Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 187: Hope you don't regret

"Holding the sun and the moon to pick the stars, there is no one like me in this world!"

When Chu Jingtian started the formation, the only thought in the banquet guests' minds. The compass in his hand also faded the ugly appearance at this moment. Countless golden runes, like maggots, rose up and turned into countless stars.

And the most eye-catching, is one gold and one silver two lights, is moving in a mysterious posture, as if it contains the general situation of heaven and earth!

"This is a magic weapon!" A burst of exclaimed sound broke out from the crowd.

"What is a magic weapon?" Everyone asked, waking up from the shock.

"There are many types of magical instruments, including offensive magical instruments, defensive magical instruments, space-based magical instruments, auxiliary magical instruments, and magical magical instruments." A master caster was speaking: It must rely on the surrounding environment, and even the sun, moon, and stars. Arranging them takes time and effort ... "

"But this kind of magic weapon is engraved on the magic weapon and does not need to be arranged in advance. You only need to inject mana to urge the magic!"

The others listened and couldn't help but stun.

An ordinary cast master cannot make this kind of magic matrix instrument at all, and a master of magic matrix must be assisted.

"I don't know what kind of array method is engraved on this instrument of Master Chu." The forgemaker couldn't help muttering. "The power of the magic weapon is determined by the magic method on the magic weapon. The higher the level of the magic weapon, the stronger the magic weapon!"

Everyone heard the words, silent in their hearts.

With the gesture of this instrument, how can it seem that the level will not be too low.

At this time I only heard Chu Jingtian said:

"This instrument is the" Tian Compass ". Once activated, the range of matrix formations can include the entire palace. There are three major array formations on the instrument. The five-element ecstasy array can block the fourth-strength powerhouse. The third is the five-element sky-strike array, which can kill the fourth-level powerhouse!

"The magic weapon is made from the core of the third-order willow tree demon and the eyes of the dragon dragon demon."

"Once it is urged, it will be difficult to break through this battle unless a large fourth-level powerhouse attacks!"

Chu Jingtian smiled and looked at Han Chuxiu, Shen Yutian, and Wu Haoran, asking slightly:

"I don't know, can I compare this instrument to your keel whip?"

This question was silent everywhere.

With all eyes, Qi Qi looked at Han Chuxiu and Shen Yutian. I'm not afraid of not knowing the goods, I'm afraid that the phrase "combining goods" can be taken out again. Compared with the compass of this day, Shen Yutian's keel whip can be completely lost.

And Shen Yutian's complexion was pale. He couldn't figure it out. Chu Jingtian took three days to make a magic weapon. How could he be so scary!

Han Chuxiu was also full of embarrassment. He originally thought that the voltage stabilization Chu was shocking, but he did not expect that the other party was a hidden master!

However, the most surprising thing is Shen Lei.

He originally thought that this instrument was just made by Chu Jingtian, at most it was just a meaning, but who knows that it is such a thing. Even if the compass is regarded as the treasure of the town this day, it is more than enough.

"Hahaha, Master Chu is really amazing. This caster is of the same level, but the country is unparalleled! Father Gongchen, don't hurry to put away the Tian Compass. If something goes wrong, I'll take your head off!" Shen Leida Laughed.

The old **** was also sincere and horrified, holding the compass carefully, for fear of bumping into collision.

Shen Lei, who has been very enthusiastic, is like an old friend who has met for many years:

"Master Chu, noisy here, let's take a step to talk!"

As soon as the Tian Compass came out, Chu Jingtian's status suddenly improved several levels in Shen Lei's heart.

Can I get a good relationship with such people, will I worry that the royal family will not be strong in the future?

Just then, a cold voice came:

"Your Majesty, wait!"

Shen Lei heard the words, and a look of anger flashed on his face.

He also had time to speak in the future, so he listened to Han Chuxiu and continued, "Your Majesty, please wait a moment. Master Chu has spoken well to me and insulted me, Xuan Yun, as a disrespect to Xuan Yun. As a person of the Xuan Yun Dynasty , I can't sit idly by! "

Han Chuxiu has lost all face this time, and has lost his way, and can only retrieve the scene through tricks.

Just listen to him continue:

"Master Chu previously insulted me and said, 'What do you count?', But he didn't pay attention to me at all. I want to ask Master Chu, if you look down on me, what else can get into your eyes."

No one who was present was aware of this. At this time, Han Chuxiu had to make his own claims before, forcing Chu Jingtian to take the initiative to buy and sell a fourth-tier monster.

Now, he actually moved the matter out.

"Han Chuxiu, get rid of me!" Shen Lei was furious.

Han Chuxiu didn't move. To his strength and status, Dang Yu has spread throughout the dynasty. Even if Shen Lei was the Emperor Xuanyun, he did not dare to move him easily, this was his dependence.

If he really retreats today, I am afraid that his status will plummet in the future.

"In my eyes, you aren't anything at all, am I wrong?" Chu Jingtian took a look at him, and said seriously.

A humiliation flashed in Han Chuxiu's eyes, and he whispered, "I'm Chu! I respect you and call you Master Chu. If you don't respect you, what kind of thing are you? Since you look down on me, I will now be the general soldier Sanctions on your behalf! "

This is endless!

Visitors, all silent.

As long as no blind person can see it, Han Chuxiu is really angry. He wants to kill Chu Jingtian at all costs, remove all obstacles for the great emperor Shen Yutian, and directly pave the way to the throne.

"You ..." Shen Lei's eyes were angry.

However, he had not spoken yet, but he heard Chu Jingtian faintly say, "I don't take any shots easily, I will see blood when I take my shots. Mr. Han Bing, do you dare?"

"Just agree with me!" Han Chuxiu sneered.

"Master Chu ..." Shen Lei was about to stop, but Shen Yuhao whispered aside: "Father Emperor, Master Chu was really angry. How can you persuade him, he won't listen. You haven't been afraid of Han Chuxiu mastering the soldiers Ma Daquan has affected Chao Gang? Since Master Chu is willing to take a shot, this is exactly the opportunity to eradicate him! "

There are many party feathers in the queen group.

Extending the line to the Queen, Xuan Yun Chief Soldier, and down to the trafficker.

Although Shen Lei is the Emperor Xuanyun, he can't deal with the emperor's faction fairly. In particular, the Han family also had a fourth-level Jin Dan Xiaocheng's self-cultivation power, which made the royal family jealous.

"That being said, Master Chu ..." Shen Lei was vaguely worried.

"Father Emperor, Master Chu is far more powerful than you see. When he is not in the fourth realm, it is enough to kill the fourth-order monster. Now that he is in the fourth realm, can he still be afraid of Han Chuxiu?" Shen Yutian low Sound channel.

Between words, everyone has given up a large area.

Han Chuxiu stayed still, and a strong mana emerged from his body.

This is the introduction of Jin Dan in the fourth realm!


Looking at Chu Jingtian with a calm complexion, Han Chuxiu could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and saw that he grabbed his right hand, held the folding fan, and waved suddenly.

There was a sudden gale in the calm wine feast, and the sand was flying away. A hurricane tossed up, turned into an angry dragon mixed with billowing sand and stones, and flew straight into the sky.

"This is a magic weapon?"

Everyone cried out.

Han Chuxiu made the instrument into a fan shape, usually holding it in his hands, seemingly inconspicuous. But when you start, you are taking advantage of it.

"I don't know how Master Chu will take this trick!"

Everyone thought about it and looked at it quickly.

"The power is not enough!"

Chu Jingtian smiled faintly, spit out fiercely, the red flame spirit fire was already tumbling out, and hit the angry dragon. A burst of explosion sounded, the angry dragon was torn on the spot, countless flames splashed down, and the surrounding burning ground was messy.

Seeing nothing, Chu Jingtian grabbed with his right hand. Suddenly, the scattered flames were pulled, and turned into intricate strands toward the center, and suddenly a sea of ​​flames was formed and rushed towards Han Chuxiu.

"Too arrogant!"

Angrily flashed in Han Chuxiu's eyes, and Chu Jingtian dared to comment on his technique like this, which simply did not put his fourth power in the eyes.

"I'll see, how long can you be proud!"

He screamed angrily, grabbed with his right hand again, and a white light folding fan burst into a green light, then waved suddenly.

The sea of ​​fire that flew in front of him turned around at this moment, and hurled at Chu Jingtian with a more fierce attitude than before. The billowing heat waves crackled in the surrounding air, and the space seemed to twist.


When Shen Lei saw this, he couldn't help going backwards.

"Is this the fourth realm?"

Countless guests were stunned.

The power of raising his hands is already against the world. I am afraid that this flame can burn a mountain peak to ashes?

But then, Chu shocked with a chuckling smile, opened his mouth and sucked, and gave the tumbling red flame spirit to his belly.

"You can slay the dragon dragon demon slayer in the tomb of the martial arts. It is indeed arrogant. But the dragon dragon demon is only a beast. How can it be compared with my fourth-level practitioners?

"Chu Jingtian, what do you mean by not defending? Attack!"

Han Chuxiu shouted.

I saw him step out, his whole mana seemed to be tumbling like a tide, and a surging cloud of gas was dancing up and down like boiling, sweeping in all directions. Along his body, the ground ‘Beep Beep’ burst around, and the terrible cracks spread wildly.

Guests near him were pushed back and forth by this momentum. It is only when Shen Lei and Lu Jian stay intact that Shen Yuhao still relies on Lu Jianli to grab one to resist this momentum.

But it was also pale and breathless because of this momentum.

"Haha, it's real!"

Seeing this scene, Shen Yutian's eyes were full of pleasure.

As a great prince, when has he been subjected to such humiliation, not to mention he has been repeatedly humiliated!

"We have low strength and can't clean him up! But it doesn't mean that Xuanyun Dynasty ~ ~ nobody can deal with him!" Wu Haoran sneered.

"The teenager is famous, he doesn't know the heights and heights, and the royal family dare to intervene, it's almost death." Another said coldly, "This is the time when he pays the price."

"Master Chu!" Shen Lei could not help crying.

Chu Jingtian looked at Han Chuxiu quietly, smiled, and then smiled: "Okay, this is what you asked for, I hope you don't regret it!"


I saw his voice just came down, quietly step out. At this moment, his momentum suddenly changed, as if a sharp sword exudes its sharp edge, straight into the sky. It is like a towering mountain, enough to suppress everything.

But Chu Jingtian's momentum at the same time suddenly trembled, as if the punctured balloon suddenly shrank. Han Chuxiu looked at Chu Jingtian in horror. The other party did nothing but just stepped out. In his eyes, he looked like a giant stepping on the sky above the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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