Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 2: What am I doing wrong?

He is not only surprised by Chu Ao, including the elders in the hall of discussions, and even the people outside the hall.

Because in their impression, Chu Jingtian has always been just a promise, let alone in front of the family elders, this unceremonious remark!

"Chu Jingtian, what do you mean by this waste?"

The elder grandma's face went down instantly.

In the northern palace of Beibei, the elder covered his hands with his hands and was only under Chu Ao. Anyone who saw him had to salute him and be afraid to offend.

Now, Chu Jingtian is being yelled at in public, how can he swallow this breath?

"Did I hear you right? Chu Jingtian dare to speak to the elders like this ?!"

"It's really arrogant! If you have committed such a great crime, you dare not see anyone. Such a person staying in the palace is afraid that it will cause greater trouble!" An elder shook his head and sneered.

"If he is not the son of King Beiliang, he might have been strangled by a messy stick!"

Everyone looked at Chu Jingtian gleefully.

Chu Jingtian's offense was too great this time, and the King of Liangliang couldn't protect him.

You must know that the king of Beiliang had only Chu Jingtian as his son. In the Great Yan dynasty that respected Wu, Chu Jingtian had basically cut off the possibility of inheriting the king of Beiliang.

Many elders in the Dai family stared at the position of King Beiliang.

For a long time, although Chu Jingtian was embarrassed, he did not make much mistake, and many elders did not have an excuse for making trouble!

Now these elders want to put Chu Jingtian to death!

"Elder, my father is the king of Liangliang. He didn't even speak. What are you doing? How can you speak here?"

Chu Chu's eyes flashed a coldness.

In the past life, the powerful Beiliang King's Mansion was so defeated that the Emperor Nine defeated the entire family in just one night. The biggest reason was the elder.

He 觊觎 Bei Liang Wang's position, betrayed the entire family!

That night, the blood of Beiliang Wangfu became a river.


In the heart of Elder Wu, Chu Jingtian scolded a dog's blood.

But as the other party said, Chu Ao didn't say anything. His elder erupted to attack first, which was really out of order.

I forcibly swallowed the bad breath in my heart, and the elder turned to look at Chu Ao:

"Patriarch! Chu's guilty conspiracy, you decide."

Chu Chuao's eyes were more surprised, but he didn't express it, but said:

"Chu Jingtian, let the elders put aside. I will hold a family meeting today to discuss the three sins you committed! Chu Jingtian, do you know how much trouble you have caused to the palace?"

As soon as Chu Chu'ao's words fell, the elder's eyes flashed with joy.

He looked at Chu Jingtian with a proud look, and even showed a provocative smile.

‘Is n’t you arrogant before? ’

‘I see how proud you are now! You offended King Jinling, offended the royal family, and lost the face of Beiliang King's Mansion, even if you Lao Tzu couldn't hold you back, you will look good in the future! ’

Everyone present shook his head and sighed.

Chu Chuao's face was indifferent, saying:

"You know what's wrong?"

错 "Wrong, what's wrong with me?"

Chu Chu shocked and laughed.

When he said this, everyone was uproar.

Tong Chu'ao looked even colder. His original intention was to let Chu Jingtian recognize a mistake in person, and he took over the matter as the king of Liangliang. But he never expected that Chu Jingtian actually said so.

The elder, who has been silent, has a prouder look on his face, and already claps his hands:

"Chu Jingtian, you have already committed a heinous crime. Whether it is corruption of the state treasury, or the courteous county master, or defeat of the fight, it is a capital crime. If you commit three crimes together, do you dare not confess your sin?

At this moment, everyone looked towards Chu Jingtian, and the anger in his eyes was hard to conceal.

I have to know that Chu's shocking events have alarmed the emperor, and even the emperor must explain it.

"Beiliang King I became famous, but it was so wasteful to have a son!" Someone sighed.

"If he admits wrongly, he may still be able to escape, but the dead duck has a hard mouth, afraid that it will be difficult for him to retreat!" Someone slowly shook his head as if he had seen Chu Jingtian's ending.

闹 This incident is too big to even end.

Chu Chu was so shocked that he didn't confess his account.

At this moment, I saw the second elder standing up and saying righteously:

"Master, I'm afraid you don't know the seriousness of the matter yet. I advise you that it's better to confess your mistakes now, maybe there is a way out. If you keep talking hard, hum ..."

He didn't finish talking, but the meaning between the lines was obvious.

At this time, everyone looked towards Chu Jingtian, looking or scornful, or mocking, or disdainful.

"Come here, take the young master down!"

Chu Chu proudly sighed.

他 In his opinion, Chu Jingtian had nothing to do.

Hey too!

Even for him, it is very difficult to get rid of such a calamity. With Chu Jingtian, how can we solve it?

As soon as the chanting came to an end, several warriors came outside the hall.

Elder Grandma can't hide his proud look. He looked at Chu Jingtian and said secretly in his heart:

‘Chu Jingtian, although you can survive this calamity, your status and reputation in the Beiliang Palace will also drop to the freezing point, and the family power will ultimately fall into my hands. ’

The elder grandmother secretly smug.

"Master, please!"

The Wu family warriors looked at Chu Jingtian expressionlessly, and it was difficult to conceal contempt.

Elder Er Er shook his head secretly, even if he was in such a position as Chu Jingtian, he would die.

Everyone looked at Chu Jingtian one after another, but whispered more and more.

"In the future, this astounding Chu will not only be reduced to the laughingstock of Beiliang King's Mansion, but also spread throughout the Dayan Dynasty!"

"But this time, Chu Jingtian was afraid that he would be completely banned from staying in the palace. In the future, he would be far away from the center of palace authority and could only be an ordinary person!"

不过 "However, he was saved from death, but it was a lucky one!"

I looked at Chu Jingtian, who was about to be kicked out of the hall of discussion, and many people had already seen the situation in the other side.

I was just surprised that Chu Jingtian still stood in the center of the hall, motionless.

When several guards saw Chu Ao's impatient look on his face, he was ready to grab Chu Jingtian and drag him out of the hall.

Su Chutian suddenly looked up and smiled:

"What sin do I have?"

In the face of the shock and incredible expression of everyone, Chu Jingtian did not have the panic like everyone imagined, but calmly said:

"I'm not wrong at all, and not guilty at all!"

所以 "So, why did you confess my sin?"


In the face of Chu's horrible denial, Chu Ao was also angry.

如果 If this crime is placed on someone, no matter which one, it will be a fateful end. If it weren't for the face of his king of the Liangliang, it would be too much to kill Chu on the spot.

As a result, Chu Jingtian has not even had a simple attitude of confession!

"I have never seen the King of Liang Liang so angry! This is the end of the world, if the King of Liang Liang is cruel and hand him out, he will surely die!"

"Why, how can King Beiliang have such a son, is he still a man? Do you dare to be a dare?"

"It's so amazing!"

At this time, everyone looked at Chu Jingtian's gaze, only the disdain and ridicule remained.

Some people can't help but gloat.

The Elder Er Er sighed:

"Master, don't you know the seriousness of the matter? The tax you greedy was used by the Great Yan Dynasty to buy military supplies and strengthen the army and horses. General Shi Yunfei even went to the emperor! "

"As for King Jinling, he is in the Dayan dynasty, and his position is still above our Beiliang King's Mansion. After you banished the county master, he even sent troops to surround Beiliang King's Mansion for three days!"

"And your defeat to the fourth emperor of the Lingwu dynasty, Zhang Fanchen, made the emperor angry ... these three crimes are obvious to the Kingdom of the Great Goose!"

"Get out!"

"Don't lose the face of our Beiliang Palace again!"

At this time, someone should have reunited and shouted loudly.

Lu Chuao also got up slowly, it was difficult to hide the disappointment.

"I will give you over tomorrow ..."

Although the King of Beibei is not an emperor, it is also a golden mouth.

When he said this, it was tantamount to announcing Chu Jingtian's death sentence. Can Chu survive without the shelter of Beiliang King's Mansion?

There was a bit of intolerance in the eyes of Elder Wu Er ~ ~ but he understood that once Chu Ao spoke, there was no room for turning back.

Chu Chu's shocking fall to this point is also his fault!

Elder Grandma was so proud of it that he even laughed.

Once Chu Chutian is driven out of the palace, it is even easier to want the palace power!

As soon as Chu thought of Chu's shocking and abusive gesture, and then he was sent out of the palace, he was as if soaked in a hot spring, and he was refreshed from head to toe.

I watched the guard prepare to forcibly drag Chu Jingtian out, the elder said proudly:

"Chu Jingtian, can you plead guilty?"

I didn't expect at this time, Chu Jingtian still shook his head and said:

"I have no sin, and naturally I will not confess it!"

"Stop, dare to speak hard now, drag him out!" Chu Ao anger yelled.

How dare the guards take it easy, they will come forward as they rub their fists.

When everyone thought that Chu Jingtian was completely out of play, I saw Chu Jingtian smiling unexpectedly and looked up:

"Daiyan Dynasty was struck by my Beiliang palace! At that time, the Emperor Taizu had to divide the throne to half of my Beiliang palace. What if I spent the Dayan Dynasty a little money? How much did I spend? go back!"

"What about King Jinling's status? Even if his daughter is beautiful and immortal, she will marry sooner or later, so I will lose a little and get back married!"

"As for losing to Zhang Fanchen, that's not even a sin! Victory and defeat are common in the military, this time I lose, and I will fight back again next time, to make it back!"

After I finished speaking, Chu Jingtian sneered with a smile on his face:

"You said, where am I wrong!"


At this moment, the hall of discussion was dead and everyone was stunned.

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