Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1535: It's up to you?

"What's going on with this loud voice?"

Listening to the loud sound coming from the void, Hu Qingyun couldn't help showing a horror in his eyes. The path he took was nothing. So it didn't take long for him to return to the same place, ready to pursue Chu Jingtian.

He thought that Chu Jingtian was the same as himself. He didn't find it along the way, maybe he could soon catch up with Chu Jingtian who was also back.

But in fact, it was completely different from what he imagined.

This road passed through the dead body.

These corpses are all ugly, horrible, and obviously not holy creatures.

"Are these all aliens who have entered this place?"

Hu Qingyun was terrified.


On this way, Chu Jingtian continued to trace traces, like a lighthouse to guide the front, which made him have the courage to dare to continue to go deep into the mystery.

But not long afterwards, he heard a sound of vastness.

The sound, like a dragon but not a dragon, was extremely terrifying. The sound contained a violent meaning, which made people involuntarily distracted. Even if the ears are blocked, the sound can still be heard in my mind.

Obviously, this is acting directly on the spiritual plane.

"What kind of voice is it, even my fairy, can't resist it?"

Hu Qingyun couldn't hide his shock.

Just then.

He suddenly noticed a loud roar ahead, without any reason, he immediately flew up and looked forward.

I saw that there were more than ten feet in the head, which looked like human beings but not human beings, like beasts and non-receiving creatures. In front of it, there is a small figure.

"Is that Chu Shangxian?"

Hu Qingyun was shocked.

Only then did he understand that the previous horror-like thunderous sound was the sound that erupted when Chu Jingtian and this alien raced.


Before he could recover from the shock, he saw the horrible existence and waved his right hand empty.

Infinite black flames emerged directly from the void, and almost instantly, it was already flooding that side of the world. Even if they were far apart, he could feel the terrible destructive power contained in the fire.


When this flame emerged, it turned into a black dragon with a dreadful expression, and then rushed away towards the place where Chu Jingtian was lightning.

Even in the blink of an eye, it was already wrapped in that side of the earth and directly drowned Chu Jingtian!

"Oh my god!"

Seeing this scene, Hu Qingyun just felt that he was trembling all over, and a horrible chill rushed into his heart.


this moment.

The many abyss aliens around were cheering.

They were naturally detained too long in this world.

As long as they catch Chu Jingtian, they have hope of going out. How can they not cheer?

"Isn't Chu Shangxian an opponent of this alien race?"

Hu Qingyun felt only two tremors and couldn't believe it.

at this time.


A violent tear sounded loudly.

I saw a mighty Jianguang sweeping the world, wherever I went, tore the endless black dragon directly to pieces, and then a black-haired silver-haired figure burst out!


Wherever Jian Mang reached, no matter how the flames raged, he couldn't get close.

Even more at the same time.


One of them was a mighty sword, and it screamed violently, slashing at Lord Fury.


An explosion sounded.

The gigantic Raging Flame Lord burst out a dazzling Mars in front of his chest, and his body was out of balance. He flew out all the way and blew his bones around. Several aliens were directly trampled by the Lord of Flames, and blood spread on the spot.

"I said, just because you want to hold me, is not enough!"

Among the flames.

Chu Jingtian slowly walked out.

No matter how angry the sky was, he couldn't get near him.


The Lord Lord of Flames suddenly stepped on the ground and collapsed the ground behind him. This stopped the retreat and looked at Chu Jingtian's eyes as if he wanted to burst out of anger, his face was even more distorted.

"Damn man, how dare you look down on me?"

Lord Fury yelled.

Chu Jingtian shook his head secretly.

There is no doubt that Lord Fury's strength is very strong, even if it breaks through the seal and exhausts most of its power, at this time there is still a perfect cultivation of immortals.

However, even the existence of the immortal peak may not be able to benefit from its hands.

Chu Jingtian's sword just now, if changed to ordinary human fairy, would have been split in two by a sword. But in fact, it was just a blast to Lord Fury. This scene directly refreshed Chu Jingtian's understanding of the abyss.

no doubt.

The strength of Lord Fury's heyday is bound to be the top earth fairy, and maybe even the heaven fairy.

‘Did those dominators in the abyss possess such strength? ’


And then.

The roar of Lord Fury was already awake to Chu Jingzhong in Shen Ning.

"I originally intended to retain some strength and wait until I went out to show it thoroughly ... but I have changed my mind now!" The huge spiritual power like the ocean roar ~ ~ spread directly.

Those abyss aliens with low strength could not bear such horrible mental powers, and their heads burst apart.

Even Hu Qingyun watching the battle from a distance felt that his head was buzzing, as if there were tens of thousands of sounds, resounding at the same time.


In the spiritual plane, it can be seen that the vast spiritual power is almost like a vast ocean. Even more frightening is that the spiritual power is composed entirely of countless faces.

In addition to the holy warriors, there are some abyss aliens.


Lord Fury's huge spiritual power is entirely derived from devouring the souls of others.

Such a terrible mental power, if a person with an unsound mind, as long as he touches the slightest, he will immediately be overwhelmed by endless sorrow, anger, and misery. Suddenly it will become a lunatic!

It's terrible!

"Is this your mental strength?"

Looking at the surging spiritual power, Chu Jingtian smiled coldly, his eyes suddenly stunned: "Let you see my divine thought!"


Almost the next moment, an incomparably pure divine thought emerged directly, directly colliding with the spirit of Lord Fury directly.

Chu Jingtian's divine thought was already huge enough, but compared to Lord Fury's, it was dwarfed. It's almost like the gap between the creek and the sea, as if it would be completely submerged in an instant.

In fact, the opposite is true.

In Hu Qingyun's eyes, instead of overwhelming Chu Jingtian's thoughts, the spirit-like power of the mighty waves was torn apart by a sharp knife like a knife in an instant.

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