Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1728: Canopy

| | |->-> Hoo!

This moment.

The entire Su family is covered by this tide of terror.

I looked far away.

Under that sky and earth, there is endless dust.

The eyes of several ancestors present at the scene were shocked, gazing at the movement of the dust in front of them.

The horrific power that erupted the moment before was truly immense, even comparable to the time when the sword demon was alive tens of thousands of years ago.

In addition to the horror in the hearts of everyone in the Su Su family, they looked at their ancestors in horror.

In their view.

So many people join forces to strike, no matter how their opponents exist, I am afraid they will be completely killed under this attack. The rest of the Yin Ye must be the same. But when they looked away, they couldn't help it.

I saw the faces of several ancestors dignified, or surprised, or doubtful ...

"Is it?"

For a while.

In the hearts of everyone, an unbelievable thought arose.

They looked at Chu Jingtian's position together.

The dust slowly drifted away, revealing the fighting area.

See you soon.

The area of ​​plutonium has been completely leveled, and the surrounding earth is full of radioactive traces. With the fighting area as the center, all the trees, rockery, and courts around it have all collapsed. Wherever the eyes were, it was a mess.

"Are they dead?"

"Did that move just succeed?"

Everyone thinks.


I was just thinking about it.

I already saw that a violent hurricane rushed out of the dust with a unimaginable attitude.


"That is?"

"how is this possible?"

Hesitated in this burst of exclamation.

Su He suddenly saw that the figure that rushed out was not someone else, it was Chu Jingtian.

Yin Ye, who had previously killed the Quartet, has disappeared.

See you soon.

At the moment when Chu Chu was rushing out of the dust, he was already waving a big hand, and Lu Jianli, Su Qiong, and Su Yuanming, who were still rolling, were already rushing towards Su outside the family.

At the same time, I sang loudly in front of the prisoners who were equally astonished:

"Do not leave at this time, when will you stay?"


This impressive drinking.

Suddenly let the stunned people return to God one after another.

At the same time that he came to his senses, he suddenly rose into the sky, turned into a rapid stream of light, and soared into the sky. With Chu Jingtian, he was already fleeing quickly towards the outside world.


Looking at Chu Jingtian who fled, and looking at the prisoners who fled, Su ancestor's eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

He never expected that Chu Jingtian would still survive under his own shot, even with several ancestors shooting at the same time.

"Why is that ghost dragon missing?"

"Chu Jingtian is okay?"

"Hum, presumably the previous ghost dragon, used our body to block our attack!"

"Can't let this kid escape!"

"If you let him go, he will become a confidant in the future!"

How old my grandfathers were.

Seeing Chu Jingtian rushing out of the dust, but did not see the silhouette of Yin Ye, and then re-associated with the gesture of the power that Yin Ye broke out in the past, it was already able to guess in the moment, it must be silver All the power broke out in the night, so they blocked their attack.

Can't stand it.

如何 What about them?

But just hit another strike!

Looking at the silhouette that flew across the sky, looking at the beams of light that were passing by like lasers, the eyes of the ancestors who were present were getting more and more astounding.

"Want to leave!"

"Let me stay!"

"It's not so easy to leave alive!"

"If you want to retreat, leave your baby first!"

When several ancestors burst into applause again, they were already rushing towards Chu Jingtian's location.

Can't stand it.

Such a move completely angered the ancestors of the Su family.

"It's awful!"

"Dare to attack my prey in the territory of my Su family ..."


Su Su's ancestors were extremely unhappy.

If it weren't for these people who suddenly visited Su's house, he would have taken Chu Jingtian to the spot already.

At this moment, they are shooting all together and want to deal with Chu Jingtian again.

如何 How can these repeated actions keep the ancestors of the Su family from getting angry?

"Stop me!"

Su Su's ancestors drank in a deep voice.

Waved directly.


骤 The void turns abruptly.

Infinite strength gathered quickly, and suddenly a huge palm was formed, and at the same time as the palm was formed, he quickly grabbed the old ancestors.

"Haha, stop?"

"is it possible?"

"This Chu Jingtian has great revenge with our family ..."

I watched the actions of the ancestors of the Su family, and several ancestors also snorted.

To know.

The sacred realm family was not originally an iron plate.

They didn't do it before, just because they didn't find the right opportunity.

Now I have torn my face, naturally there will be no more scruples.

What's more, Chu Jingtian's hands still have the baby that makes them all heart-beating. If all these treasures are given to the Su family, the Su family will be very powerful in the future.

This is a situation where everyone present is unwilling to see.

For the ancestors of the Su family.

Now that he has regarded Chu Jingtian as his own, how can he allow others to **** it?

"Less nonsense!"

Su Su's ancestor snorted.

Leap time.

When the big hand fell, it was like a huge cricket, which ran directly in front of the crowd and Chu Jingtian.

If you change to someone else, you will definitely have a headache in the face of this giant palm.

But the ~ ~ here is an ancestor-level existence, and its strength belongs to the top level in the entire Holy World.


Sure enough.

There was a loud explosion.

I saw that the giant palm was smashed, and even the speed of the advance of these people could not be hindered.

I saw this scene.

The ancestors of Su Su family were somber and almost dripping water.

自然 He is naturally unwilling to do everything he does to make a wedding dress for others.

Once Chu Jingtian fell in the hands of these people, don't even think about getting those babies back.

"Hum, don't forget!"

"This is our Su family!"

"You have to ask me if you want to be wild in my Su family!"

Looking at the several ancestors who were hurried towards Chu Jingtian, the Su family ancestors suddenly glared, and the whole person stepped forward at the same time and slammed:

"Stand up!"

This moment.

I saw it.

八 Eighty-one rays of light erupted suddenly in the entire Su family, and this light emerged in an instant, forming eighty-one beams of light. When this beam of light emerged, a huge sky was already falling rapidly.


At this moment, the ancestors of the Su family wanted to block the entire Su family!

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