Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 168: Zunlong Sword

He thought of his finger!

Take heaven and earth as paper!

Everyone only saw Chu Jingtian's right hand passing through the void, and quickly sketched a wonderful and complicated rune. This rune is formed purely by mana, as if it has a very weird power.

Every stroke, every stroke, seems to contain the strange power of ancient times.


As soon as this amulet came out, the silent snake bone suddenly trembled, and the corresponding osteotomy was suddenly suspended.

"this is?"

Everyone was stunned watching this scene.

Is this a refiner?

The smelter they had looked at before was just a smashing with a hammer.


Chu Jingtian, who carved the first rune, his eyes became brighter.

At this moment, as if the surrounding Lu Jianli, Chaojiuyang, Ye Han and so on were all gone, only this huge snake bone was left in his eyes in the sky, and everything around him disappeared.


Chu Jingtian raised his hand and wrote again.

At this moment, everyone just feels that the heavens and the earth are dark, the infinite aura is turned into thousands of strands, and they come together, pouring into the void one after another, forming a second mysterious rune.

Correspondingly, the second snake bone also seems to be induced and floats.

Everyone finds that these two runes are not the same, but they also coincide with some kind of power in virtual space.

"This dragon dragon demon has to say tens of thousands of bones. If you write it like this, why don't you spend a whole year?" Lu Jianli couldn't help but stunned.

Almost this rune had just finished, Chu Jingtian wrote a third rune.

Fourth, fifth, sixth ...

At first, the people around him could still see the astounding movements, and every stroke of him seemed to be clearly visible. Lu Jianli is still secretly remembering the steps, but gradually Chu Jingtian moves faster and faster.

Like a rune, a wave is already formed.

But in the end, at least several runes, or even dozens of runes, must be engraved on each snake bone.

Until the sixth day, Chu Jingtian's sky had been filled with runes, and looking at it from afar, this void seemed to be blocked by chains.


The last rune was written, and the snake tail caused by the dragon dragon monster also suspended. From beginning to end, the dragon dragon demon had a total of 37,216 snake bones in his body, all of which corresponded to Fuyu.

"Finally, it's time to type the runes!"

Chu Jingtian nodded with satisfaction.

Then, with his right hand, he took out a seal, and for a moment, the infinite rune pattern in the void seemed to suddenly come to life, turning into countless golden rays, with almost no space at all, no signs, and he pointed fiercely The snake bone made by the dragon demon rushed away!


Everyone was shocked.

When I saw the golden light rushing down, every snake bone became crystal clear and exquisite at this moment.

But they didn't know that this step looked gorgeous, but in fact it was to test Chu Jingtian, and whether there were any mistakes in the Fuyu corresponding to 37,216 snake bones. Even if it is wrong, not only can't continue to refine the magic weapon, all snake bones will also be torn by the disordered rune power.

Chu Jingtian didn't dare to neglect, staring at the snake bone in front of him. Until the last ray of light submerged into the snake bone, this could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, you can see that the surface of the snake bone is already densely packed with runes. These runes are like being born and born.

"Chao Jiuyang, has Jiulong Feijian smelted?"

Chu Jingtian suddenly shouted.

"The smelting is over, the smelting is over!" Chao Jiuyang in panic quickly reacted, and trot along with a ball of black liquid with divine thought and came to Chu Jingtian.

Chao Jiuyang thinks that he is also proficient in some casting techniques, but compared to Chu Jingtian, he has fallen into the dust. He didn't see the other side's movements from beginning to end.

"not bad!"

Chu Jingtian turned out to be a solution, but originally planned to refine it again, but found that it had been cleaned and cleaned with no impurities, and nodded with satisfaction.

Chao Jiuyang heard an awkward smile.

He didn't do anything in these seven days, and he was smelting the Jiulong Feijian. If this little thing couldn't be done, I was afraid that Chu Jingtian would tear himself.

"Stay back!"

After shaking his hand, Chu Jingtian re-focused on the snake bone.

Chao Jiuyang saw him look dignified again and quickly nodded quickly. Lu Jianli's eyes were wide, and he wanted to see what Chu Jingtian was going to do next.

"go with!"

At this moment, Chu Jingtian flicked his fingers. The melt of Jiulong Feijian rushed towards the snake bone quickly. But just in the blink of an eye, the nearly ten-meter-long snake bone was already covered with a layer of shining metallic light.

This is the last step.


Chu Jingtian grabbed a seal, and saw the flames of red flames rising up and directly wrapping the ten-meter-long snake bone in it. He glanced at Jiuyang and said, "Come and fire for me!"

Chao Jiuyang did not dare to neglect, and quickly sat on the other end of the snake bone, and also released a red flame spirit fire. But his flame was not as fierce as Chu Jingtian, he could only wrap two or three of them, and the temperature was not enough.

Just listening to the sound of the snake bone ‘crampling’, but flames obstructed her vision, Chaoyang couldn't help but shyly said:

"Master Chu, will the snake bone burn out if you burn it like this?"

"I ran the engraved rune before, do you think it is useless?" Chu Jingtian gave a cold glance at Chaoyang, but he was able to get a little distracted at the end of the most critical step.

"This snake bone has been filled with runes. These runes can not only protect the snake bone from damage, but also make it the body of the magic weapon. The Jiulong Feijian is just an auxiliary material."

"Being able to cast with me, this is a blessing for you in three lifetimes, look at it a little bit. It is of great benefit to you to realize even a trace!"

Chu Jingtian said lightly.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Chao Jiuyang made trouble.

If Chu Jingtian said this seven days ago, he would just sniff. But now speaking, he only feels that Chu Jingtian's casting technique is a subversion of his imagination, and it is something he has never heard before and has never seen before.

"Boss, what kind of weapon are you going to make?" Lu Jianli only felt that his heart was being held by a cat. "This ten-meter-long snake bone, do you plan to make it into a mountain? When you meet someone, Smash it? "

As soon as the words fell, I saw Chu's amazing mana drank:


I saw that the snake bone in the flame was golden, and the ten-meter-long snake bone was suddenly closed in half.

After hearing the landing sword leaving, Chu Jingtian laughed:

"Lu fat man, you will know what kind of weapon it is!"

When he said that, everyone was curious and could only be forced down.


The words fell, and he drank again.

Snake bone closes in half.

Then everyone was stunned and looked at, Chu Jingtian was actually more than ten meters long snake bone, and received about one meter stiffly.


At this time, the red flame spirit fire suddenly trembled, the flame was actually torn on the spot. A white jade flew fiercely into the air, preparing to escape.

"Come back! Come back! Come back!"

Chu Jingtian laughed loudly, grabbed his light with his right hand toward the void.

It wasn't until the white jade's light faded away that everyone realized that it was a long sword made like a whole body like jade. From the outside, it's hard to believe that it was cast from more than ten meters of snake bone.

He twisted his right hand, a drop of fine blood spun out, and landed on Bai Yujian.

I saw a burst of dragon yin, and the immaculate sword actually showed a slender figure. This figure is really the stunned dragon dragon beheaded by Chu Jingtian, just more prestigious than before.

"Fourth-order top grade!"

Chu was shocked.

"I am worthy of tearing up the monster daniel from the dragon dragon monster and adding it to the bones ..."

He had already prepared for refining only the fourth-tier Chinese products and even the fourth-tier products.

After all, he cultivated to have only a third realm.

And this dragon monster has only the strength of the fourth-order entry.

However, I did not expect that this time directly reached the fourth-tier Zhongpin.

"Congratulations to Master Chu for his success!"

Chao Jiuyang's eyeballs on the side were almost protruding.

Fourth-order top grade, how many are there in the entire Dongsheng dynasty? Even with the nearby Xuanyun and Dairi dynasties ... I'm afraid it's not enough. And the dynasty who possessed these instruments wanted to treat this as a treasure of the country.

But Chu Jingtian made it so easily and easily. It was terrible.


Chu Jingtian shook his fingers, and Feijian swept out quickly. Like a knife into a butter, pass a mountain through the hole.

Chao Jiuyang was startled again.

This is not an exaggeration even if it is a thousand miles away. Even if it is a hundred miles away, take the first level of a master of the third realm, the other party may be beheaded before he reacts.

"Finally, I didn't waste my hard work for seven days." Chu Jingtian nodded with satisfaction. He retracted the flying sword and looked at the white flying sword like a white body. "You are supplemented by the Jiulong Feijian, and the dragon dragon demon makes snake bones the main thing. Call it Zunlong Sword!"

With a pinch in his right hand, Zunlong Sword was transformed into a white awn and returned to his palace of Zhongyuan.

"Boss, when will you refine my dragon stick?" Lu Jianli walked over with a smile, looking at the might of the Dragon Sword, and he felt anxious.

"I'll make it for you next time I find the right material." Chu Jingtian smiled lightly. "But if you want to make a fourth-order weapon, you must have at least a fourth-order material. The higher the level, the greater the success rate."

He glanced around ~ ~ and continued:

"The tomb is about to close, let's go out."

After speaking, everyone walked towards the outside of the tomb.

As soon as they walked out of the tomb, everyone saw a large group of people standing there, headed by Shen Yuhao.

"Have met Master Chu!"

Shen Yuhao clenched his fists and shouted loudly.

And dozens of big masters behind him, also got up and bent at the same time:

"Have met Master Chu!"

PS: Thank you for your reward. Next, the protagonist is going to play with the Xuanyun Dynasty ... I wonder if there are any recommended tickets? Icy and snowy, 360 degrees, all kinds of begging recommendation, asking for reward.

(End of this chapter)

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