Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1396: 银 纹 Amakusa

How could the local government easily swallow this breath without coming to the court?

Almost the second day after the news of the First World War in Huyu Mountain, the counterattack of the prefecture began.



There was a thunderstorm on the top of Longhu Mountain.

Houtu led Rakshasa to attack a Tiangong branch.

The Nanshan area is under the jurisdiction of Lu Dongbin, one of the eight immortals of the Heavenly Palace Shangdong. Lu Dongbin is a core member of the veteran brand, and his qualifications are even older than those of the Kingdom King and the Greed Wolf Star King.

Seven members of Tiangong fell in succession this time. Lu Dongbin received an order and returned to the headquarters. Lu Dongbin's strength is not inferior to that of Houtu, but this time he was deliberately calculated and careless. Houtu laid out a large array of ten days and nine places in Nantianyu.

The killed Lu Dongbin escaped with serious injuries.


In the cold waters, news came again that the judge Cui and the ghost division ambush Shui De Xingjun here.

"Shui De Xing Jun is also an old member of Tiangong. Although he has entered the Heavenly Palace with Huo De Xing Jun, his strength is above Huo De Xing Jun. In recent years, he has been lurking, and is practicing the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation . And the cold waters are the home of Shui De Xingjun. How could the local government dare to send someone to attack him? "

Insiders disclosed.

Judge Cui and ghost teacher Fei Changfang directly entered the cold waters. The two sides fought in a battle, regardless of the outcome, and finally stopped. However, the entire Tiangong branch was shattered and broken. If you want to repair it, you can't do it without hundreds of years of hard work.

Shui De Xing Jun eventually had to give up the cold waters and return to Tiangong headquarters.

follow closely.

Not only are these two large areas, but battles have also occurred in other places.

In Dragon King Domain.

Ma Mian and Bai Wuchang attacked Kakugi, one of the 28 stars. Suddenly caught off guard, Kakugi finally lost his broken arm and fled.

In the Beidou field.

Zhong Kui and Hei Mochang attacked Wuqu Xingjun.

Wuqu Xingjun was defeated and was beheaded in public.

In the land of Luofu, in the field of flying lions, in ...

Wars broke out in almost every domain.

However, these battles are too far away for the average person, because this is a height they cannot reach at all. Only those who know the Second Palace of Heaven and Earth know the terrible situation.


"Why are there so many top powerhouses in Tiangong and Difu? Ghost Master Fei Changfang, Judge Cui, Jiao Muyu, Shuide Xingjun, Niutou Mamen ... Is this myth recovering?

Some second-tier families can't be beaten all day long.

"It turns out there are so many things we don't know about in this holy realm!"

Someone was shocked.

"This is the tip of the iceberg of Tiangongdifu!"

There is a known existence:

"Today ’s development of the Tiangong Palace and the Land Palace, it is not these existing beings that are really frightening, but the elders! They have already jumped out of the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements. If it were not for those existences, they would have been long ago by the first-line families. Annexed! "

"Yes, there are equally powerful existences in the first-line families, but these existences usually do not reveal landscapes. They only appear when the family is critically dying. Their existence is the support of the holy realm!"

"If it wasn't for that Chu Luosha who was under siege at Huyu Mountain, I'm afraid we're still in the drum!" Someone sighed. "I did not expect that there are so many strong men in the holy realm who do not reveal the landscape!"

It was a nine-armed warrior who spoke.

He entered Nine Realms three years ago. He thinks he is standing on the pinnacle of the holy realm and proud of the world. For the first-line family and even the second-line family, there is no color.

It wasn't until the end of the war that he knew what it meant to be outside the sky and someone outside.

"Chu Luocha? Hehe, he is now the Emperor of the Ninth Division! He is in charge of the existence of the Yin Cao Difu! Seven core members were mourned in the Battle of Huyu Mountain." Someone laughed. "This time, the Tiangong can be regarded as the Ninth Division. The emperor nailed the pillar of shame. So many strong men were sent to besiege a junior, but it was unsuccessful, but the whole army was overwhelmed. I am afraid that Tiangong could not swallow this breath. "

Although many people were stunned by the strength shown by Tiangong and Difu.

But this battle did not last long.

On the one hand, the prefecture was not too aggressive, and on the other hand, the Tiangong also returned to defense in time, so that this war did not last as long as everyone imagined.

However, more people's eyes are on Chu Jingtian's body.

For most people, after all.

He, the Emperor of the Underworld, was the fuse that caused the battle in the Second Palace of Heaven and Earth.


Just when the outside world is changing.

Chu Jingtian was staying at the headquarters of the local government to heal his injuries.

According to his original intention, it can be done directly in his own branch. However, Houtu was worried that Tiangong's men and women suffered such a big loss, and did not die, and would make a comeback, so Chu Jingtian stayed at the headquarters.

"Finally healed the injury!"

Opening his eyes slowly, Chu Jingtian exhaled a spit.

There are various holy medicines for healing in the land government. This treatment also took him several months. Without the support of the land government, I am afraid it will take years, even decades.

"This battle is too dangerous!"

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes, thinking about the Battle of Huyu Mountain.

Li Tianwang, Huode Xingjun, Zhiguo Tianwang, and Broken Star ...

Each of these people is famous in the heavenly palace and in the holy realm. If it hadn't been for the true biography of the emperor, and the legacy of the sword demon, even if he was even higher, this time would have fallen.

But even so.

He also has a broken vein, and there is almost no perfect place on his body.

"If there is one more person in Tiangong this time, I'm afraid I'm going to snare on Huyu Mountain!"

Thought of this, Chu Jingtian eyes haze.

Tiangong and Difu have been fighting, and they are doing everything. This time I actually put down my face and sent out so many core members at one time, and besieged him at Huyu Mountain ~ ~ My strength is still worse in the final analysis, so far it is only the middle of the Nine Realms! If you can reach the peak and even complete, maybe it will not be so dangerous! "

Chu Jingtian secretly thought.

He turned his eyes and fell on a three-foot-tall plant in front of his eyes, like a small sapling made of platinum.

Silverweed Amakusa!

Tiangong used this to set up a bureau in the center of Huyu Mountain and set up a serial plan to lure Chu into the sky. After the Temple was defeated, this silver-grained Amakusa naturally fell into Chu Jingtian's hands.

"It takes at least 300 years for every inch of silver-grained Amakusa to grow. The three-foot-high Silver-grass Amakusa has to be said for nine thousand years. Tiangong killed me for the sake of setting up, but it was a blood loss!"

"But with it, I didn't bother to walk around the Huyu Mountain, maybe I could use it to reach the peak of the Nine Realms!"

Chu Jingtian looked at the silver-grained grass in front of his eyes, and a fascination appeared in his eyes.

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