Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1609: seed?

Chu Jingtian was naturally very curious about the seeds Tiangong wanted.


He didn't want to take it for himself, but it would be nice if it could be obtained by the prefecture.

At least it can be guaranteed not to be obtained by the heavenly palace, so that the ancestor tree **** is released and endangers the entire tree boundary.


It seems that Houtu, like him, seems to be rejected by Liu San.

But now again, it is obviously that Houtu found that the Tiangong's seed of the ancestor tree **** is too inevitable, even if it is not hesitant, it must be given and protected!


Seeing this pair of surroundings, Liu San couldn't help but sigh, "Actually, how can there be any seed of the ancestor of the tree **** ... nothing, I know I don't have much ability to guard it, so let me give it to you! "

After that, Liu San turned around and waved his hand: "Come with me!"

The three looked at each other and did not know what the other said, but seeing this, they could only suppress their doubts and follow Liu San.

Chu Jingtian didn't understand these things, but fortunately along the way, Hou Tu and King Chu Jiang explained patiently with him, and then he understood the whole matter.


It really is as he guessed.

When the prefecture discovered that the Tiangong had acted on the seeds of the ancestor tree god, it had already found Liu San in advance, and suggested that the other party should hand over the seeds to the prefecture for custody to avoid being taken away by the Tiangong.

But was rejected by Liu San.

If the soil is mentioned again in the future, originally there was no great hope, but it was not expected that Liu San agreed.

"What is the seed of the ancestor tree god?" Chu Jingtian was curious.

Hou Tu and Chu Jiang Wang looked at each other and shook their heads.

Right now, he can only look at Liu San.

But Liu San didn't say anything, even if everyone was curious, they could only bear it.

Not to mention, sooner or later, the other party will give them the seed.

Leaving the tribe, a group led by Liu San came to a valley west of Hengyun Tianlin. From the outside, this valley is quite similar to the other areas of Hengyuntian Forest. It is an area full of giant trees without any strange places.

But under the leadership of Liu San, they came here. When Chu Jingtian's thoughts swept away, he could feel the vague array movements in the space.

Obviously, this area is not as ordinary as it looks.

Liu San walked back and forth outside the valley several times before finally stopping in front of a dead ancient tree.

Then he squeezed a seal with his right hand.


A light flew from its hand and hit the ancient tree.

When I saw the space in front of me quietly flashing, there was actually a huge vortex, exposing a vast world.

Looking inside, it was a quiet, deep place, as if there was no vitality. Even the entire sky lost its color, leaving only black and white.

"this is?"

None of the three had seen such a place and could not help looking at each other.

"Don't you want the seeds of the ancestor tree god? It's here!" Liu San glanced back, and walked directly toward the vast sky ahead.

Everyone looked at each other and stepped into it.

In this world, there is an extremely cold feeling.

It is not the coldness of natural temperature, but a feeling of deepening the bone marrow.

"Are there such a place?" King Chu Jiang looked around.

The true biography he got was ‘True Explanation of Ice and Hell’. After practicing to the extreme, it would even be like the king of Chu Jiang created the ice hell.

However, he felt that even if he could practice the true biography he obtained to the extreme, he would not be able to match the breath in this space.

Chu Jingtian and Houtu also frowned.


You can feel the weird chill in this space.

Even into it, not only was the atmosphere suppressed, but even the spirits seemed to be suppressed.

Seeming to feel the surprise of the three, Liu San explained back: "This space has been so since I knew it. I can't explain it, just know that it was so long ago!"

Chu Jingtian heard the words and nodded secretly.

Every world has some unexplained regions.

This is true of the holy realm, as is true of the tree realm.


Chu Jingtian looked at this space and couldn't help frowning secretly.

"I don't know if it's my illusion. I always feel that this space doesn't seem to be formed naturally, but some kind of existing arrangement! And the whole space is natural, and what kind of existence can arrange such a space?"

"I'm afraid even Dixian can't ..."

Chu Jingtian's heart was condensed.

Over there, Liu San talked to Houtu a lot, and Chu Jingtian also got a lot of news from this.

This space can only be opened by their tree demon clan. If someone else finds this space, they can't find the entrance. The reason why the tree monster tribe is stationed here is to protect the things in this space.

"Now, if I can't protect that kind of thing, I wouldn't give it to you!" Liu Sanchang sighed. "I hope you can protect it and don't let it be taken away by Tiangong!"

After hearing this, Wang Chujiang patted his chest and said, "Relax, leave it to our local government, there will be no problem!"

Liu San didn't say anything, just took everyone forward.

Not long.

Already came to the center of this space.

See you there.

At the center of this space is a huge altar.

The altar is about a hundred feet tall and square. At the very top of the altar, there is a dark stone, which is suspended in midair like that.

"This is the seed of the ancestor tree **** you want!" Liu Sandan said indifferently.


Houtu was puzzled and extremely puzzled.

"This is the seed of the ancestor tree god? Isn't this just a stone?" King Chu Jiang was also surprised, he said as he walked towards the altar, "I'll take it down and see!"

"Don't!" Liu San hurriedly called ~ ~ but it was too late.

King Chu Jiang has stepped on the altar.


The moment he stepped on the altar, a huge force had already burst out of it.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, King Chu Jiang was directly bombarded by this force.

"this is?"

Seeing this sudden scene, Chu Jingtian and Houtu couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

"It's okay ..." King Chu Jiang was also frightened, and quickly got up: "Although there is a ban on this altar, it doesn't seem to hurt people. I just didn't realize it, so I was bombed out. "

King Chu Jiang glanced at the altar and took off the black stone's Liu San. He could not help but frowned, and said with a bitter smile: "It seems that this altar is only open to the tree demon!"

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