Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1477: Trial

"Old ancestor?"

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes.

When you see this void, every figure is real or unreal. Obviously, it's not the real advent, it's just the projection. Their deity is still in the family.

"Old ancestor!"

Others soon realized that these were just projections, but they were still respectfully called.

But there are some people who look strangely into the sky.

The sacred world family is not a monolith. These ancestors even have resentment with each other, why are they here at this time. Is there anything significant to announce?

The whole world is quiet, leaving only the spiritual exchanges between the ancestors. After a while, the ancestors of the Su family looked at all the descendants of the ancestors below, slowly out of the channel:

"The demons fell, and the immortals entered the world. Naturally, the past grievances will come to an end."

When everyone heard it, their look suddenly changed.

Is it really going to set off the immortal situation?

You know, once these ancestors shot, it means that the forces behind them will also participate. The power of each holy family includes at least one large area, which affects the whole body.

But the next words of the ancestors of the Su family let everyone secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

"However, it is naturally inconvenient for me to wait. Since all the successors are present, it is better to make an agreement and decide the success by successors."


If the words of the ancestors of the Su family go out, there will inevitably be endless storms.

Even if it is just a battle between people, it is still not easy.

However, what method is used to determine the outcome?

擂台 赛? Mystery? Win the treasure? Or, is it another means?

All of a sudden, everyone looked at the ancestors in the sky.

In the end, the ancestor of the Su family said, "I already have an idea. It is better to choose the place of this test in a million mountains."

"Millions of mountains?"

Su Qiong shouted silently.

Chu Jingtian could not help but frown.

This one million mountain is a forbidden land. Not only is the landform vast, there are countless monsters. Even the former Hou Di have been seriously injured here. These ancestors, actually want to choose the trial location there!

Other ancestors were exclaimed.

That's where all the immortals can fall!

"That's right, it's a million mountains." Faced with the astonished crowd, the ancestors of the Su family glanced at others, and said lightly, "I believe that you don't have any opinions!"

The words of the ancestors of the Su family made several other ancestors frown.

Obviously, they also know the terribleness of this million mountains!

However, if you speak at this time, wouldn't you be afraid of the other person, showing that your successor is worse than the other person?

"Old man Su, you have the most idea ideas. I naturally don't have any opinion on choosing the Million Mountain as the trial location. But what is the criterion for judging? Or, how can you tell the winner?" Road.

"This is naturally simple. Each of us took out a baby and threw it into the millions of mountains. The agreed deadline is three months, and anyone who can get it will belong to them." Su family ancestor smiled lightly.

As soon as this word came out, the ancestors at the scene frowned.

The ancestors of the ancestors who were present couldn't help getting excited. You must know that these ancestors were not like Hong Tianming. Everyone experienced the existence of the demon chaos, and the treasures in their hands were countless. Anything revealed, I'm afraid it will cause a sensation in the outside world.

What's more, there are more than a dozen ancestors here ...

If they can get these ancestors' treasures ...

At the thought of everyone, there was a look of incomparable longing.

"If so, wouldn't other people in the holy realm also enter it?" At this moment, there was also a voice of concern. "Even including the Tiangong and Difu."

"Isn't this more interesting?" Su ancestor smiled lightly. "We are silent for too long and let Tiangong and Difu grow bigger. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to declare our strength to the Holy Realm? But do n’t you fool someone with some tatters ... ”

"Okay, I promised!" The old ancestor of Wei family reached out and grabbed a piece of gold paper that seemed to be made of gold foil in his hand. He looked at another old sneer and sneered: "Qin, weird, don't you always think Would you like this gold paper? This time, I will also put this gold paper into a million mountains. If you have the ability, let your heirs **** it! "

"Gold paper?"

Chu Jingtian closed his eyes.

"Eh? Do you have a piece in your hand?" Su ancestor smiled slightly, his fingertips moved slightly, and then a broken piece of gold paper appeared in the palm. "I studied this gold paper for thousands of years and did not find out the mystery. It turned out to be just a broken piece of gold paper! This time, I also put this gold paper into a million mountains."

"I don't have this gold paper, but I will put the equivalent baby everywhere. Now that the agreement is made, let's start the trial in a million mountains in a month!" Another ancestor replied.

Chu Jingtian Shen Ning said nothing.

Originally, he did not intend to blend in the games between these ancestors, but the appearance of these two pieces of broken gold paper changed his mind. The experience of getting the golden paper twice in a row before, let Chu Jingtian understand that this golden paper is a broken existence, and the secret contained in it is not less than the demon bone.

It is a pity that for the broken reason, it is natural to look for a needle in a haystack ~ ~. He did not expect that the broken gold paper actually fell on the two ancestors. No wonder he could not find it.

"Since you have all the things you have, I naturally won't hesitate." A white-haired female ancestor said lightly, and slowly took out a jade bottle in her hand. "Our Li family will also be involved!"

"That is?"

Chu Jingtian's eyes moved slightly.

Although he didn't know what treasures the woman's ancestor of the Li family took out, she could detect the extraordinaryness by just feeling. And the colorful liquid in that bottle also revealed the innate breath.

"I didn't expect that you would be willing to take out even Sumitabha, but it was an innate magic weapon!" Su family ancestors closed their eyes and eyes, "You are not afraid, in the hands of others?"

"Be capable, take it." The ancestor of the Li family glanced across a beautiful girl in the valley, no less than Qin Yan'er, and smiled lightly: "I believe that my heirs can take it back! "

"That being the case, let's start the trial in a month!" The ancestor of the Wei family glanced at Wei Qiu and said, "Wei Qiu, go back with me!"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed his hand with a large hand, and immediately disappeared with Wei Qiu in place.

The other ancestors also left with their own heirs.

Obviously, they have to take advantage of this month to step up to train their successors.

"Chu Jingtian, you also come back to Su's house with me ..."

Su's ancestors turned around and fell on Chu Jingtian.

"Thank you for your kindness, I have my own place." Chu Jingtian shook his head.


The ancestor of the Su family didn't say much, and disappeared with Su Heng, leaving only Chu Jingtian and Su Qiong in the valley. Chu Jingtian's eyes are long and thoughtful!

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