Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 2379: Dan Cheng

"Taixu Saint Ancestor (

This tremor did not last long.

Just see.

The huge pill furnace that Chu Jingtian transformed with the spirit of heaven and earth, after not long passed, the vibration became more and more violent. It can even be seen that huge cracks continue to spread on the pill furnace.

These terrible cracks, with an amazing posture, spread madly, almost in the blink of an eye, they have reached a terrible level, sweeping the entire pill furnace!


Looking at this scene, Yinyue and others could hardly close their mouths from ear to ear.

They had already seen Chu Jingtian alchemy before.

Those pills that were only refined with ordinary heavenly spirits and earth treasures already possessed terrifying powers that could blast open space. But now these pills were made by the four ancestors of the Dragon King Realm!

One can imagine.

After Dan Cheng, what will be the earth-shattering scene!


It didn't make everyone wait too long.

At a certain moment.

There was a terrifying loud sound like the sky and the earth cracking, and it was already resounding outright. I saw a horrible streamer, swept out of desperate madness with a shocking posture.

This shining mighty power even directly caused that huge pill furnace to burst open completely. As it burst open, with a shocking posture of breaking through the clouds, directly through the void, blasting out!


Just see.

When the pill rushed through the void, it caused a shock of lightning, countless electric snakes and flames, and it spread rapidly around the pill.

It was like a rapid meteorite, suddenly rushing out, and even wherever it passed, there was a shocking storm. This terrible wave of wind and waves swept through, and even completely tore the void apart!


Although already guessed.

Once this pill is refined, its power will be unimaginably terrifying. But after seeing it with my own eyes, I was still completely shocked by the scene before me. At such a terrifying speed, even if the Tianxian was hit by this pill, I am afraid it would be completely bombarded and killed!

"Want to escape?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chu Jingtian's mouth.

He naturally knows.

In this pill, the consciousness of the four ancestors should still be hidden. After all, these existences have lived for so many years, and in any case they should have the means to retain their own consciousness, leaving a trace of them attached to this pill.


The voice fell.

I saw that Chu Jingtian was already at the next moment, raising his hand directly.


In the void, there was a sudden explosion directly and it was already completely erupted, and I saw the pill furnace that was smashed. At this moment, it was rapidly twisted and transformed, and it directly formed a huge Palm of the hand.


When the palm of the hand is formed, grab it directly and swiftly toward the front!

Seeing this palm flew over, the pill fleeed more fiercely.


How could it escape the speed of Chu Jingtian and raise his hand?


There was a loud, terrifying sound.

Just see.

That pill was already in the blink of an eye, and it was directly held by Chu Jingtian in his hand. But even if it was held in his hand, the pill was still struggling, as if he was about to escape.

"They have all been refined into pill, but they still don't give up..."

Chu Jingtian snorted coldly.


There was almost no hesitation, a huge divine mind, already in an astonishing posture, directly exploded and swept away directly onto the pill.


This moment.

The pill trembled violently, but after all, it stopped. After Chu Jingtian waved his hand, he was already back in front of him.

Just see.

This is a golden pill that shines with a strange luster. You can also see the faint dragon pattern shining on the top, and they are the four ancestors of Penglai, Kunlun, Ximo, and ancient Shu.

The whole pill is like the appearance of these four ancestors, clinging together.

"Guardian for me!"

Looking at the shocking Yinyue, Chu Jingtian was already in a flash, and he sat down cross-legged. Upon seeing this scene, Yinyue's complexion was stagnant, and he quickly shouted: "How can I be able to protect the law for you, and you It’s too dangerous here..."

Originally wanted to talk, but seeing that Chu Jingtian had already swallowed the pill into his mouth, he couldn't help but swallow all the words.

But I want to come too.

Now Chu Jingtian has already wiped out the four ancestors. It can be said that in the entire Dragon King Realm, Chu Jingtian's strength has almost reached the level that no one can rival. Who would dare to come over?

As for the demon dragons in the Dragon King Realm, they saw that the four ancestors were refined into pill by Chu Jingtian, and they were afraid that they were scared to lose their courage.

Sighed secretly.

Yinyue still sat aside obediently, protecting Chu Jingtian from the law, and avoiding some blind people from coming over to disturb him.

And this time.

Many demon dragons in the treasure house also emerged one after another.

They looked at Qin Ling dumbfounded. UU reading

To know.

When they came earlier, this area of ​​Qinling Mountains had already been razed to the ground. But now, after the battle between Chu Jingtian and the four ancestors, the entire Qinling Mountains had not only been beaten to pieces, it was completely invisible, and even the sky was completely shattered.

There are fragmented space cracks everywhere, through the cracks, you can see the void of the black hole. The violent space power constantly seeps out from it, giving many monster dragons a rather dangerous feeling.

"too strong!"

"It's too strong!"

Many demon dragons couldn't help but talk.

Even if the battle was over, they couldn't help being shocked when they recalled the previous scene.

For them, this battle is simply an unprecedented battle.

"Mr. Chu is really amazing!"

"Yes, even if the four ancestors joined forces, he couldn't help but he even arrested all of them for alchemy!"

"Yes, the remaining demon dragons still have a lot of immortal level existences, and even after being looked at by him, they dare not stay where they are. What a power this is."

While many demon dragons were talking, they looked at the young man in the field with extremely respectful eyes.

It can be said.

This young man was already in the Dragon King Realm, creating a miracle that no one could shake. Now these monster dragons have witnessed this miracle happen with their own eyes!

"I don't know how much strength will be improved by swallowing the pills made by the four ancestors?"

Just when many demon dragons were speculating.


next moment.

A violent aura, already in a flash, broke out completely from Chu Jingtian's body.

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