Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1949: Fairyland Secret

To know.

That's a fairy!

Can be seen from the sphere of influence of these ancestors.

As long as you can reach the Dixian master.

Will be able to megatron, to ensure the prosperity of the entire family forever.

If you reach the level of Celestial Immortality, I am afraid that the whole heaven will be famous.

But now.

The ancestors of Yan's family actually told him that the reason why the heavenly immortals in the holy world disappeared was probably erased by others.

The news is inevitably too shocking.

If someone else heard about it, he would not believe it.

But in doubt, he couldn't help but think of the existence of what he called the skeletons of gods and deities, as well as that page of the Chinese character book. These beings can never be what the earth immortal can possess, I am afraid that they must have belonged to the heavenly immortals.

"You are not impossible!"

Thought about it for a moment, Chu Jingtian nodded his head, and agreed seriously.

"Master, do you actually believe it?"

The ancestor of Yan's family looked up in amazement, apparently he couldn't believe Chu Jingtian actually believed it.

To know.

When he got this guess, he was puzzled for a long time, and finally accepted it with doubt.

But he did not expect that Chu Jingtian actually agreed with his statement.

Is there any related news similar to this in the prefecture?

A time.

The ancestors of Yan's family could not help guessing wildly.

"Don't guess wildly, I haven't got news similar to this from other places. I just think that even the heavenly immortals are not eternal, maybe there is a powerful existence outside of heaven that we don't know may be."

Looking at the look of Yan's ancestor, Chu Jingtian knew that he was thinking of other things to avoid the other party's random imagination, so Chu Jingtian simply expressed his guess.

"After all, although our strength is considered to be top in the entire Holy World, but this total of thirty-six days of heaven and earth, who knows what powerful existence is hidden in heaven and earth?"

Speaking of which, Chu Jingtian's thoughts could not help but flutter, he couldn't help thinking of the ancestor tree **** in the tree world.

With his own strength, he can affect the entire Holy Realm. This power is obviously terrifying to the extent that ordinary people can't imagine, and it is simply not what Dixian can possess.

"Is that a higher existence than Tianxian?"

Chu Jingtian for a while involuntarily blurted out.

"Master, what are you talking about?" Ancestor Yan's family couldn't help but stunned.

"Nothing!" Chu Jingtian shook his head and said, "As long as you know, our Holy World is only part of the thirty-six days of outer heaven, and there are many things we don't know."


Yan's ancestor heard the words and dropped his head deeply.


Chu Jingtian didn't elaborate, but he could tell from Chu Jingtian's previous expression that the other party must know something. And these things are likely to be him, or even secrets that the entire Holy Realm does not know.

"It seems that the owner is not as simple as we thought!"

Yan's ancestor thought so.

Was thinking.

The two had already arrived in the middle of the valley and in front of that huge lake.

"Master, so pure aura!"

The ancestor of Yan family almost rushed up.

Even him.

Also rarely see such a lake with rich aura.

Say no surprise, that is impossible.


Chu nodded in shock.

His gaze is also extremely hot.

Not to mention such a huge lake, it is the heaven and earth treasure in the whole valley, the number is also quite huge.

"It seems that next, I can finally break through the fairy!"

Thought of here.

Chu was shocked, and immediately decided to retreat.

At the time when Chu Jingtian closed with him.

The entire Holy World, because of his battle, finally had a dramatic impact.

Chu's shocking battle is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

To know.

The reason why the Holy Family can survive in the world is because it has the existence of an ancestor. As long as these ancestors are still a day, their family can not be shaken at all.

However, in the overseas fairy city, eight ancestors fell.

It can be said.

In the entire Holy Realm, there are eight major domains, all of which are indirectly affected. Some hidden families are naturally not willing to hide, but more or less have a certain relationship with those of the Holy Family.

Now that these ancestors have fallen, the Holy Family has seen a lot of hope. Since there is no suppression by the ancestors, it means that their families have the opportunity to rise, and even replace them to a certain extent.


These hidden world families did not act immediately, but sent people to investigate overseas Xiancheng.


With the return of the warriors who had returned from the overseas fairy city, the entire East China Sea became turbulent again. Not to mention exploring the fairy city, it became an extravagant desire to look at it.

Even so.

Those hidden families are still waiting.

One day, two days, three days ...

Ten days, twenty days, thirty days ...

With Chu Jingtian rushing into the fairy city for a full month without news, many people have begun to wonder whether Chu Jingtian was already buried in the fairy city.

After all, it ’s a fairy city ~ ~ After all, so many ancestors have explored and ca n’t detect the core city.

Many people chose to continue to be forbearing.

However, some people think that Chu Jingtian and Yan's ancestors have fallen into the fairy city, and it is impossible to appear again. Now is the rare opportunity to destroy these Holy Family families.


Thunder rang throughout the Yan family site.

on this day.

There was a sky-changing Changhong, pouring into the clouds, a huge aura, a crown covering a thousand miles, a horrible black cloud, covering the sky and covering the sun, almost sweeping half of the large area, countless people saw it, and the news was scared.

There are rumors that this is the birth of the black cloud ancestor.

In the Yanjia site, there are several hidden families, one of which is the black cloud ancestor's family. When the ancestors of the Yan family lived, these hidden families who had been suppressed could not lift their heads. It is even more assured that the ancestors of the Yan family lived for a day, and their families would never be born.

Now that the Yan family ancestors have been missing for more than a month, these hidden families can no longer bear it.

Followed immediately.

Among the Xu family in the Holy Realm.

Infinite Yinsha tumbling, as if infinite evil spirits emerged from the Nine Nether Purgatory. Where this ghastly spirit passed, humans and animals disappeared, leaving only a scorched earth.

Someone went to investigate before he died, and found that all the spirits had passed, all the creatures were devoured, and only one corpse was left.

"This is the old ancestor of Yuyu who was suppressed by the ancestors of the Xu family! I didn't expect that even he came out!"

The entire Holy World.

At this very moment, the wind raged.

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