Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 142: conflict

Ye Han looked somber out of Ye Zhengdong's room.

He is a powerful man in the third realm. How can he not see his two uncles and the injury of a cousin can only be described in terrible words. All bones are turned into powder. Even the best healing medicines at present can only heal the bones, but they cannot restore their strength.

"Brother Ye Han, this kid is so abominable, he doesn't take us seriously, you must avenge my father!" Ye Hu cried.

Ye Hu is the son of Ye Changwei.

Xuanye entry, the strength is even worse than Ye Ming.

"Have you been healed by someone?" Ye Han asked in a deep voice.

"I found it, but it didn't work. The old man said that he would invite the King of Liang Liang at the medicine exchange conference. Nowadays, the entire Dongsheng dynasty, only he can restore my father and uncle!" Looking at Ye Han.

He said, watching Ye Han secretly.

If Ye Han is willing to take a shot and use the opponent's Xuanye's successful strength, he must be able to suppress Chu Jingtian and take revenge for him.

"Although my father and I used to apologize to my aunt, but things have passed so long, he has not yet let go, but he still has such a heavy hand, which is unforgivable."

Ye Han almost didn't bite his teeth.

He glanced at Ye Hu and said:

"Come with me to the backyard, and I'll have that Chu shocking for a while!"


Ye Hu raised his head fiercely, his eyes were full of surprises.

He proudly said:

"Now the outside world is spreading, Chu Jingtian is terribly talented, maybe even stronger than you. Even the old man has plans to pass Ye Fu to him!"

"After all, he is a foreigner. How does he assume our place in Yefu?"

"The whole Yefu, except Ye Han, you, I won't accept anyone!"

The third generation of Yefu are Ye Han, Ye Qing, Ye Hu, and Ye Ming. Ye Hu and Ye Ming, although their talents are also superior, they are no better than Ye Han. Ye Qing is a woman. She worships Gu Haifan as a teacher and is learning alchemy.

Ye Han has been cultivated as the heir of Yefu.

"Chu Jingtian is something, dare to sacrifice Yefu's inheritance right?" Ye Hu hummed.

Ye Han was always silent. He didn't care about Yefu's inheritance, but he couldn't tolerate Chu Jingtian's behavior.


At this time, Chu Jingtian's caster came to an end.

Around him, there were eight flying swords of various shapes, exactly like the shape of a dragon. He forged eight flying swords in a row, and at the same time exhausted all the power in the body, even all the elixir.

But Chu Jingtian didn't dare to relax a little, and once he gave up, he would die halfway. He is now almost squeezing his body, desperately mobilizing the power in his body.


Just when the body could no longer squeeze any trace of mana, and just when Lingyan was about to go out, a crisp sword sound finally came.

"It's done!"

A flying sword emerged from the void. This sword is truly a sword.

He is the second son of the dragon. He is the head of the dragon. He has a strong personality, is very brave, and bloodthirsty.

Almost immediately after the emergence of the sword, the remaining eight-handed Jiulong Feijian, who had been quietly surrendering to Chu Jingtian, was also pulled at this moment, and a leap of ‘锵’ rose and floated.

"Come back, come back!"

Chu Jingtian waved his hand, and the Jiulong Feijian who escaped into the sky suddenly came to his side obediently.

"Let's raise it with qi and blood!"

After thinking about it, he still put the Jiulong Feijian in the palace of Zhongyuan.

The more advanced the weapon, the more it is necessary to nourish it with blood, which is equivalent to polishing and maintaining the weapons of the world. Some martial arts warriors even kill blood for the purpose of nourishing instruments. Such a magical instrument will have a touch of magic, also known as a magical instrument, and its power is much stronger than that of the same order.

However, the magical properties of the magic weapon are difficult to find, and if it is not well controlled, it will eat the Lord.

Chu Jingtian's blood is formed by the ancestral art of Zulong's mystery. It is almost like the endless stream of water. It is too suitable to nourish the Feijiong of Jiulong!

"With my current strength, continuous casting of two or three handles has reached the limit. I did not expect this time to directly forge nine handles. Thanks to success!"

Chu Jingtian secretly sighed.

If it fails at the last minute, I'm afraid we will lose all our strengths.


At this time, a vast force of blood and blood poured out from Lu Jianli's body. Everything in the house was directly crushed by this breath.

Had it not been for Chu Jingtian's early deployment in the house, maybe the house would have been blasted into pieces.

"Lu Fat, at the peak of the dragon elephant?"

Chu Jingtian smiled and looked at Lu Jianli.

"Boss, you are too accurate, I really reached the peak of the dragon elephant in seven days." Lu Jianli was about to jump excitedly. The further the cultivation is, the more difficult it is to improve. And refining is the most difficult to cultivate, and it is incredible that it can break through in such a short time.

Chu Jingtian shook his head secretly.

Lu Jianli only saw that the breakthrough was easy, but did not know that reaching this state had consumed all their elixir. If you want to step into the next step, you need to prepare a lot of elixir.

"Boss, why is your breath so weak?" Lu Jianli suddenly found out that Chu Jingtian was a little pale, and his breath was not as strong as before.

"I have forged the Jiulong Feijian, and I have exhausted all my strength, but you don't have to worry about it. When I recover, my strength will go further!" Chu Jingtian laughed.

He was not comforting Lu Jianli.

In order to make Jiulong Feijian, although he exhausted his power, he also squeezed a lot of potential. Once he recovers, he can practice body cultivation, cultivation, and gas refining, and he will be able to reach the first step to perfection.

"Feijian has been made? Show it to me?" Lu Jianli looked expectantly.

He wanted to see what Chu Jingtian spent on the entire seven-day refining of the weapon.

Just when Chu Jingtian wanted to summon the Jiulong Feijian, a cold voice suddenly came from outside the house:

"Chu Jingtian, get out of me!"

Chu Jingtian and Lu Jianli frowned slightly. After going out, they found that Ye Han and Ye Hu had already come outside.

"You are Chu Jingtian. Doesn't it look as strong as I thought!" Ye Han looked at Chu Jingtian with a slightly futile pace, and could not help showing a hint of sarcasm, but he chuckled:

"Chu Jingtian, are you too daring? You beat my third and fourth uncles, how can I spare you?"

"You are Ye Han?" Chu Jingtian frowned, looking at the Ye family's first genius.

Deserves the name of genius.

Although Ye Han is seventeen or eighteen years old, he has already achieved the completeness of the mysterious liquid, has strong qi and richness, and the quality is extraordinary. This kind of strength is almost ready to catch up with the disciples on the road.

"It's me!" Ye Han lost his hand, proudly said. "You also have the blood of our Ye family, but you disregard the kinship of blood relatives, and you are fierce against my third and fourth uncles. Do you really think that the third generation of the Ye family can't match you?

"You can really be proud in front of me, but it's only limited to seven days ago." Chu Jingtian flicked his fingers.

Seven days ago, he had n’t completed a flying sword in Kowloon. He had to scrap his hands to clean up Ye Han.

But now, trying to kill him is just a matter of moving his fingers.

"Brother Ye Han, this kid is too crazy." Ye Hu could not help but bit his teeth.

"Oh, you mean I'm not your opponent now?" Ye Lengheng snorted, and his right fist snapped, hitting directly.

When he raised his fist, he was still in place, but when he punched out, he was in front of Chu Jingtian.


A dull sound sounded, and the fists of the two of them flicked in the air. Ye Han stood still, but Chu Jingtian's figure was repelled by the bombardment, and he stepped back four or five steps before he stopped.

"Oh, I thought you were so good. I didn't expect that I couldn't even take a random punch!" Ye Han slowly raised his fist and sneered. "Your response is pretty good, but your strength is poor!"


Lu Jianli was also surprised, he didn't expect the other party to shoot suddenly.

Chu Jingtian waved his hands freely.

During his heyday, he was not afraid of the other. But now that he has refined the Jiulong Feijian, his power is exhausted, so he will be beaten back by a punch. But after all, he has the physique of Long Xiangjing, and that punch didn't hurt him much.

"Really?" Chu Jingtian slowly raised his head, looking at Ye Han with a smile. "Do you really think I can't kill you?"

"You dare to speak hard when you are dead. Chu Jingtian, you really don't see the coffin and don't cry." Ye Han grinned. He didn't move much, but just punched his fists.

Mystery is complete!

In the previous punch, he used only three points of strength, and then he was ready to show no mercy!

"Hehe!" Chu Jingtian smiled slightly and squeezed a seal with his right hand.

Hum ~

At this instant, the Jiulong Feijian in his palace was already buzzing. As long as Chu Jingtian's thoughts moved, he could absolutely kill the other party in the blink of an eye!

"You kid, dare to look down on my Yefu, this time is the time for you to pay!"

Ye Hu secretly sneered.

He seems to have seen the picture of Chu Jingtian being severely taught.


Just at this moment, a cold drink suddenly came from not far away. The crowd frowned at the same time, and saw Ye Lao, who was full of anger, walked quickly ~ ~ Obviously, he also learned that Ye Han came to find Chu Jingtian, and this was the only thing Come here.

"Master ..."

Ye Han's reluctance flashed in his eyes, and he finally closed his hand.

He is not as bold as Chu Jingtian, and dares to be so pretentious in front of Ye Lao!

Chu Jingtian also frowned slightly, and let go of his hand.

Obviously, both parties knew that with Ye Lao's arrival, this conflict could no longer continue.

Ye Leng looked at Chu Jingtian with a smile, and his face was a lucky expression. However, Chu Jingtian was indifferent, still ignoring Ye Han.

PS: Thanks to the three big brothers Sky Xiaoxiao, Qu Yi, Ying Zhaoxia ...

(End of this chapter)

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