Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1456: Secret of Heaven

Inside the huge palace there was a deep seclusion.

Empty and without half figures. The hall was frugal, not as luxurious as everyone imagined. It's the exact opposite of the Demon Palace. After entering, it seems as if the whole person will be swallowed up by darkness at any time.

When everyone came to the center of the hall, he suddenly saw an old man kneeling there.

The old man's feathers are radiant, and his skin is rosy. Although he is thin and thin, it gives a very large feeling.

"Linghua is immortal?"

"Is this the immortal legacy?"

When everyone saw this scene, they could not help but look greatly changed.

Many people have seen Linghua Shangxian's paintings, so when they saw the old man, they recognized it at first sight. But what shocked everyone the most was why would Linghua Shangxian's widow kneel here?

"Yes, it is Linghua's legacy that is kneeling in the Highness!"

Just then.

The sound that had previously sounded at the foot of the mountain sounded again.


Only then did they find that there was another in the hall.

The crowd quickly looked around.

I saw a dark shadow sitting in the most central position of the hall. The master of the sound comes from this shadow.

At the same time, the powerful breath felt by everyone also originated from this dark shadow!

The direction in which Linghua Shangxian's widow was kneeling was also the shadow of this group!

"this is?"

"Why are there other things in Linghua's tomb?"

"What exactly does he have?"

For a moment, everyone exclaimed.

Only Chu Jingtian looked as usual, took a dismissive look at the remnant of Linghua Shangxian, and looked at the dark shadow on the throne and smiled lightly:

"Good demon!"

"The world thinks that you fell in the hands of Linghua Shangxian, but you didn't expect that you survived and broke the seal of Linghua. This tomb is your masterpiece?

Chu Jingtian talked about each section.

After seeing this shadow, all the mysteries were passed through at this moment.

All the black hands behind the scenes stem from the presence in front of you!

Chu Jingtian's remarks also shocked everyone present, showing an incredible look. As a contemporary of the sword demon and Linghua, this demon set off countless **** winds with one hand.

I don't know how many Holy Family families were defended by Fengshan who was suppressed by him. Until Linghua shot, everyone thought they had all died together. It's just that people didn't expect that he didn't die, and he was in this tomb of immortals.

"Yes! Seven thousand years ago, I fought with Linghua. When he was defeated by me, when he was about to be beheaded by me, he burned the immortal seed and wanted to die with me." The shadow slowly said, "But I always How can he do what he wants. In the end, I win him! "

The dark and long sound of the shadows made all the people in the audience have the illusion of experiencing the war seven thousand years ago.

"Although I defeated him, I was seriously injured as a result. Linghua used my magical powers to force my soul out and suppress it in this tomb, trying to keep me from going out forever!" Hei Ying continued. "But he didn't expect that the manpower was poor and the world was endless. I still got rid of it!"

Everyone just felt scalp tingling.

Such a peerless fierce **** is actually going to be born again, I am afraid that the whole holy realm will set off another **** wind, and I am afraid that the head will roll again!

Chu Xiu, Judge Cui, Nie Dongliu and others looked at Chu Jingtian.

They did not expect that Chu Jingtian had penetrated all this, and he had long guessed that the subject behind this tomb was actually the demon of the demon!

"But you didn't completely break free!" Chu Jingtian shook his head. "If you have already broken free, you don't need to introduce us to the graveyard by such a complicated method. Presumably, you still need some kind of opportunity?"

Chu Jingtian said this.

Suddenly, the whole hall was dead.

Hei Ying heard that several feet of black mang burst into his eyes.

"How did you know?"

The dark shadow was dark, and the chirp asked.

Chu Jingtian smiled lightly: "If you can break free, go out from this tomb long ago, but you don't! Linghua's original intention is to block the entire tomb from outsiders. But you use the means inside the tomb, Open the cemetery and lead us in! "

"Your hand is everywhere on this road! Although you have broken the seal of Linghua, you cannot leave this cemetery at all, you cannot even walk out of this palace and out of this mountain!"


As soon as the voice fell, the shadow trembled suddenly, and a boundless breath emerged directly from the body.

Everyone just felt that a majestic mountain slammed suddenly, and smashed heavily on their shoulders, as if they could not help but kneel. A sense of fear emerges directly from the heart, which is the awe and fear of the supreme existence in the soul and blood!


Even more at the same time.

Hei Ying lifted his right hand, and a black giant palm fell from the sky ~ ~ almost without any warning.

It's weird.

This palm did not fall on Chu Jingtian's body, but fell on the body of Linghua, who was kneeling on the ground. I heard a crackling sound of crackling, and this remnant was directly crushed on the spot and blasted into powder.

"Yes, you're right, I really can't get out of this mountain!"

The shadow slowly stood up.

At the same time, the dark fog surrounding him also dispersed. The crowd then saw the appearance of the demon, and saw that this was an old man with a thin face.

He had white hair and white beard, wearing a white robe and fluttering long sleeves, like a true immortal.

But his limbs were locked by four rune chains, one end of which was submerged in his body, and the other end extended to this sky.

Seeing this scene, everyone could not help but feel scalp tingling.

What exactly is this means to suppress the soul of an immortal here?


The demon's eyes glanced proudly and swept across the hall. "This doesn't mean that I can't go out! Linghua's chain is only for the soul. He separated my body from the soul and suppressed them at the two ends of the tomb. I can walk as long as I regain the flesh. Get out! "

"Originally, I wanted to let you in and take the flesh for me. But now I don't need it because I have a better choice!"

Tianmo quietly looked at Chu Jingtian.

"After all, my body is old and dying, and there is not much potential. Even if I take it back, I can barely restore the peak of my previous life. But you are different. You have just reached the immortal, and the potential is endless!"

"If it is obtained, I may be able to break through the long-standing trance, surpass the human fairy, and reach the fairyland!"

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