Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 2314: Endless rage


How terrifying is the strength of the mid-century immortal.

not to mention.

Today's Chu Jingtian is not like Taiyin Xingjun, who has just reached the middle stage of the heavenly existence. Because of the existence of ice leaves, Chu Jingtian's accumulation is already quite not weak.

Now the gaze shot from the hole under his anger is so awe-inspiring, I am afraid that even Chu Jingtian himself does not know.

Damn it!

That terrifying gaze, even at this moment, had already formed a piece of substance, as if it had completely penetrated the entire space, tearing it apart.

At the same time.

The killing intent contained therein was even more frantically swept out of Chu Jingtian's body at this moment.


Yanlong, who had been quietly observing the situation here, found that Chu Jingtian's eyes suddenly turned towards him. The terrifying murderous intent and the terrible anger hidden in it made Yan Long even more shocked.

There was almost no hesitation.

His whole figure was already bursting towards the rear.


The scene that happened suddenly caused the many monsters present to be taken aback.

Whether it was Black Dragon Mountain or the monster dragons in the sky, their eyes widened unbelievably, and they looked at this scene in disbelief.


They didn't expect it at all.

Just one glance at the other party already completely frightened the arrogant Yanlong.

"How can this be?"

"Just a glance, already scared Yanlong back?"

"How can this be?"

For a time.

From all directions, there was a burst of incredible discussion.


If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe what happened just now.

This existence that emerged from the void, with just a glance, completely scared a demon dragon with a celestial cultivation base back, which is naturally incomparably incredible!

Listening to the murmurs that continued to resound all around, Yanlong's face suddenly showed an uncontrollable shame.

To the end.

As if looking for a place to return, Yanlong shouted sharply:

"Boy, I asked you something, didn't you hear? Who are you, dare to intervene in my affairs."


Chu Jingtian squinted his eyes and looked at the flame dragon with a full face, his voice became extremely cold at this moment: "Did you beat the dragon like this?"

Hearing Chu Jingtian’s words, plus the appearance of the previous opponent, he already stopped his attack with a brazen attitude. No matter how stupid Yanlong was, he could guess that the existence in front of him was an enemy or not a friend. .

However, the more angry the other party, the more excited he is:

"Hey, it's a pity... I didn't hurt the guy you mentioned. The guy who fought with him before is dead... Then I was shooting."

"If it weren't for your sudden intervention, maybe I could kill him!"


Yanlong glanced at Chu Jingtian with a smile.

"However, it is not too late..."

"I just saw that you put that guy away. Do you think you can save his life like this? Wait until I kill you, and then kill him..."

Chu Jingtian did not speak.

He just raised his head slowly.


At this moment, his expression was extremely plain, but the anger in his heart was an unstoppable tumbling, as if it was about to turn into a huge wave.



Suddenly, Chu Jingtian sighed.

"What are you sighing?" Seeing Chu Jingtian sigh suddenly, the joke on Yanlong's face became more intense.

"I sigh that you don't live or die!" Chu Jingtian slowly shook his head, his eyes swept across the flame dragon in front of him, his expression indifferent, and his voice slowly resounding in the sky: "At this juncture, I dare to provoke Me? Dare to provoke me..."

"what did you say?"

Yanlong was taken aback.

He originally thought what Chu Jingtian could say, but he didn't expect it to be such a thing. He suddenly closed his eyes, his eyes were full of anger, and he looked at Chu Jingtian incomparably sharp.

The roar of anger was almost accompanied by billowing flames, gushing out from between his teeth.

"You kid, but you just beat me back once, so you dare to be so arrogant! Say I don't live or die? I think you are the one who does not live or die!"

To know.

For him.

It was a huge shame to be slapped back by Chu Jingtian before.

And Chu Jingtian even said publicly that he did not live or die, which greatly stimulated him. For a demon dragon at the level of an immortal, this is simply a face-to-face slap!

How does this make him endure?

"See how I kill you!"


An angry roar resounded.

Just see.

The scales of this Yanlong body stood upside down like a cat with exploded hair, and the diamond-shaped eye pupils were full of endless killing intent! In this crazy killing intent, rolling over, it has reached the extreme in a flash!

In the shocking eyes of everyone, I saw this flame dragon, already let out a sudden roar, carrying the billowing raging flames, in a brazen posture, There was no hesitation on the spot, it turned into a monstrous flame, and rushed away frantically toward the location of Chu Jingtian.


That terrifying violent wind flame was already swept and tumbling brazenly on the spot at this moment, looking into the distance, it was like a sweeping wave of flames. In this instant, it was already frantically sweeping, rushing to Chu Jingtian's front.


at this moment.

This flame dragon had already completely opened up all his cultivation bases, and wanted to directly kill Chu Jingtian.

"So strong!"

"He was angry..."

"Yes, I have known him for so many years, I have never seen him in such an angry posture!"

"This kid is so bold and dare to provoke Yanlong like this!"

Seeing Yanlong's violent posture, the demon dragons of the immortal level in the sky who watched the battle slowly shook their heads. He looked at Chu Jingtian jokingly, after all, in their opinion, how could this kid who appeared suddenly, no matter how strong he was, could be Yanlong's opponent?

Even if Yanlong was defeated, they still existed.

Therefore, it is natural that everything is ready.

"Hurry up!"

The many demon dragons in Heilong Mountain couldn't help but cried out at this moment.

These monster dragons, after all, had never seen Chu Jingtian make a move with their own eyes, and now seeing Yanlong's posture, they couldn't help but tremble with fear, and couldn't help shouting loudly.


Under the raging flames, Chu Jingtian didn't show any evasive gestures. Instead, under the overwhelming raging flames, his whole person stepped out suddenly, and even directly raised his right hand and grabbed it towards Yanlong!

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