Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 195: Grand Commander

"This ... this ..." Yue Hongchang struggled from shock, despairing.

He had thought that Chu Jingtian was defeated by Frost Green Flame, and he chose to beg for defeat.

He also thought that Chu Jingtian was dying, but was burned to ashes.

He also thought that Chu Jingtian knew he was dead and would end up with himself.

However, he never expected that Chu Jingtian swallowed his frosty blue flame.

"Doesn't anyone tell you that I'm the third master of martial arts?" Chu Jingtian looked at Yue Hongchang quietly.

He had a quiet voice and no emotion. But this made Yue Hongchang tremble, as if poured from a basin of ice water, a chill emerged directly from his spine into his soul.


Yue Hongchang couldn't help it any longer, and kicked back a few steps.

Lin Lao saw this scene, even more dumb. Knowing that Chu Jingtian was so powerful, they still desperately sought what the immortal fairy was doing, and let Bai Ningshuang follow Chu Jingtian directly!

In the Japanese Empire, no one except the Grand Commander could be an enemy.

Seeing the other person's eyes fall on himself, Yue Hongchang was pale and bitter:

"Master Chu, I swear that I will not hunt Bai Ningshuang any more, but please let me go!"

"What do you think?" Chu Jingtian stood still. "Did you forget what I said? You shot me, do you think I will spare you?"

Yue Hongchang's face was white again.

Chu Jingtian did say before that he vowed not to hunt Bai Ningshuang again. But at that time his magic weapon was in his body. Where could he hear Chu Chutian's words?


Deserves to be the leader of the master inside, can afford to put down. Seeing Chu Jingtian ’s intention to kill was decided, at this time, where could he still take care of his face, his feet slumped, and his qi turned into two cloud wings and rushed towards the outside!

"Want to escape?"

Chu Jingtian smiled slightly, opened his mouth and spit out his **** high:

"Back to you!"


That cold frost and blue flames turned into pillars of fire and soared into the sky, directly surrounding Yue Hongchang.

This unusual fire was more condensed and terrifying than when Yue Hongchang was performing before. The crowd only heard a wailing sound coming from mid-air. After the flames dissipated, where would Yue Hongchang be?

All the big masters in the audience who watched this scene are ashamed and dare not speak.

"I want to save Bai Ningshuang now, who else of you want to stop?"

No one had previously believed that this young man could stop Yue Hongchang and these masters from catching people. But now, first Zhao Fan was killed by one foot, then Yue Hongchang was burned to ashes.

Dozens of masters bowed their heads, and dare not speak.

"go away!"

Chu Jingtian glanced lightly at these people, sneer.


As soon as this remark came out, everyone felt relieved. What's more, he almost stood unstable, and would almost fall to the ground without the help of his peers. In these short moments, they just felt like they were wandering around the ghost gate, full of thoughts for the rest of the life after the disaster.

"Master Chu, let's retire!"

A leader stiffened his head and worshipped at Chu.

Chu Jingtian seemed to be thinking of something, and then he said:

"Go back and tell the Japanese royal family that Baifu ’s feud is memorable. I will definitely go back to the Japanese Japanese dynasty and seek justice for the Bai family!"

The leader trembled when he heard his words, showing an unbelievable look.

The other big masters are also full of horror.

If Chu Jingtian rescued Bai Ningshuang, this is hitting the face of the Japanese royal family. So now, that is to say, press the Japanese royal family to the ground and crush with your feet!

It is absolutely impossible for the Japanese royal family to stop!

"Master Chu, I will tell your words to the royal family exactly as they were originally written." The leader woke up from shock and worshiped at Chu Jingtian again, and quickly led the crowd to escape the courtyard.

Before he left, he took a special look at Chu Jingtian, his heart was cold.

‘Chu Jingtian! You are against the Japanese royal family. This is the most wrong decision you have ever made. The anger of a dynasty is not something you a little Beiliangtianwang can bear! ’

‘Since you have chosen to oppose the Japanese royal family, you will inevitably bear the anger of the royal family, and then you will know what regret is! ’


"Thank you Master Chu!"

Seeing the crowds leaving, Lao Lao and Bai Ningshuang were relieved, and quickly worshiped Chu again. "If it wasn't for Master Chu's rescue, I'm afraid we would be killed here!"

Bai Ningshuang nodded again and again, and looked excitedly at the boy in front of him.

After Yue Hongchang appeared, she thought that she was in danger of escape, but who knew that the other party had directly come up with a shocking reversal and drove away all these big masters.

"It's just a matter of raising your hands, you are still following me, to prevent those masters from killing a return carbine." Chu Jingtian smiled. "At least I'm here. They don't dare treat you."

"There is a master Lao Chu!"

Chu Jingtian patted Bai Ningshuang's head, his eyes were soft, this moment he seemed to return to Xianzong in the previous life.

Bai Ningshuang didn't know why. Instead of being disgusted, the other side patted his head like this, but there was still a long absence of warmth.

However, this is not a warm thing for Shen Yuhao.

When he saw Chu Jingtian who suddenly went out, and two more people came back, he cried with a crying face:

"Master Chu, wouldn't you tell me, this woman is Bai Ningshuang?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Chu Jingtian looked at him in surprise.

His attitude almost did not let Shen Yuhao vomit blood.


what happened?

This gesture is too casual! Brother, do you know what happened?

"Master Chu, this Bai Ningshuang is a wanted criminal of the Japanese Sun Dynasty. Now the entire Japanese Sun Dynasty is chasing her, and the masters of the Japanese army are dispatched. You are so bright and honest that you are holding her against the Japanese Sun Dynasty!" Shen Yuhao wanted to cry without tears.

He already knew that Chu Jingtian suddenly went out, and there was absolutely nothing good about it.

But he didn't expect it to be such a big thing, and actually brought back all the wanted men of a dynasty.

"Hurry up and hide her, if the masters in the neighbourhood come to check it, it's over!" Shen Yuhao was in an impatient gesture after busy. But he suddenly found that Bai Ningshuang's eyes were full of regret, and Lin Lao was full of helplessness, except that Chu Jingtian was still so indifferent.

Seeing this gaze, Shen Yuhao suddenly shivered, and couldn't help asking:

"Master Chu, shouldn't the masters of Dainichi's royal family already know this?"

"Yes! I killed a leader and a leader. Let them go back and talk, Bai Ningshuang will keep me." Chu Jingtian said quietly.

‘You are my uncle! ’

Shen Yuhao almost spit out blood.

This is a blatant enemy of the Japanese Empire!

He thought he invited Chu Jingtian to find a big backer. But who would have thought that this backing was actually a volcano, usually silent, once it erupted, it would be shocking.

"You don't have to worry about it. I carried it down with my own power, and it won't involve you for half a minute. One day in Xuanyun, I will protect you as a Prince. Even if I am gone, I will also Will leave you safe and sound! "

Chu Jingtian looked at him quietly.

After hearing Chu Jingtian's remarks, Shen Yuhao also felt a little embarrassed for a while, and quickly said, "Master Chu, I didn't mean that ..."

But Chu Jingtian said:

"I speak in shock, always telling the law. Although you and I only cooperate, I will keep your place if I collect your things. As for this Bai Ningshuang, it is my own business that will not involve you."

Shen Yuhao looked stunned.

At this time, he calmed down instead.

"Master Chu, I am too Menglang. You can rest assured that I will carry it with you!"

"This is not necessary. When I enter Wan Mo Yuan and reach the triple fourth realm, will I be afraid of a small Japanese dynasty?" Chu Jingtian said in a deep voice.

"Then let's set off!"

Shen Yuhao responded quickly and continued to rush towards Wan Mo Yuan.


And at the same time.

The big masters who were driven out of the courtyard by Chu Jingtian did not leave, but settled down in a certain suburb. One of the men dressed up as a leader took out a compass-like thing, and when he twisted it slightly, a mirror rose from the compass.

"Have you caught Bai Ningshuang?"

In the mirror, a one-eyed man stands with his hands in his hands, and his eyes are like a lone wolf, which is daunting.

This one-eyed man is Yan Hezhang, the great commander of the Great Japanese Empire who ruled Dainai.

"Bad work, **** it, I didn't catch Bai Ningshuang!" The leader quickly fists.

Yan Hezhang didn't speak, but his eyes were clear.

The masters of Da Nei are only allowed to succeed and not fail. This is an iron law. Unless you encounter something invincible, you will never give up easily. He glanced around and asked:

"Why isn't Yue Hongchang here?"

"Master, he was killed," the leader said.

Until then, Yan Hezhang's eyes became turbulent.

Yue Hongchang is a strong self-cultivation in the fourth realm. Who can kill him? The masters of the Bai family were wiped out by them and none survived. Only one old slave named Lin is still outside, but he will not be Yue Hongchang's opponent.

"Is there any other royal family shot?" Yan Hezhang thought and wanted to be able to destroy Yue Hongchang and scare off the forces of masters in the country. Only the royal family of the same level could do it.

"Bai Ningshuang can actually invite other royal families?"

The leader smiled bitterly, and couldn't help but said, "The big commander is not the royal family, but the master of Northern Liang Tian Wang Chu. It is he who has shot to protect Bai Ningshuang ..."

Seeing Yan Hezhang's horrified eyes, the leader quickly explained:

"When we caught Bai Ningshuang, we didn't know how to leak the wind, let Chu know the sky. He broke into the courtyard with a single shot and killed Zhao Fan's boss under the eyes of everyone."

"Later, Commander Yue learned that the news was coming, both hard and soft, but the boy refused to let it go, and he naturally fought!"

The boss said, could not help but swallow. Even after so long, thinking of that scene, he felt a chill in his heart:

"Chu Jing naturally swallowed the cold frost and blue flames, and burned the leader of Yue to ashes!"

"Swallowing different fires and burning Yue Hongchang to ashes?"

Yan Hezhang's eyes narrowed for a moment, revealing an incredible color.

But he knew that these big masters would never dare to lie in front of them.

"The kid also let us bring a word to the royal family!" The boss glanced at Yan Hezhang, and said quickly.

"What is it?"

The boss whispered, "He said,‘ I ’m the Bai family, I remember it. I will definitely go back to the Da Ri Dynasty and seek justice for the Bai family! '”


Yan Hezhang laughed wildly when he heard his words.

The big masters under the compass of the compass ~ ~ heard the sound of laughter, and could not help but change his face, and he dared to kneel and not speak more.

They knew that whenever the chief leader laughed, someone would inevitably encounter it.

"So amazing!"

Yan Hezhang suddenly converged and smiled, and his one-eyed glaring. "I've heard what the prince mentioned, what the boy did in the tomb. I also knew that he was arrogant, but he didn't think he was so arrogant.

"He dare to intervene in the affairs of the Japanese royal family? Hehe, I can't bury it!"

"Great commander! Isn't it ..." The leader shuddered, revealing an incredible color.

"People who dare to obstruct the work of masters in Dainai have never been able to stay alive. Since you are not his opponents, let me come here for a while!"

Yan Hezhang held up his hands, and his one-eye light was radiant.

(End of this chapter)

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