Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 268: Kill 1 way


Xu Qin couldn't believe it.

The moment before, they had to be captured by each other and devour flesh. But a moment later, Chu Jingtian actually beheaded the other party.

"He's not dead!"

Chu Jingtian shook his head and fell into thought.

This situation is so rare that he has never encountered it.


Deep in Xuanyin Valley.

A bony palace.


An old man with a thin face opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes filled with infinite blackness.

"the host!"

Innumerable ghosts with blue-faced fangs trembled and fell to their knees.

This old man is the former He Fei exhibition.


He Feizhan slowly got up, showing a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

"Since I practiced" The Immortal Code ", I have never rushed to encounter an existence that can cut and kill my avatar. Is this generation's Dragon Tiger list so strong?

"Your flesh and blood, I want it!"


He said, already a step out.

There was a sudden sorrow in this quiet bone-in palace, like a ghost screaming, making people creepy.


"I understand!"

Shen Ning's Chu was shocked, and he patted his forehead heavily.


Qin Haoran asked quickly.

After Chu Jingtian beheaded and killed the other party, he stood here like a petrochemical, and didn't know what he was thinking. He and Xu Qin could only stand aside and wait quietly.

"The one I killed just now is a clone. I actually forgot about it." Chu Jingtian pouted.

Some powerful beings can refine external avatars.

But that's at least seven realms. But this old ghost has only four realms, so Chu Jingtian didn't even think about it in the beginning.

It's like entering a dead end, and I don't understand why. But he was going to fight the opponent for a minute, and then he returned to God.

"So what do we do now?"

Qin Haoran jumped in his heart.

Even a clone is so powerful. Wouldn't it be more terrifying if the deity came?


Just then, a spooky ghost came suddenly from the depths of Xuanyin Valley. I saw the calm ghost mist, at this moment, it was flowing slowly at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

By the time everyone was shocked, they were already engulfed in the mist.

"Don't be too far away from me."

Seeing Xu Qin preparing to explore the road, Chu Jingtian frowned. "This isn't an ordinary gloomy ghost mist. Someone should be behind it. If you drill into it, you won't be able to distinguish between the northwest and the southeast, and you will die in it."

This is commonly known as 'ghost cover up' in the ordinary world.

But those ordinary ghosts and ghosts can only control a small area, but this mist of ghosts is pervading the entire Xuanyin Valley. Unlike ordinary formations, this mist of ghosts will not dissipate unless you find a caster.

"Is it He Feizhan who controls this ghost fog?" Qin Haoran said suddenly.

"No accident, it must be him." Chu Jingtian slowly nodded.

Xu Qin's face suddenly dimmed, and she sighed, "It's all my complaints

you guys. If it weren't for me to be with you, you wouldn't be followed by that old ghost. "

She glanced around and said bitterly:

"Looking at it like this, he's afraid that he has taken control of the entire Xuanyin Valley. I'm afraid we won't be able to escape!"

"Escape? Why escape? Haha, I came for him!"

Chu Jingtian laughed.

"Why ... what?" Xu Qin looked for a moment.

This old ghost is too strong, even if it's just a clone, they can't fight back. Do you know how many avatars he has, and how many men do you know?

Even Xu Qin, who wanted to kill him and avenge his father, couldn't help but feel ashamed after seeing He Feizhan's strength.

But Chu Jingtian actually wanted to deal with that old ghost! ?


At this moment, the surrounding mist was already tumbling, rolling towards the crowd. These invisible ghosts are actually showing signs of solidification, as if the air has become sticky.

"this is……"

Xu Qin's face changed.

She just felt like she was in a quagmire, wrapped in an invisible force. This force even dragged her body unconsciously, moving towards the ghost.

Qin Haoran is even more like an enemy.


With a wave of his right hand, Chu Jingtian swept out with a surging force, listening only to the sound of ‘Dola’, the billowing ghost mist was torn apart, and the three of them were the center, and a huge vacuum zone was opened immediately.

Xu Qin hadn't had time to get excited, and the scattered mist was covered like tide water.

"Oh, dare to play this set with me! This is all I have left to play."

Chu Jingtian's eyes narrowed, Shenguang skyrocketed, and Shen sang:

"The Phaseless Buddha Lotus Terrace!"


Suddenly, Liantai appeared, and Baoguang floated.

When those ghost mists touched this diffused treasure light, they melted like crazy snow in the sun, and in this area, a vacuum zone with a few feet was opened.


Chu Jingtian's tongue can lotus, the sound of thunder.

As soon as he stepped on the non-phase Buddha lotus platform, the whole person was directly like an arrow off the string, and blasted towards the front, and flew out hundreds of meters quickly.

Xu Qin and Qin Haoran stunned, and immediately followed Chu Jingtian.

But this Xuanyin Valley is hundreds of miles away, and the ghost fog is diffused, and you can't see the end. Chu Jingtian drove straight in, opened up a path, and looked up to the vague ghost mist on both sides. Even Xu Qin, who was very familiar with the Xuanyin Valley, did not know where he was. Can only bite the bullet and follow Chu Jingtian behind, once it falls behind, I am afraid it will fall into this endless fog!


Chu Jingtian stared straight ahead, holding a dragon sword, and stepping on a non-phase Buddha lotus platform. Wherever he passed, the fog dispersed like a tide.

This dragon sword contains the remnant soul of the dragon, originally used for soul-stealing. Coupled with Wuxiang Buddhism Terrace, which is a treasure that overcomes yin and wickedness, he actually took two of them, born in this xuanyin valley, and dug a vast avenue!

When I look forward, I find that the surrounding fog has completely dispersed!


Chu Jingtian's body flickered, and he was already out of the battlefield.

Xu Qin and Qin Haoran quickly followed.

I saw that this was a plain, and at their feet there were carpets of countless bones that stretched deep. Chu Jingtian also found that on both sides of the road, two lone tombs were lined up like guards.

& n

bsp; The end of the lone grave was cut off by a fog like a barrier.

"Behind that barrier, it must be the other party's nest. When I used the divine mind to probe, I didn't get into this place!

Chu Jingtian sneered.

These lone tombs do not seem strange at all, but they are actually hidden secrets. This way forward, as if leading to the Nine Nether Realm!

"Beijing King of Heaven, this road is not right!"

Xu Qin couldn't help it.

Even if she doesn't understand the matrix, she knows that the road is extremely dangerous. What terrible things are waiting for them!

"This is called the" Many Ghost Soul Array ". Once a creature stepped in it, it will cause the evil spirits in the array to devour. In each of these graves, there is a sharp ghost hidden. This sharp ghost is used to raise it. They existed together and survived the fight. Each end was extremely ferocious! "

"How to break the battle?" Qin Haoran quickly said.

"If you break the battle, it will cost you some effort. This Xuanyin Valley is the opponent's territory, and the formation eyes must also be hidden in places that ordinary people can't reach." Looking at the two people with a slightly ugly complexion, Chu shocked and smiled: "Break There are many ways to fight, and I still like this simple and rude way! "

He laughed loudly, already holding up his hands, and stepped into the ghost spirits in a leisurely pace.


As soon as Chu Jingtian entered, a long lonely grave rang through the sound of ghosts crying, countless ghosts and evil spirits emerged from the void, and flew towards Chu Jingtian madly.

But Chu Jingtian didn't see it. These low-level ghosts and evil spirits were burned to the ashes by the light of the Buddhaless Lotus Terrace before they even got close.

But in the blink of an eye, Chu Jingtian had already left by a third.


Seeing that ordinary evil spirits couldn't stop Chu Jingtian, the array trembled suddenly, and the fierce ghost with a sculpted head was already whistling out. These fiendish ghosts are all black, with black scales and twin horns, which are at least several times stronger than those guys.

Chu Jingtian raised up the dragon sword, chopping again and again. These fierce ghosts were directly devoured by the remnants of the dragons in Zunlong Sword, supplemented by the remnants of the soul. Zunlong Sword issued crisp sounds of swords, seemingly extremely happy!

By the end of the third third of the journey, the first-order and fourth-order ghosts appeared. They are the most terrible existence of the whole ghost ghost soul array, and they are absolute killing tricks!

These guys are incredibly powerful, and they are much more than the avatars of He Feizhan before.

"Haha, you are waiting!"

Chu Jingtian laughed and waved his right hand suddenly.

Suddenly, the red flame spirit fire swept away and directly collected these ghost envoys.

When I heard it, there was a crackling sound ~ ~ These ghosts were already refined by different fires, and only the last ghosts were left. These ghosts make each head stronger than the old red-haired ghost encountered by Chu Jingtian. When refining the old red-haired ghost, Chu Jingtian had to be sidelined to prevent the other party from escaping, but at this time he could wave his palms. !!

A loud voice sounded, and the dozen or so ghosts immediately fell into Chu Jingtian's hands, and when he opened his palm to look, those ghosts had become like black pearls.

The most powerful place in the entire large array is these ghost envoys. Now the ghost envoys are being refined by Chu Jingtian, the entire formation is already alive and well.

At the end of the mass grave post, Chu Jingtian suddenly stomped.



The fog at the end of the large array seemed to be torn apart by a pair of big hands, and it quietly opened, revealing a huge palace of bones!

(End of this chapter) Bookmates pay attention!


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