Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1619: Kill kill!

"go with!"

This mighty voice sounded like a thunderous thunder, and at this moment, it shook through this world.

See you there.

The surging force of heaven and earth gathered in front of Chu Jingtian, like a tide pouring rapidly, desperately swept away in all directions.


The overwhelming attack, swept by the power of this world, was drowned on the spot, shattered into powder. Not even blocking it.

And on the spot.

Those people who were closer were directly wrapped by this torrent of heaven and earth.


They didn't even have the time to scream. It was already under the power of this unparalleled power that they blasted into powder on the spot.

And the power of the day and the earth is unabated.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, centering on Chu Jingtian, they swept directly out.

With horrified eyes, wherever they passed, the mountains and trees were drowned out.


Those distant people immortal, although avoiding a calamity, were also stunned by the violent hurricane that set off.

There was silence in the field.

Everyone was stunned.

Chu Jingtian defeated more than forty immortals with a single enemy, and even killed a dozen or so on the spot. What a terrifying power!


Each one is on the top of the Holy Realm.

Any family, as long as there is a fairy, can immediately change shape and become a first-line family.

As long as someone is there.

The family can stand on its feet.

And the realm of immortals is the goal that countless warriors have longed for in their lives.

But now.

In the presence of Chu Jingtian, they were like ants, with almost no stopping power.

"After all, most of these come from the Holy Family!" Into the eyes of everyone's shock and horror, Chu Jingtian didn't feel a little excited, but shook his head secretly. "If it was an ordinary fairy, the previous blow would be enough to kill them ..."

"But it doesn't matter. When I absorb the power contained in that branch and reach the immortality, I can kill them with a single blow!"

Chu Jingtian thought secretly.

But even so.

His previous outbreak of power also scared the people present.

"Wow, yeah ..." Su Jiaxian groaned as she stepped back.

Although the Wei family immortal split the hurricane that swept across them, they were also extremely embarrassed.

As for the nine gods summoned by the Xu family immortals, although they have returned to their original state, they are already extremely bleak and almost transparent, apparently being damaged in the previous move.

This is true even for them, not to mention the others in the field.

"How to do?"

Forty-nine people were originally immortals, but it took only half as long as the time of the first incense.

Even the ones that remain are all on the body.

And Chu Jingtian?

Instead of showing signs of weakening, the momentum of the whole person is getting stronger.

Such a person, you can't deal with it with all your strength, the other party can ask for a small life, and a despair emerges in everyone's heart.

But today's situation.

They cannot be considered.

After seeing Chu Jingtian's move, he had already stepped out of the sky and headed directly towards the two closest people, Xianxian. Almost one step appeared in front of these two!

"not good!"

Seeing Chu Jingtian who suddenly appeared in front of himself, the two immortals were suddenly surprised.

Although they are not from the Holy Family, they are also quite old.


One of the monks dressed as immortals, almost at the same time Chu Chutian appeared, his hands were crossed.

Then I heard that the Sanskrit sounded suddenly between heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a yellow golden bell falling from the sky and covering himself. There are dragons and tigers flying outside of Admiralty, and it is a certain kind of horrible defense method.

The other one did not choose passive defense, but fluttered directly!


When I saw this shot coming, the power of heaven and earth poured in.

Infinite strength entangled in layers, turned the long gun into a black dragon that was exposed. During the raid, a sound of dragon howling resounded between heaven and earth was brought, as if to engulf everything, assassinate directly towards Chu Jingtian.

In the face of the two men attacking and defending, Chu Jingtian's look remained unchanged, without even panic.

I saw him slowly reach out with his hands.

Although it seems to be an understatement, it can be earth-shaking!


The golden bell summoned by the immortal dressed as a monk, just like a piece of paper in front of this white jade forged palm, was torn directly.

And almost at the same time, the black dragon who was biting towards Chu Jingtian was also smashed under this jade hand.

"not good!"

The two men took a breath of air, but where did they dare to have the courage to fight against Chu Jingtian? With almost no hesitation, they retreated madly towards the rear.

But when they wanted to retreat, they suddenly noticed that the air around them suddenly solidified, as if it had become a quagmire, unable to move at all. Even the surrounding space is like the force that swept the sky and earth, crushing it.

"Will you let you run away?"

Chu Jingtian raised his mouth.

He had already blocked this space when he shot, and it was too late to escape at this moment!


In the shocking eyes of the people, the two immortals were crushed by their heads and fell to the ground on the spot.


No one has waited for God to return.

See you there.

Chu Jingtian already stepped out again, as if shrinking into an inch, came to a person immortal again. This is the immortal of the Xu family. I had previously seen two immortals falling in front of myself. At this moment, I didn't even react to it ~ ~ I saw a bright sword light, split directly from the sky Came down.

The entire person was split directly from head to toe on the spot, splitting in half, only the white bone skull in his hand remained.

"This is fun!"

Chu Jingtian grabbed his right hand and grabbed the white bone head directly in the palm of his hand.

At the same time, the nine gold armor gods in the sky will also turn into a black smoke and enter the skull.

After the divine thoughts swept, Chu Jingtian found that he couldn't see through the skull.

Although this skull does not look like the skeleton of a demon, it is obviously due to the existence of extraordinary things. But apparently this time was not the time to study the skull. He silently closed down the bones of his bones and looked away again.

At this glance, the twenty or so immortals who were present were cold all over!


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