Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 2384: Tianxian is complete!

"Taixu Saint Ancestor (


As Chu Jingtian opened his eyes.

An even more majestic breath, already at this moment, swept away in desperate tumbling with a shocking posture.


The people in the Tiangong who originally stood on that side of the sky, at this moment, only felt a terrifying force, with a kind of shocking posture, continuous explosions swept out, and blasted fiercely. On them.

At this moment.

They only felt like they had been hit by a huge wave. They had completely lost their balance on the spot, and retreated again!

"not good!"

See this scene.

The people in Tiangong also couldn't help but their expressions sank.

It's just a breath.

It was already blasting them back. What a terrifying and terrifying force this is!

Even Fuxi.

At this moment, his complexion was also solemn to the extreme.

He can feel it.

Chu Jingtian at this time was like a calm ocean. But under this ocean, there is an unimaginable power. It seems that there will be a huge wave at any time, completely engulfing all of them!

Is this the strength of Tianxian Consummation?

Feeling the power of Chu Jingtian, Fu Xi couldn't help but a trace of jealousy and solemnity finally appeared in his eyes.


Before he had time to speak, he already saw that Chu Jingtian had disappeared in place.


"Where did he go?"

"Look, he's over there!"

At this moment.

All the people couldn't help shouting, and then they turned their eyes and found Chu Jingtian's position. As soon as he saw Chu Jingtian's whole person, he did not know when he appeared directly beside Yin Yue.

At this moment, Yinyue's aura was already weakened to the extreme.

She originally had only the cultivation base of the Earth Immortal, which was able to stop the Red Emperor from a single blow without dying, which was already beyond his maximum ability. What's more, the outrageous aftermath erupted by all the people in the Tiangong Qi Qi before, almost shattered her spirit!

"Mr. Chu, I'm sorry...I haven't been able to protect the law for you..." Yinyue said with great difficulty, "Also let these people attack you, they are too powerful!"

"It's okay! I already know!"

Chu Jingtian's face was calm, but at this moment, there was endless anger in his heart, as if it were swept by a huge wave, as if to completely submerge this world.

"Mr. Chu, I might not be able to... you don't have to bother to save me!" Yinyue can already feel that her soul is dissipating a little bit.

Back then.

Greedy Dragon was also injured so badly, she naturally knew what a huge price it would take to save herself.

"Don't worry, you won't die if I'm here!" Chu Jingtian said lightly. As he said, he was already slowly putting his hand on Yinyue's forehead, as a force of power poured in.

Just see.

Yinyue's broken body was actually at this moment, with the infusion of power, the whole person was actually pulled back quietly.

"this is?"

Feeling her body, Yinyue couldn't help but widen her eyes.

She can feel it.

At this moment, his state was better than ever. Not only has she completely recovered to her peak, even at this moment, she has completely surpassed her peak state!

"How could this be?"

"Is it?"

Feeling the changes in her body, Yinyue suddenly reacted, her eyes widened, and she looked at Chu Jingtian incredible. She could feel that Chu Jingtian's strength at the moment had reached a level that she could not even feel!

"Don't worry, I will help you avenge your grudges!" Chu Jingtian said indifferently, "You should withdraw first!"

Talk about it.

He already waved faintly.

Yinyue had originally planned to speak, but immediately, a surging and powerful force was already swept away in a frenzied burst at this moment with an amazing posture.

Directly sent Yinyue and the demon dragon present to the treasure house.


Turning his eyes, he looked directly at the sky.

"Chu Jingtian..."

Seeing Chu Jingtian's gaze, Fuxi narrowed his eyes and said coldly.


Chu Jingtian didn't even have any plans to pay attention to Fuxi. Instead, he stepped out directly, and his whole person appeared directly in front of the Red Emperor who had previously shot.


The Red Emperor's complexion condensed, apparently he did not expect that Chu Jingtian appeared directly in front of him, and there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

"Did you hurt Yinyue with your shot?" Chu Jingtian said lightly.

"Chu Jingtian...Don't be too arrogant!" The Scarlet Emperor cried out in a cold voice, holding back the panic in his heart. "There are so many people in our Tiangong to come and kill you! You'd better hurry up and catch you, otherwise, you will be annihilated and destroyed!"


As if he hadn't heard Chu Jingtian, he still faintly said, "Did you hurt Yinyue with your hand?"


Seeing Chu Jingtian’s faint The Red Emperor was about to yell at him, but at this moment, he couldn’t help but feel a panic in his heart. There was a crisis of death, with a horrified posture, directly Swept his whole body.

Even at this moment, the cold hair on his body could not help but stand up.

as if.

this moment.

He was already like a little white rabbit being stared at by a wild beast, he didn't even have the slightest resistance, and only deep fear was left in his heart. It seemed that in the next moment, Chu Jingtian, the wild beast, would directly provoke trouble, and with an astonishing posture, it would directly engulf itself.

It was this feeling that made him dare not even say a word!

"How can I feel this way? It's ridiculous!"

The Red Emperor's eyes dazzled, and his killing intent was writhing in his eyes.

To know.

He was at the level of the ancestor of the Dragon King Realm, and he was actually frightened by a kid like Ye Qingchen. How could this make him bear? There was almost no hesitation, he already punched swiftly!

"Die me!"


At this moment.

Red Emperor didn't mean to keep his hands anymore, the aura of the whole person, at this moment, directly reached a posture of the peak of madness. Obviously he knew that Chu Jingtian in front of him had already reached a level that even he could not imagine.

Therefore, this shot is a must-kill gesture!


At this moment.

I saw that the monstrous tumbling flames had already reached a kind of swift and violent extreme, like a mad dragon swept across. The terrifying heat seems to burn the whole world at this moment.

And the magnificent dragon head was the fist of the Red Emperor.


Chu Jingtian just raised his hand, he already understatement blocked the opponent's blow.

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