Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 161: conflict?

This space is like being torn apart by a pair of big invisible hands. By the time I opened my eyes again, the valley had disappeared and replaced by a magnificent hall.

Looking forward, a stream of sword-shaped droplets resembling a crystal hanging curtain suspended in the void. The nimbus of aura continued to emerge from these sword-shaped droplets, apparently these were not ordinary things.

Around a string of objects were three groups of people.

One group was Huang Yiqin and others who had been in conflict before Wu Tomb.

The other group was warriors wearing weird samurai robes. Chao Jiuyang whispered to Chu Jingtian that this group of people were from the Japanese Empire and the leader was the Prince of the Japanese Empire.

The last group was the masters of the inner circle led by the Prince of Xuanyun Dynasty.

Seeing the sudden intruder was actually Chu Jingtian, Huang Yiqin's expression was frozen, and there was a hint of killing in his eyes. The people of the Dairi Dynasty were also alert. Only the crown prince of the Xuanyun Dynasty signaled his head.

"Chu Jingtian, why are you here?"

Seeing Chu Jingtian breaking in, Huang Yi Qin asked in a deep voice. The three parties are competing for this crystal curtain, but because of mutual fear, no one dares to start first, but who thought of coming into the fourth party's Chu Jingtian.

"This is the tomb of Wu, you can come, how can I not come?" Chu Jingtian sneered.

He knew that his sudden appearance made all three parties quite frightened.

As he spoke, he looked at the crystal curtain.


"Master Chu, do you recognize this thing?" Chao Jiuyang on the side stared at the three parties and asked in a low voice.

He is not like the hob meat of Chu Jingtian. He has made up his mind and must stay away from the three dynasties of Dongsheng, Dari, and Xuanyun after leaving the tomb.

Otherwise, I do n’t know how to die.

"This is the purest divine thought!" Chu Jingtian turned his back and said, "It should be the master of this palace, plundered from other practitioners."

Chao Jiuyang was shocked. "The divine mind is the root of the spiritual master! Mana is gone, and you can gather together. When the divine mind is gone, it becomes an idiot!"

A spiritual person is without a divine mind, just like without a soul.

Not to mention the practitioner, the same is true of the body refiner and the gas refiner.

It ’s just that the practitioners are more dependent on divine thoughts!

"Master Chu is right. The owner of this palace is the" Tianmo Taoren "seven hundred years ago, a master of the fourth realm level. When he was alive, he stirred up dozens of dynasties with one person. Countless strong people are not shuddering. "

"This‘ Heavenly Taoist ’cultivates the cultivation method of a magic gate, which can draw on the spiritual thoughts of other spiritualists to accelerate his cultivation.”

At this time, Shen Yuhao, the Prince of the Xuanyun dynasty, bowed.

Seeing Chu Jingtian's appearance, he nodded again, obviously showing good intentions.

Huang Yi and Qin Lengheng did not say a word, but the Prince of the Japanese Empire taunted:

"Everyone who can play the name of a master is a man of high moral standing. This hairy boy is also worthy of being called a master? But it is touted!"

Chu Jingtian turned his hands on his back, stared at these beaded beads, and turned a deaf ear to the words of the other party.

He has acted countless times in his life, and some boring people will always jump out and think they have the truth. If he would take care of every clown jumping clown, I am afraid that the people he killed more than a thousand years ago would fill the sea.

‘Looks like this is the last treasure of this palace ...’

‘Each of these divine thoughts is beaded, and each one can create a strong man during the period of imperialism. If it were to me, maybe I would be able to rush to the Grand Master of the God in one fell swoop and reach the state of the double master. ’

‘But these three dynasties, I ’m afraid that it ’s not so easy to let these gods bead their hands together! ’

A strong man in the period of the God of God, at least needs decades of training, but also has to be talented and intelligent. Swallowing one of these divine bead beads can create an imperial powerhouse. There are at least a hundred beaded here, which is more than a hundred powerful people.

Who is willing to give away?

"Master Chu, let's go!" Chao Jiuyang all regretted it, and knew that he would not follow Chu Jingtian in.


Chu Jingtian Shen Ning.

This palace is very large, there is no need for these beads to offend the princes of the three dynasties at the same time.

And if he cultivates by himself, he only needs to retreat for three months to reach this state.

"Chu Jingtian, wait a minute!" Just then, Huang Yiqin suddenly voiced.

"What?" Chu Jingtian stopped, and gave him a slight glance.

When Huang Yiqin was angry, the other party came and went in a freewheeling manner, and he did not put his prince in his eyes. He resisted the anger at the moment:

"You are a child of my Dongsheng dynasty. Shouldn't you help at this time? If you grab these beads for me and wait to return to the Dongsheng dynasty, I will definitely let my father emperor reward you!"

"Ha ha!"

Chu Jingtian sneered.

Was Huang Yiqin's head kicked by the donkey? How dare you order him? If he had not healed the wounds for the old man, it would not be appropriate to have a conflict with the royal family. He would have attacked Huang Yiqin outside the tomb.

"Is this an internal conflict?"

Prince Tairi frowned, sneering in his heart.

Shen Yuhao was secretly surprised. He had known that the young master Chu had a strange character and had always been arrogant. Unexpectedly, it was arrogant to such an extent.

"What are you laughing at?" Huang Yiqin looked cold.

"I laugh at you idiot! Who told you I'm from Dongsheng Dynasty?" Chu Jingtian said lightly.

Huang Yi Qin suddenly became stunned, until then he did not respond, the other party was a native Yanyan, and had nothing to do with the Dongsheng dynasty.

After finishing Chu Jingtian's hands, he turned away.

"Prince, should I leave him?"

A warrior in black made a movement to wipe his neck.

"You can kill him at any time, and grab these bead beads first!" Huang Yiqin shook his head and whispered.

However, his voice had just fallen and his expression suddenly froze.

I saw a huge breath coming from the depths of the palace ~ ~ The stalemate looked at them in astonishment. I saw a huge figure slowly flashing from the depths of the palace.

"this is?"

Everyone looked in amazement.

I saw a huge unmatched snake-shaped creature appearing on the other end of the palace, and a huge unicorn grew on its head. The other person's body exudes an intimidating breath.

This breath belongs to the fourth realm!

"how come!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of this behemoth, everyone's complexion sank in an instant, as if they had hit the petrification.

"It's really here! Howling dragon demon!"

On the contrary, Huang Yiqin showed a touch of joy.

(End of this chapter)

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