Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1889: Helpless

One night.

The entire Tianjie Mountains was destroyed, and the news that Chu Jingtian stepped into the Wei family ’s last line of defense was destroyed, spreading throughout the holy realm with a swift gesture.

Everyone who heard the news was deeply shocked.

"How is that possible? The Tianjie Mountains have been breached? Doesn't this mean that Chu Jingtian can go straight into the Wei family?"

"The Beast Emperor Ridge, the Shadow, the Great Returning Yuanzong, the Savage Emperor, and the Supreme Master Bai Yun ... these forces, these organizations, these strong men are second only to the Holy Family, second only to the ancestor level, and so on. Chu Jingtian gave an easy solution? Impossible, right? "

"It's impossible! Their bodies are still in the mountains of Tianzhai! There have been corpses and blood flowing into the river. Basically, those who participated in that war have no living!"

"Chu Jingtian's strength is too strong! I'm afraid it has not reached the level of the ancestor!"

"Huh, I said a long time ago, how easy is Chu Jingtian's bounty to get? As a result, the money is in hand, but I have no life to spend ... I heard that they have not even been able to stop Chu Jingtian's footsteps!"

Countless people were amazed and shocked.

The holy realm has been calm for many years, but after the young man stepped into the holy realm, there was a stir in the whole holy realm. After this war, at least 50% of the organizational forces that are second only to the Holy Family will be completely wiped out, and 30% will be seriously injured, even if they cannot be recovered for thousands of years.

"I don't know what the Wei family should do next!"

More people set their sights on the Wei family.

after all.

These people are just bystanders, and the Wei family is the protagonist of this incident. What choices will they make after the Tianjie Mountain incident ends?

Continue to raise the bounty?

Or send the strong in the family to kill Chu Jingtian?

For a time.

The Wei family's next action can be regarded as attracting everyone's appetite in the holy realm.

And at this time.

In the hall of the Wei family, there was a gloomy cloud.

It was already dissatisfied to learn that the atmosphere of the immortal residence was settled that day.

Even though Chu Jingtian has not yet stepped onto the Wei family's territory, they have already felt a deep depression, as if an invisible black cloud is pressing on their heads!

This atmosphere has even spread from the top to ordinary people in the family.

For a time, many people of the bottom ethnic group felt palpitations.

And this meeting.

It's not like before. Everyone looks like a serious heart. Obviously, they are frightened by the news that Chu Jingtian stepped out of the Tianjie Mountains. You know, when they learned about the numbers and forces who participated in the hunting of Chu Jingtian in the Tianjie Mountains, they were arrogant to the extreme, thinking that Chu Jingtian could be killed in the Tianjie Mountains without any obstacles!

But in just three days, the results have come out.

All the mountains of Tianjie are gone!

Chu Jingtian is unscathed!

During the whole process, Chu Jingtian shot it all by himself.

"Did you have nothing to do with Chu Jingtian?" Wei Tiansheng sat cross-legged on the top spot, looking dignified, his cold eyes swept over everyone, and finally fell on a middle-aged man:

"Wei Qing, at the beginning you were most active in killing Chu Jingtian. What should we do next?"

"I ..." Wei Qing, who was named, trembled, opened his mouth, and sighed like an eggplant beaten by frost. In the end, he didn't say a word.

Not bad!

Before that, he was indeed the main faction. In his opinion, with the power of the Wei family, it would not be easy to deal with a shocking situation.

But who thought Chu Jingtian's strength was so horrible!

When the strength reaches a certain level, all the strategies will be useless.

"Wei Tianqiang, you speak!"

"Wei Kuang, you say!"

"Weian, you say!"

Wei Tiansheng called several elders in a row, but none of them spoke.

See this scene.

Wei Tiansheng was burning in anger and couldn't help but yell, "Why, why don't you speak now? I didn't forget, at first, several of you vowed to start off with Chu Jingtian! It was vowed not to let Chu Jingtian step into us The Wei family took one step! Now that Chu Jingtian has set foot on the Tianjie Mountains, he can then drive straight into our Wei family! "

Seeing the old ancestor's trouble, everyone looked at each other. In the end, Wei Qing whispered, "Otherwise, we will double the bounty? Under the heavy reward, there will be people who will see the money and open their hands to Chu!"

When he said this, he was immediately echoed by everyone: "Yeah, we raise the bounty again ... I can't believe those people can't be moved! Don't they just want to take advantage of the fire and robbery? While we deal with Chu Jingtian, fierce Make a fortune! Just give them! After we destroy Chu Jingtian, we will ask them to come back! "

"Yes, this is a good way ..."


Wei Tiansheng heard the words, but could not help but sigh: "The idea you think of, I have already thought of it! Before that, I have tripled the bounty ... even promised that the other party can join Wei after it is done Home, go straight to the Elders! "

"Does anyone agree?" Wei Qing asked quickly.

"How could it be?" Wei Tiansheng shook his head and sighed.

Wei Qing couldn't help but open his mouth wide and said: "How is that possible? No one would agree with such a generous condition?"

"Did you really take the world as a fool? Do you think others will ask for money and die?" Wei Tiansheng sneered, shaking his head: "Now, the outside world guesses that Chu Jingtian's strength can not even reach the level of the patriarch of the Holy Realm. It is almost the same. In the face of such existence, who dares to die? "

As Wei Tiansheng said these words, there was a dead silence in the whole hall.

Patriarch level!

What a terrible existence this is.

It can be said without exaggeration.

The reason why these holy realms can stand for such a long time is entirely because they have an ancestor-level existence. As long as the ancestors do not fall, these holy realms will not be threatened ~ ~ As you can imagine, How important is the ancestor's existence to a holy family.

But now.

Wei Tiansheng actually shocked everyone when he said that Chu Jingtian also possessed the ancestor-level strength.

"Did we just watch Chu Jingtian step into our Wei house without help?" For a long time, Wei Qing couldn't help it.

"That being the case, we can only let Chu Jingtian enter our Wei family!" Wei Tiansheng whispered: "At that time, how about using the mountain guard to deal with him!"

"The mountain guard?"

For a time.

Everyone in the hall could not help breathing down.

And Wei Qing looked up fiercely, his eyes full of ecstasy.

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