Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1431: force

The sky was empty, Chu Jingtian also lost interest after a turn.

He simply sat cross-legged in the hall and started practicing.

at this time.

In front of him was a large number of heavenly treasures, all of which were found by the King of Snakes. Although there are no more treasures like the leaves of the fire garden, there are many advantages.

Although Chu Jingtian's practice has encountered a bottleneck, he cannot enter the ranks of immortals in a short time. But you can also use these spiritual treasures to stabilize him in the realm of the nine masters.

"Get up!"

Chu Jingtian did a trick, and the anger was pouring out.

The flame turned into a fire in the void, and the spiritual treasure placed in front of it quickly turned into a blue puppet, and the impurities in it were completely burned to ashes. The immense aura quickly filled the entire palace.

That's it, with constant absorption.

Chu Jingtian felt that his realm in the Nine Realms was becoming more and more stable.


Just when Chu Jingtian stayed in the Demon Palace while practicing with peace of mind.

At this point, a group of people had gathered outside the tree cave.

This group of people is like Chu Xiu, Zhao Yue, Nie Dongliu and others. As they walked, they looked at the valley with surprise.

"I didn't expect that there was such an area in this valley!" Chu Xiu couldn't hold back the shock and surprise in his heart.

These semi-immortals are at the forefront.

As for the ordinary masters of the Nine Realms, they are located at the rear.

At the same time, it was shocking in my heart.


The entire valley has been transformed into a piece of scorched soil. Wherever it can be seen, whether it is flowers and trees or rocky rubble, it has been covered with traces of corrosion.

"This is corpse gas!" How Nie Dongliu could not recognize the gray gas still on the ground. Although there are no more than one, they and others can be recognized at a glance. "Someone should have entered this area before us, and opened a secret place ... and released the accumulated corpse!"

"I don't know what kind of area, actually such a huge body of qi has accumulated." Zhao Yue buzzed his voice and kept talking to himself along the way. "If it wasn't for seeing the corpse gas leaking out, I'm afraid we wouldn't have known of such an area yet!"

When others heard it, they nodded secretly.

During their time on the island, they have been resisting various attacks on the island. How can we hide the corrosion of so many people?

When they arrived, they suddenly realized that the people on the entire island had reached seven hundred seventy-eight.

"That is?"

Just when everyone was in a state of horror and wondering what the source of the corpse gas was, someone suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone's gaze was fixed and they looked forward.

As you can see, in the center of the dead body is a huge willow tree. This willow tree is in the middle of the valley, where the corpse gas erupted, but still green as new.

But what shocked everyone was that the door opened in the trunk of the willow, and there was actually a swirling entrance. Looking into it, you can see the two bronze doors and the deep tunnel!

"Somebody seems to have opened the door and has gone deep in!"

The crowd looked at each other, both surprised and shocked.

Could it be said that there is no baby here?

Will others be the first?

Thinking of this, everyone has accelerated their pace.

After walking through a long tunnel full of corpses, I crossed the super-large killing array full of black fog, finally passed through the huge lava sea area, and finally came to the front of the Temple of Heaven.

As soon as these people saw the Temple of Heaven, they couldn't help the ecstasy in their hearts and shouted.

"Heavenly Palace! He really is the Heavenly Magic Palace!"

"Is this where the demons live? Unexpectedly, this secret place is actually a cave of the demons!"

"Where the demon once lived, his cave was hidden in Linghua Shangxian's tomb. It seems that his battle with Linghua Shangxian has failed completely thousands of years ago!"

These people are ecstatic.

Finding a large tomb means that they have found a chance.


When they hurriedly stepped into the demon palace, they could not help but close their eyes.

Because they saw Chu Jingtian sitting cross-legged in the hall, and in front of him a pile of ashes.

At this time.

Chu Jingtian also awakened from the entry, eyes narrowed, and constantly looked at these people.

He did not expect that these people would find here.

"I didn't expect us to fight hard outside to fight against the monsters in the island, but your Emperor Mingsi took the opportunity to hide here to look for opportunities!" Chu Xiu said coldly.

"Hum!" Many people are unhappy.

At the thought of the monsters raging outside, they were extremely difficult to resist. However, the other party is here to practice safely, countless heaven and earth treasures are demanded, and they are all furious.

"I found a fire garden tree under the lava sea area, but unfortunately there is not even a leaf on it!" Nie Dongliu slowly shook his head, regretful, "I was still wondering what was going on, Now I understand that it was you who grabbed first! "

Chu Jingtian sat there, his expression unchanged, without sorrow or joy.

At this time.

Another person quickly walked around in the Devil's Palace ~ ~ and quickly yelled: "The Demon's Palace is empty, nothing is left! Only a skeleton that is suspected of the Devil ..."

Everyone was shocked when they heard.

Many people began to look at Chu Jingtian with angry eyes.

This guy not only grabbed advanced secrets.

It is too much to evacuate everything inside.


"Think of yourself as a man of the land, can you be lawless? He has been used up by the entire Demon Palace!"

Everyone thought that finding the Demon Palace was innumerable opportunities. But who ever thought that when they came here with great enthusiasm, they found that someone was coming first, and they were angry and annoyed.

"Imperial Emperor, is it too ugly for you to eat a picture?" Zhao Yue held his hands and looked at Chu Jingtian with a smile, "It is true that the seeer has a share. You have evacuated the entire Demon Palace what!"

"Nice!" Nie Dongliu also rarely agreed with Zhao Yue's opinion, and said slightly: "This place was discovered by you first, you can get a large portion. But you should leave a little for us, right?"

Chu Xiu smiled coldly, and said, "I only need weapons, and I don't ask anything else!"

Although Chu Jingtian leaned back to the land.

But there were three Banxian and sixteen masters of Nine Realms.

How could they be afraid of Chu Jingtian alone?

What's more, Chu Jingtian hasn't reached half a cent! Even if they are human beings, if these people join forces, they are not afraid at all.

"When I came to this demon palace, there was nothing inside. These heavenly spirits and earth treasures were obtained by me from the lava sea." Chu Jingtian slowly opened his eyes and looked at these humanities: "Mo said I did n’t get anything, even if I did get it ... what kind of thing are you guys, let me hand it over, I have to hand it over? ”

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