Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 21: Ancestral Mysticism

"Master Chu, is this wood bear dragon important?"

Qin Ruoxi followed behind Chu Jingtian and couldn't help asking.

She took out millions of purple gold at that time, and did not see any fluctuations in Chu Jingtian's expression. Now she just got such a wooden bearded dragon, and even she can see the excitement of the other party.

Also, he killed Yao Ziyue in the blink of an eye for this Muxu Dragon, and even at the expense of the Four Princes, we can see that he must win this Muxu Dragon!

Is there anything special about this wood bear dragon?

"This wood bear dragon is in the hands of others, it can only heal and cure, but it has a great effect in my hands!"

Chu Chu gave her a subtle glance.

Seeing that Chu Jingtian didn't say much, Qin Ruoxi naturally didn't dare to ask again.

But she was becoming more and more curious in her heart. He had reached the peak of inner strength during the refining of gas, and had even reached the master of enlightenment. He is also proficient in refining alchemy, controlling animals, and healing!

怎么 How could such an existence be called waste?

After returning to Qin's house, Chu Jingtian couldn't wait to choose a retreat.

"It's really good luck. Although I didn't get any other monsters, I found the Muxu Dragon." Chu Jingtian's eyes were full of pride.

The ancestral dragon ancestral technique must be practiced with the essence and blood of the dragon clan. The blood of the dragon clan contains powerful power. The ancestral mystery technique is to transform the power in the dragon's blood into its own use.

After each repair, the flesh will have a very horrible ascension!

"Although it can be achieved using the blood of the first-order monster, how can it be better than the wooden whisker of the second-order royal family?"

Cultivate with the blood of the first-order ordinary monster and the blood with the blood of the second-order royal monster, even if it is the same cultivation, the latter is far better than the former.

But throughout the history of the immortal avenue of the avenue, no one has dared to practice with the essence of the second-order imperial beast, because the ninefold ancestor's mystery will increase the difficulty several times each time it is increased!

When the previous world Chu Jingtian practiced mysticism to the sixth level, it took almost a thousand years to rise to the seventh level.

"I have mastered the essentials of cultivation in this life. I will take a lot less detours than in previous lives. You can start!"

When I thought of this, Chu Jingtian squeezed out a seal and cut a wound on Mu Xulong's body, and suddenly a stream of crystal blood flowed from the wound.

一 As soon as the blood touched the air, it immediately solidified, just like blood jade pearls.

This is the essence and blood of Musulong. After taking it, ordinary people can not invade the disease, be harmless, and treat internal injuries.

"Four princes Zhang Fanchen, I'm afraid to use this essence to heal and heal? When he knows that this woodbeard dragon has fallen into my hands, he doesn't know what it will become like!"

In the past life, although he and Zhang Fanchen only met once.

后来 But after the Beiliang palace was destroyed, he fled, but learned that Zhang Fanchen inherited Datong and became the emperor of the Lingwu dynasty, and his heart was lost to the extreme.

Thinking of this, he looked up slightly and looked in the direction of Lingwu Dynasty.

But in this life, Zhang Fanchen is no longer worthy to be his enemy.

"In the eyes of the practitioners of the Dayan Dynasty, even the Lingwu, Xiqi and other dynasties, the ancient martial arts practice is only a side course to assist in cultivation, but it is not known that the physical body is the most important existence."

"You need to know that whether it is internal strength or divine thought, it is like water! And the physical body is a wooden bucket for water. The stronger the wooden bucket, the more water it contains ..."

"Only if the body is strong enough can you reach a higher realm!"

With a flick of his fingers, thirteen Muxu dragon blood has been sent to Chu mouth by one by one. He urged the tactics, and suddenly all the blood pearls had turned into a warm current and rushed into the limbs.

This is a huge power!

With the strength of the body, at the same time a huge dragon power formed in Chu Jingtian's whole body, and then began to grow. Under this terrible coercion, you can see that the hard slate under him actually appeared a little Tiny crack!

He even heard the faint sound of a dragon, coming from his body!

Uh ...


Chu Chu shockingly can clearly feel that every inch of muscle on his body is constantly trembling, and he is absorbing the power of essence blood crazy!

Although Chu Jingtian's expression was dull at the moment, he was not as relaxed as an outsider.

The power of the dragons continued to collide in his body.

If he does not surrender this power, his body will be completely torn! As the level of Zulong's mystery increases, this power will become stronger and more difficult to practice!

There are many suzerains in the immortal ancestors of the avenue of the ancestors who fell because of practicing the ancestral mystery of the ancestors. The reason why Chu Jingtian was able to become the Supreme Master is precisely because he has trained the ancestral skills of Zulong to the seventh level like never before!

"It's crackling ~"

With the increase of this power, the surging coercion is spreading out.

The fissures on the ocherite slate spread densely, and they were crushed little by little to become loquat powder. The surrounding furniture and houses are even covered with cracks, as if the wind was crossing the border!


For a moment, Chu Jingtian's eyes opened angrily, and suddenly a surging force emerged in his body, and the angry dragon suppressed it. And the power of that rampant dragon also turned into countless points of light, blending into his body.

The location of the heart of Chu Chu shocked the sky, slowly formed a drop of blood beads emitting golden light.

At the same time, Chu Jingtian, who has been practicing, also opened his eyes sharply at this moment. In his eyes, it turned out that He shot a shocking golden light, which disappeared only a moment later.

"Sure enough, the blood of Musulong is stronger than ordinary monsters, which directly puts me into the first place of the ancestor's secret technique. If you use the blood of ordinary monsters, I am afraid it will take several times!"

Chu Chu sighed.

Next, he continued to cultivate. Every other day, thirteen drops of essential blood from Muxulong were taken out to practice the ancestral technique of ancestors, and it continued for three days.

This did not end until the third day.

"Oh? My gas has actually reached the end of strength?"

Feeling his own cultivation, Chu Jingtian could not help showing a touch of joy.

When he practiced Zulong's mystery, he transformed his physique, opened up the meridians, and inspired the heaven and earth aura, so that his cultivation also promoted a small realm!

"Although my ancestor dragon's secret skill has been cultivated to the first level, I have constructed a perfect body. In the future, whether it is the cultivation of the Taoist enlightenment or the gasification environment, it will be several times faster than before!"


Chu Chu shook his fist gently, and a burst of loud noises suddenly appeared in the void.

"Deserves to be the strongest body-building method of the Immortal Sect of the Avenue! Now with this physical body alone, I can be a tough master and an enlightened master. If I practice to the second level in the future, the physical body will be stronger!"

"However, this ancestral dragon art has just been repaired and it is a bit unstable, so I will stay in the Qin family for a few days before returning to Beiliang King's Mansion!"

My heart moved darkly.

Chu Chu shocked and closed her eyes again.

Uh ...

Lingwu Dynasty, Mingyue Temple.

A young boy with a sword and eyebrows sits on a futon and drinks fragrant tea quietly. He was the fourth prince Zhang Fanchen, and not far from him, Cui Yitu knelt there shivering.

"You and Yao Ziyue went to the Dayan Dynasty to pick up the Wood Beard Dragon. Why are you alone?"

Zhang Fanchen looked at Cui Yitu with a happy or sad expression.

Cui Yitu was stared at by Zhang Fanchen so much that he couldn't help shivering. He bowed his head and said: "The wood bear dragon was robbed and Yao Ziyue was killed. I shot with all my strength and did not rescue Yao Ziyue. That man's cultivation has reached the master of the Taoism!"

"Don't you tell each other, your identity?"

凡 Zhang Fanchen flashed a hint of cold mang in his eyes.

Master Daodao Dadao is powerful and only one step away from Tong Xuan Realm. Understanding of spells is beyond the ordinary realm, and it is easy to kill Yao Ziyue's half-hungry practitioners.

他 In his opinion, maybe it was because Yao Ziyue didn't report his name in time, he was beheaded by the other party!

"We have said your identity, but he is still the killer." Cui Yitu said again.

"Bold guts, know who I sent, he dare to do it?" Zhang Fanchen squinted his eyes.

Although he was in the Lingwu dynasty, it was difficult for the forces to reach Dayan. He wanted to kill a practitioner who was a master of the Tao, but it was easy. This man is so mad, isn't he afraid of revenge?

I seem to have guessed Zhang Fanchen's thoughts, and Cui Yitu sighed:

"Four princes, I'm afraid you don't believe me. It's Chu Jingtian who kills people!"


Zhang Fanchen pinched his right hand and burst the tea bowl in his hand.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the palace of the moonlight suddenly suppressed, and everyone trembled for a while.

"You are lying!"

"Chu Jingtian's crap, I only saw him half a month ago. He challenged me well, and he was beaten like a dead dog ~ ~ How can he be a master of Taoism?"

Zhang Fanchen didn't believe it.

"Four princes, I have nothing to say."

Cui Yitu put his hand on his chest and swears quickly: "Chu Jingtian did reach the Master of the Taoism. He defeated Yao Ziyue with a single hit, and even his protective weapon was smashed!"

"I exhausted my mind, summoned a soil wall, and wanted to save Yao Ziyue. But Chu Jingtian chopped it off, waved a wind blade, and split the soil wall in half."

"This is not my delusion, the hundreds of people present have seen it with my own eyes, and he even admitted to himself that he was shocking!"

Cui Yitu said tremblingly, every time he thought of Chu Jingtian staring at himself, he felt like walking through the ghost gate. As if Chu Jingtian was going to kill him, it was just a matter of raising his hands.

After speaking, Cui Yitu knelt on the ground, afraid to look up.

"Is Chu shocking?"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Fanchen did not attack, but smiled slightly.

"My injury has already been mastered by Master! This Muxu Dragon, don't bother!"

"But Chu Jingtian killed my people, but I can't help reporting this hatred."

Cui Yitu raised his head fiercely and shouted, "Four princes, are you going in person?"

"But a little Chu shocked, how could he deserve to let the four princes go in person?"

There was a cold voice in the dim corner of the Hall of Mingming Moon.

He stood there, like a puppet, almost invisible. It wasn't until the other party stepped out that he felt the existence of the other party. I saw the other party in front of Zhang Fanchen, and hugged in an arm:

"Four princes, I'll do it for you!"

"it is good!"

The twenty-four princes closed their eyes and looked pale and light, as if they just killed an ant!

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