Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 2052: Tempted

Say the other side.

When Roger and Master Tian Luo walked out of the hall, they haven't been able to recover for a long time.


Both of them were frightened by the effect of the two immortals taken out by Chu Jingtian just now!

To know.

In the plane of the abyss, due to the shattering of the whole world, all the heaven and earth spirits are filled with a violent feeling. So after absorbing these auras, no matter how calm the existence is, there will be a violent psychology in the character.

Therefore, the fighting that takes place in the plane of the abyss is often several times or even hundreds of times that of other worlds. Once fighting, it must be an endless degree.

It is for this reason that the demand for medicine in the abyss plane is quite large.

And for those strong.

The effects of these ordinary potions can no longer keep up, so there are so many potion masters who want to improve sober potions. But now, this problem has been solved by Chu Jingtian!

"Adult, no matter whether it is the Divine Pill or the Eucharist, it is definitely not an ordinary existence!" After returning to God, Master Tianluo's eyes flashed. Although, he really wanted to get the prescriptions of these two immortals to study how to make them.

However, the real principal is not himself, but this one in front of him, so he still has to ask the other party's opinion.

"Of course I know this!" Roger jumped wildly in the eyes of Roger's eyes, obviously this was the expression of excitement. With his eyes, it is natural to see the value of these two immortals.

Once launched, it will not only popularize the entire Black Iron City, but also the entire abyss plane, and it is no exaggeration.


Seeing Chu Jingtian as easy as that, he took out these two recipes, and the meaning behind it made Roger feel heart-moving, "I am afraid there are not more recipes like this in the kid's hands! Say, who is he?"

Master Tian Luo also narrowed his eyes, recalling the records in the book, half guessing: "If I didn't guess wrong, he should have existed from other worlds! Otherwise, it was from a certain ruin , Got these recipes... nothing more than that!"

"Are you sure?" Rogge asked quietly.

"Of course!" Master Tian Luo nodded. "The inheritance of the Dao Dao on the Abyss plane has been completely broken. After generations, it has become the current medicine. But you have also seen the effect of the medicine. Compared with the real panacea, it is a world apart."

When Roger saw him, he continued: "I once studied ancient books. The inheritance of the Dao Dao in the abyss plane is actually not very complete, but spread from other worlds. Because of the battle in the beginning, It breaks the inheritance. So if you want to get a complete inheritance, there are only two ways. Either go to other worlds and find the true source of Dan Dao. Or enter the other broken abyss plane and start from those secret realms! "

"It seems that this kid should belong to the former!" In Roger's head, the tumbling of the soul gradually subsided, and obviously the whole person was already calm. Recalling what Chu Jingtian said when he left, he nodded even more confirmed: "The kid just revealed what it meant should be like this, he will leave here in less time!"

"It would be a pity if he was allowed to leave like this!" Speaking of this, Roger's soul shrank suddenly, and the whole person exuded a chill. It can even be seen that as this chill spreads, with Rog's body as the center, a frost has condensed around.

Almost in a blink of an eye, frost was already solidifying in all directions. Even Master Tianluo found that his robe was quickly covered with a thick layer of frost.

Listening to the sensational meaning in Roger's words, Tian Luo seemed to think of something. His face changed abruptly, and he couldn't help but shouted, "Don't you..."

"Not bad!"

Rogge had no idea of ​​continuing to hide at this time.

If Chu Jingtian had only these two prescriptions, it would be ok. But the meaning behind him is really terrible, like a huge amount of treasure.

This kind of treasure even reached the level that made Roger palpitate.

Even with the threat of Chu, he had to be tempted by it.

"However, the kid's strength is not weak!" Master Tian Luo reminded him that although he didn't know Chu Jingtian well, he also knew that this existence existed and once easily killed a **** black dragon.

If you want to deal with this kind of existence, the price you pay is not so great!

"What about then?" Roger narrowed his eyes. He turned his head and glanced at Master Tianluo. "Go back, write a letter, and hand it to the headquarters at that time! Believe, those at the headquarters ~ www.mtlnovel. com~ will understand the value of this kid!"


This time, Master Tianluo was really surprised.

In such an abyss plane that often strikes out of words, how hard it is to open a shop. If there is no backstage, I am afraid that it will be demolished.

And their shops are sitting behind a huge presence.

Those who have supernatural powers, according to legend, each of them is in control of a broken abyss world, with supreme authority!

Don’t look at Rogge’s extraordinary status in Black Iron City, but in the end, it’s just a small store manager. A person came to the headquarters at will, and he had to nod like a grandson.

And they can make themselves unable to survive and die only with one sentence.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to handle Hell Black Dragon.

of course.

Roger knew that this was an opportunity.

If you only cooperate with Chu Jingtian and sell two immortals, you will only make those existences pay a little attention, but that's all. If all the panacea is really available, it will be different.

Maybe he can not only enter the headquarters, but even sit on par with those who exist.

Thinking of these, he immediately forgot Chu Jingtian's previous threats. At the same time, the mood became hotter and hotter, "I immediately wrote to inform the headquarters!"


Master Tian Luo saw Rogge's face full of excitement, and knew that it would be useless to say more at the moment.

Don't say what he said, the other party will refuse, even he himself is quite emotional, want to learn more Danfang.

Looking back at the dwelling house that was further away, Master Tian Luo clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of peace: "Chu Jingtian, you can go to don't let me down..."

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