Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 182: Tang Xianwei

The huge Yinmang was born in the sky, and it was like a mad dragon going out to sea, and the terrible demon rushed to all directions. Then, its huge snake tail swept away suddenly and slammed towards the crowd.


This blow mixed with horror and demonism razed the entire courtyard on the spot. Between countless rocks and rubbles burst, a series of figures backed in horror.

Chu Jingtian was carrying both hands and looked at each other with a smile.

"The old man was injured by the Dongsheng royal family. I didn't go to you to settle the bill. You came here first? I have written down this revenge, and I will settle the Dongsheng royal family in the future. Otherwise, everyone in the world thinks I am shocked So bullied! "

"The dragon demon?"

Tang Xian looked at the huge fourth-order demon envoy in front of Chu Jingtian. "Is this what you are relying on? After you take down this demon, you can see if you are so arrogant!"

Tang Xian winked.

Suddenly, the big masters behind him had already rushed towards Yinmang.

In their opinion, Chu Jingtian had been delivered to the door and had nowhere to go. He only has the third realm, even if the triple master is? Although this Yinmang is a fourth-order monster, these masters are also strong in the fourth realm. Coupled with many people, they may not lose to each other.


The siege of Yinmang erupted into a horrific rage. The sound was not like the roar of a snake, but like a savage beast. The silver mang in the roar, full of enchantment, directly collided with the crowd.

boom! boom!

Yao Qi and Zhen Qi exploded together on the spot.

The mighty power that erupted during the impact dispersed like a tide, tearing the air apart.


Shouted Tang Xian.

Facing the besieging of several large masters, Yin Mang was not injured, and even under this attack, he rushed those big masters who rushed in a few feet.

"Without a little bit of confidence, why would I come to my door?"

Chu Jingtian smiled slightly.

I saw a bulging packet emerged from Yinmang's neck seven inches. I didn't know that it was an insignificant sarcoma, but Chu Jingtian knew that Yinmang's second head was then.

Although this Yinmang is not a descendant of the Dragon tribe, it is also a descendant of another ancient beast.


As I was talking, I saw Yin Mang scream in anger, and the huge body was so fast that he roared out and flew towards one of the big masters. The tight body is like a sudden crossbow!


At this moment, everyone just felt that there was a flash of silver lightning in the void.

Before everyone returned, they saw Yin Mang's mouth open and bite.


A scream screamed, and a long-faced master inside had not responded, but was bitten by Yinmang, tearing it in half. The fourth-strength gas refiner was directly swallowed by Yin Mang with a belt bone.

At the same time, Yinmang threw out his long tail and hit another big master ready to rescue like a giant stick.

This master in the inner body is the fourth-bodied swordsman. When he saw Yin Mang swept away, he was unavoidable. He could only clen his teeth and raise his arms to prepare for the opponent's attack. .

He is confident that after being tortured and forged, although he can't be called King Kong and not bad, it's not a leisurely thing. Isn't it easy to stop the blow from this animal?

But it turned out that he was swept out directly by the tail, and the whole person burst out like a kite with a broken line and hit several walls. By the time everyone looked at him, he couldn't move, and half of his body was smashed.

At this moment, the audience was silent.

No one expected that this would be the case.

Chu Jingtian just looked at Tang Xian with a smile:

"You said, am I capable of sending you back to the West?"

Everyone heard the words and looked pale.

When Chu Jingtian said this earlier, everyone just thought he was too arrogant, it was a joke. At this time, when they re-raised it, everyone felt cold. He dare to come to their gathering place alone, how could he not kill them?

"I didn't expect this silver mang to reach this level after it reached your hands!" Tang Xian's eyes also showed a touch of wonder.

He didn't investigate the bottom of Chu Jingtian.

This silver mang was once the beast-controlling elder of the Beast Guild Zhong Chubai. When he was conquered by Chu Jingtian, he just reached the fourth stage, and the piece in the tomb was only slightly stronger. But now, in less than a month, the strength is surging.

Chu Jingtian glanced at Tang Xian and taunted:

"The world only thinks that the beastmaster is a lower-ranking profession. It is nothing more than signing a contract with the monster family and fighting the beast. But I do n’t know that a truly powerful beastmaster can train a weak monster into a big demon and a monster king. Even a demon! "

"Although the potential of this silver mang is not high, if I cultivate it carefully, it can also reach sixth or even seventh."


Tang Xian took a breath of air.

It's not just him, the inside masters who are present can't help but have scalp tingling. Legend has it that the fifth-order sky demon is enough to destroy the entire Dongsheng dynasty, let alone the sixth-order and even the seventh-order.

It is reported that more than a thousand years ago, dozens of dynasties such as Dongsheng, Dari, and Xuanyun belonged to the 'Daxia Holy Dynasty', and were eventually broken up by a nine-tailed fox to form these dynasties. Wouldn't it be worth it if Chu Jingtian cultivated that kind of existence?

"Fortunately, the royal family pays attention to you in advance. If you allow your existence to continue to grow, it will be a disaster in the future!" Tang Xian slowly raised his head, his eyes were flourishing. "Since you're so calm, then I will kill this animal first, and then I will kill you!"


When Tang Xian actually insulted himself, Yinmang burst into anger, opened his mouth and spit out suddenly, and immediately sprayed out a large mist. Where the fog passes, along the way, all flowers and trees like the north wind howling, frozen instantly.


Several big masters who hadn't had time to escape, were covered by the horrible mist on the spot, and immediately froze with no breath.


Tang Xian saw this, his eyes widened, and he slammed his hands. I saw him holding a seal made in the shape of a golden jade. When he was in the air, he heard a thunderous sound of bang and a purple lightning howling.

In an instant, the mist melted like a dark cloud and the moon.

"A magic weapon?"

Chu Jingtian frowned.


Yin Mang's body twisted, avoiding the other party's lightning. He shook his huge giant tail fiercely, then leaped up like a mad dragon out of the water, and rolled straight towards Tang Xian.

At this time, Tang Xian was too late to urge the seal. He could only wave his hands in front of him, and took a cloud-like thick Qi to grab it forward.

Just listening to the sound of 'Booming Rumble', the surging energy turned into two huge palms, and it was shot at Yinmang on the spot.

The rushing Silver Mounton time seemed to hit a wall and stopped abruptly. It was out of balance bombarded by this terrible force, and could not help but retreat towards the rear.

Deserves to be the big commander of the big masters, and the Yinmang was suppressed by the shot.

"Of course you have this demon to protect the body, but you shouldn't come here without knowing it. The power of a royal family is vast beyond your imagination. Just because you want to settle the Dongsheng royal family?

As soon as his words fell, Yinmang had already rushed over again. The horrible demonic spirit was boiling, like a silver lightning rushing to Tang Xian with an incredible light.

Tang Xian flashed a taunt in his eyes, his body trembled suddenly, and his thick air burst out like spring water.

I saw him slowly stretch out his right hand, and the void suddenly waved, showing a huge giant palm. When it was first established, it was only one metre round. But when it fell, it rose when it saw the wind, and suddenly turned into a square of eight or nine meters, as if rolling down like a mountain peak.


Yinman's body shivered in mid-air, and was immediately shot by this giant palm. The huge body was crushed directly on the ground, and the body fell into most of it.


Yinmang roared, the madness burst out madly, and he wanted to break free from this huge palm. The force of terror even tore apart the surrounding earth.

But Tang Xian's right hand slowly pressed down, no matter how Yin Mang struggled, he couldn't escape the crushing of this palm and was pressed into the ground by an inch!

Chu Jingtian frowned slightly and drunk:

"come back!"


Suddenly, Yinmang gave up resistance, turned into a light, and put it into the badge.

The giant palm, without resistance, slammed on the ground, shaking the ground like a careful earthquake.

"Abandoned resistance?"

Tang Xian smiled and retracted his right hand. He looked at Chu Jingtian with a mockery. "I don't know who gave you the courage, but with a fourth-order monster, dare to break in here. This is the most wrong decision I have ever made in this life!"

"If you capture it, I will confess guilt to the Dongsheng dynasty, maybe I can spare you."

Tang Xian looked at Chu Jingtian, it was already a gesture of winning.

Although Yinmang is strong, he is not his opponent at all. Without this demon envoy to rely on, Chu Jingtian is like a tiger that has been pulled out of his teeth. Although there are still some deterrents, they have been discouraged.

And as he spoke, the big masters in the surrounding area had gathered around one after another, and Chu Jingtian suddenly fell into the situation of Chuge on all sides.

"Oh? Do you think that just winning Yin Mang, you think you have a winning ticket?"

Chu Jingtian slowly looked up ~ ~ looked at Tang Xian with a smile.

"Isn't it?" Tang Xian faintly replied.

"Why do you think that I am relying on the profession of beast master to eat food for me? For me, relying on mountains is worse than relying on myself. My biggest reliance is not Prince Xuanyun, nor is this fourth-tier silver awn ! "

"It's my cultivation of the fourth realm!"

In the eyes of Chu Jingtian, Han Mang was in full swing and stepped out.

Suddenly, the momentum of blood in the fourth realm swept wildly like a sea of ​​anger, and the masters who originally believed in vows changed dramatically.

Tang Xian was even struck by lightning and stood on the spot.

In the violent atmosphere, Chu Jingtian stood by his hands like a demon in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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