn't help but said, "There are still about 20 million ... Boss, shouldn't you throw all this money on the Dan furnace?"

"What do you know, if you can win this furnace, the benefits to us in the future will be far greater than 20 million." Chu Jingtian laughed.

With this Dan furnace, he can make fourth-order elixir.

And every fourth-order elixir was enough to auction sky-high prices in the Dongsheng Dynasty.

It is naturally clear at a glance how this proceeds.

"Eight million!"

Just then, Ye Changwei also spoke.

As before, as soon as he bid, the people around him immediately became sparse.

A businessman dressed as a businessman was a little reconciled and shouted hesitantly:

"8.1 million!"

But immediately, Ye Changwei shouted:

"Ten million!"

Everyone will say nothing more.

This is Ye's domineering! You increase the price by 100,000, and the other party directly increases it by 2 million. No matter how rich you are, how can you compare to Ye Family?

Of course, there are still a few people in the family staring at Dan furnace, his eyes flickering and hesitating, apparently not ready to give up.

"You all!"

At this time, Ye Changwei stood up, his clear voice sounded through the venue.

"I really need this furnace in Yefu, and I ask you to sell me a face, and I will always remember your kindness in the future!"

"Since Ye Sanye has spoken, I don't need this furnace!" Shen Ning, a well-dressed old man, responded with a smile.

Ye Changwei heard the haste, and arched:

"Thank you, Father Bai!

The old man is Bai Wuheng, the owner of the Bai family. Although he is several grades worse than Yefu, he is also a famous aristocrat in the Dongsheng dynasty. But the Bai family was in charge of more than 70% of the fur business in the dynasty, and the wealth was not weaker than the Ye family.

Everyone sees that even Mr. Bai has given up, and naturally he dare not speak again.

"Why does Ye Sanye urgently need this Dan furnace?" Some people were puzzled.

"I heard it is to save people!" Someone who knew the inside whispered.

"Ah? Isn't it?"

"The four Yeye masters and Ye Ming were interrupted. The Ye family had invited Hu Danshi to come, but it was still okay. Hu Danshi said that the entire Dongsheng dynasty was only able to cure Ye Siye And Ye Ming. It is estimated that Ye Sanye bought this Ding Dan furnace in order to help the Northern Liang Tianwang! "

"So it is!"

At this juncture, wouldn't you bid against the other party to grab this pot of iron, wouldn't it be equal to vengeance against Yefu?

Only idiots will do this, right?

Seeing that everyone was silent, Ye Changwei's face was even more smiling. When he thought he was holding the ticket, a cold voice called slowly:

"Fifteen million!"

Everyone was shocked and looked quickly.

I saw a young man bidding!


Ye Changwei was furious. He remembered that the other party was the boy who had previously snatched his black urn xuanjing mine, and now dares to intervene to grab the furnace.

"16 million!"

"Twenty million!"

Chu Jingtian said again.

Everyone is a little speechless. This boy is really brave and brave. This method of increasing prices is decisive and does not give anyone a chance to resist.

Wu Shan also froze.

Ye Changwei came to the auction this time, only brought 25 million, plus some things bought before, at most only 18 million left, this price has exceeded their limit!

"Sanye, this kid is so ignorant, it's just against us, otherwise we ..." Wu Shan's eyes were cold and he made a gesture of touching his neck.

Ye Changwei waved his hand to signal Wu Shan to be calm and impatient, and then stood up and arched Chu Chutian:

"Little brother, I need this furnace so much, I hope you can give it to me, and this relationship I wrote down in Yefu! If you don't, I will also write down you in Yefu!"

In the end, it is an undisguised threat!

The people in the auction looked at this scene with a stun, and scolded Chu Jingtian for not being sensible.

Ye Changwei has previously stated that he wants to get the hearth of Dan furnace. Even Mr. Bai's father didn't speak again. So many people, which one is not higher than your identity as a hairy kid?

Don't you dare to bargain?


Chu Jingtian sneered. "The auction will buy things. Whoever has the money will be able to buy them. I spent 20 million to buy this furnace, why should I give it to you?"


Ye Changwei's expression was gloomy.

That's true. Everyone comes to buy things. Why should I let you?

"Little brother, the Ye family needs this furnace to save people, can't you just relax?" Father Bai frowned slightly, faintly uttering, "Did you know that if you act in a moment, you will give yourself, even yourself Are the families behind them causing unnecessary trouble? "

It's not just Ye Changwei who has the ability to bid here.

Why do you let each other?

Isn't that Ye Fu? Selling personal relationships? Closer relationship? Even if you ca n’t do well, you ca n’t do evil, right? But this kid grabbed the black urn xuanjing ore once and said that he was going to grab a tannery again. Isn't this going against Yefu?

"Little brother, let go of the Dan furnace!" The lean man who had previously bid also said. "Yefu is not an existence you can provoke!"

"Yeah, let it be!"

Many people persuaded at the auction.

"Master Bai, this boy can take out 20 million purple gold at once, presumably his status is good!" Someone whispered.

"What's so good? I haven't seen this figure in the Dongsheng dynasty." Father Bai narrowed his eyes, looked at Chu Jingtian slowly, and slowly shook his head: "Young man, young and vigorous, I don't know how to advance! I don't know how much trouble I will do today and my family! "

"The so-called strong dragon does not press the ground snake, even if the power behind him is so great, how can he control Yefu?" Father Bai slowly shook his head.

Lu Jian turned away from his eyes, and looked at Ye Changwei for a while, then looked at Chu Jingtian again.

Everyone saw that Chu Jingtian didn't speak, only that he was weighing the pros and cons.

At this time, Father Bai continued:

"Little brother, listen to my old man's advice and take a step back. It is not bad for you to give up this furnace, isn't it? And you can also make friends with Yefu because of this, but you can't buy it for money What a relationship! "

The gloomy color on Ye Changwei's face converged a little, he looked at Chu Jingtian and said:

"Little brother, as long as you are willing to give me the furnace, I will owe you a favor. If you have any trouble with your family in the future, I will definitely help you!"

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but be shocked and regretted.

The surprise is that Ye Changwei actually gave such a big promise. With his words, at least this kid's family did not dare to provoke him in the Dongsheng Dynasty.

Regrettably, I knew that 20 million yuan could be exchanged for a Chengruo, and they should have bid hard.

"How satisfied are you now? Get the Dan furnace!"

Ye Changwei said lightly.

He's all in one. I take your Dan furnace, it's a tone of face.

Chu Jingtian was still sitting there, his eyes were down and motionless, he didn't know what he was thinking, and then he sighed and looked up slowly.

To outsiders, he seems to have made up his mind.

Ye Changwei's face melted, and a triumphant smile appeared. However, the smile just appeared, and it was completely rigid.

I only listened to Chu Jingtian's laugh and said:

"Others are afraid of you Yefu, but I'm not afraid! I'm going to order this furnace!"


In the face of Chu Jingtian, who was not able to enter the oil and salt, everyone was upset.

They didn't expect that Ye Changwei said everything to such an extent that the other party refused to let it go.


"Huh, a small boy, dare to go against Ye Changwei three or five times?"

Seeing that Chu Jingtian paid the money, took the Dan furnace, and went out with a big swing, Ye Changwei couldn't help it anymore.

The eminent and wealthy man in this imperial city gave him face, but this boy's disdainful attitude.


Wu Shan shouted in a low voice, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

Ye Changwei nodded, Han said: "I have given this kid a chance, but he doesn't cherish it, so don't blame my cruelty! He hasn't gone far now, let's chase it out!"

After talking, the two stood up, and ran out in full swing.

The auction was so noisy, obviously it could not continue, but it could only be temporarily suspended.

"Ye Sanye chased out!" Someone whispered.

"There is fun to watch this time, if the kid obediently gave Dan furnace, maybe nothing will happen, but he has not long-term eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ and Ye Changwei grabbing things, how can Ye Changwei Let him go? "Father Bai slowly shook his head.

Someone nodded and echoed, "Yeah, what's more, this furnace is still being used by Yefu to save people. How can they watch the furnace be taken away by others? That kid can be considered a bitter! "

At this time, someone could not wait, and went out to the auction with Ye Changwei behind him.

"Let's go out and see!"

Father Bai slowly got up and went out.

Sure enough, after everyone walked out of the auction, they found that Chu Jingtian and Lu Jianli had been stopped by Ye Changwei. Seeing the atmosphere is also about to trigger, looks like a fight.

"Ye Changwei, what do you mean to stop me?" Chu Jingtian turned his back and glanced at his three uncles.

PS: Thank you Feng Yang and Jiang Wentao for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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