Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 2294: Lunar Star Junzhi

This seat?

Chu Jingtian looked at the only seat in the palace and couldn't help frowning.

This situation.

He would naturally feel very strange.


In his opinion.

In this palace, there are bound to be various hidden organs, but whoever thought that he was completely complete and came here safely all the way. But in this palace, it wasn't like what he had imagined, it was extremely mysterious, but it was a bit too much.


On this seat, it gave people a different feeling.

"Since this seat is the only one in the entire palace, it must be extraordinary. Even if there is nothing at all, I have to go and take a look!"

Chu Jingtian thought in his heart, already walking up quickly.

Just see.

This seat is completely condensed by flames, the whole body is red, crystal clear, as if forged by fire jade. Mottled marks were left on it, as if they were left over by the years.

"If you didn't guess wrong, it should be him!"

Chu Jingtian sank for a moment.

The entire hall was empty, and there was only this seat in front of me, so he must be the control center!

Thinking in his heart, Chu Jingtian sat down without any hesitation.


Almost at the same time as he sat down, Chu Jingtian only felt a huge fluctuation. It was already at this moment that it was pouring up along the seat. But Chu Jingtian didn't care at all, instead injecting all his spiritual thoughts into the formation.


With the influx of divine thoughts, a loud rumbling sound like thunder broke out on the entire mysterious seat. At the same time, huge bans continued to emerge at this moment in a terrifying posture.

Each of these rays of light contains incomparably powerful power, and even the power in it is no less than the arrangement of a heavenly fairy, which is obviously extremely powerful.

of course.

These celestial beings are not the kind of existence that has just reached the celestial celestial beings, at least they have to be like old celestial beings such as Chu Jingtian and Taiyin Xingjun, possessing powerful existence with many methods.

And these are just some restrictions on the periphery. If it is the master placed by some deeper restrictions, it will be even more remarkable. In Chu Jingtian's view, at least he must have the terrifying strength of the Styx commander.


These prohibitions are dead after all, just like the prohibitions on the Di Yuan Sword, even if they are strong, they can still be cracked by the water mill.

One day, two days, three days...

Chu Jingtian just sat directly on the seat, refining the palace with peace of mind.

The owner of this huge secret realm comparable to a world does not know how terrifying existence it is. In Chu Jingtian's eyes, it is probably the equivalent of the Great Commander of Styx who has never shown up.

Among them, the prohibition and formation are even more carefully laid out by the other party, so how can others be able to crack the refining gently and skillfully?

and so.

Even Chu Jingtian felt quite laborious when refining, and he was extremely cautious. During the whole process, I didn't dare to be distracted at all, all my mind was already injected into the formation.


Fortunately, to reach his level of cultivation, he has already bigu long ago, not to mention not eating or drinking for ten days and nights, or not drinking a drop of water for hundreds of years, without the slightest problem.

Of course, in order to prevent anyone from coming and making trouble, he simply laid out three formations outside the entire hall. The outermost part is protected by the lotus platform of good fortune, the middle layer is guarded by the deep fire, and the innermost layer is laid down with the Emperor Yuan sword. .

of course.

For Chu Jingtian, the existence he mainly guards against is naturally Lunar Star Monarch.

In this way, even if the Moon Star Lord came, the existence of the three-layer defense was enough to buy him enough time.

"It's really a complex and powerful restriction! I really don't know what kind of existence it was in the beginning that such a secret realm was set up, and even such a restriction was placed."

Chu Jingtian sighed slightly.

Although he doesn't hear things outside the window, he also knows that he has been practicing here for a full month. With his current cultivation base, there are almost no restrictions in the entire world that can stop him for so long.

But now, in the face of this ban, he has only conquered less than a fraction.

"Fine, nothing!"

"I still don't want to break the entire ban, let's simply control this secret realm first!"

Chu Jingtian shook his head secretly, and once again immersed all his spiritual thoughts into the formation in front of him.

One day.

Two days.

Three days!


Just when Chu Jingtian was in the hall, madly conquering the restriction, the Taiyin Star Lord on the other side finally struggled and rushed to the vast fire cloud.

"finally reached!"

"As long as I get over this cloud of fire, I will be able to reach that mysterious palace!"

"However, this cloud of fire is so vast, I'm afraid there must be something strange in it!"

Lunar Xingjun narrowed his eyes.

He at the moment.

Very energetic Although he has experienced several failures before, he is a powerhouse at the immortal level after all. He has quickly adjusted his mentality in a short time. In this process, he has another chance Coincidentally, I got seven fruits. Through these seven fruits, he broke through the shackles abruptly and reached the middle stage of the fairy tale.

and so.

Lunar Xingjun looked extremely proud at this moment, and even swept away all the previous decline.

"It looks like that kid Chu Jingtian has never been here..."

Lunar Xingjun's heart moved secretly.

of course.

He did not know.

Chu Jingtian had already passed here a few months ago. It's just that this vast sea of ​​clouds is too vast, continuous, and has the function of self-repair, so the traces of the original war have been completely covered up long ago.

"Hey, it seems that there is no obstacle here!"

Taiyin Xingjun strode forward and couldn't help being surprised, and a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes along the way. Although he had some doubts in his heart, he could naturally distinguish the level of safety along the way with his cultivation base at the level of the immortal.

"Maybe it's really not!"

"The palace is in front!"

"The whole secret is so mysterious, I'm afraid this palace will not be too simple..."

"Maybe all the secrets are hidden in this palace!"

Thought of this.

Lunar Xingjun's heart became more and more excited.

If he weren't still in this palace, he didn't know what danger would be next, he might have already rushed past.


He still came to the palace without hurries.


Just when he wanted to go in, he couldn't help but was taken aback, and a trace of unstoppable fierce suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"How can this be?"

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