Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 275: Ghost Power

This vast ancient figure, still faintly still alive, looks like a monster in gold armor. As the storm rushed out, the void around it turned into a ghost realm, cold and windy.

This yin wind is even colder than yin shaqi, making people feel cold.

"Sun Yifan, you actually have a ghost!"

Everyone couldn't help exclaiming when they saw this golden armor ghost.

The growth of ghost power cannot be swallowed up, especially those fresh souls are a great complement to ghosts.

Some crazy minds even raise ghosts with living people. So in martial arts, raising ghosts is always the same taboo. Even if there is, it is sneaky and afraid to take it out. But who would have thought that Sun Yifan was such a bright and honest ghost killer.


This golden armor is full of horror, dark mist, and three meters tall. A majestic dark golden armor with a mysterious ghost pattern written on it. Although the words are still, they have an inexplicable breath, which is daunting.

"North Liang Tianwang, give me death!"

Sun Yifan shouted angrily.

At the same time, the golden armor fierce ghost danced with his right hand, grabbed a dark halberd and slashed directly towards Chu Jingtian.

"Oh my god!"

Seeing this golden armor and fierce ghost appear, some timid people even frightened away.

Even some powerful people in the Four Realms couldn't help but tremble slightly.

This is the ghost of Master Shijing ...

Some people seem to have seen that Chu Jingtian was killed by this golden armor and fierce ghost, and it must be inevitable!

"It's so stubborn, it's not enough to die!" Chu Jingtian snorted coldly.

He slowly raised his head, his eyes cold and wild.

"If you kneel down and ask for forgiveness, I might give you my life."

"But you didn't have it, you dared to threaten me! I don't want you to be destroyed, how can I dispel my hatred?"

"Is this golden armor a ghost?"

Chu Jingtian slowly said, taking a step forward.

In the shocking and puzzled eyes of everyone, he slowly raised his hand and patted forward. I saw a blue giant palm like Yunlong's claws, which emerged directly from the air. At first, it was only a few inches in size, but when it fell, it was already three or four feet long. When it was suspended on the head of the golden armor, it was already ten feet round, like a giant spirit **** who turned around, and fell down!


The smashed Jinjia Meng ghost eye pupils released infinite black awns, turned the hand to paint the halberd, split a long beam of ghost light, and slammed into the giant palm.

But Chu Jingtian didn't look, he held his palm down.

The move of the golden armor fierce ghost was shattered and shattered by this palm, and it was under the eyes of everyone, just like a mosquito was shot by the giant palm from the air to the ground.


The whole ground shuddered.

When the film was shot, a gust of wind that was visible to the naked eye was set off, and the warriors who watched the surrounding area blew up. These warriors Cangjie got up from the ground and quickly looked forward.

I saw that the Fang Tianhua halberd of the golden armor fierce ghost had been smashed with one palm, his feet plunged into the ground a few inches deep, and there were dense cracks around the feet. Supporting the giant palm with both hands holding the sky, it actually stopped the giant palm that was so powerfully dropped.

"Hold it up?"

"This golden armor is too strong ..."

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Chu Jingtian took a picture of this palm, and it was a mountain that could be broken in a vacuum. This Jinjia Meng ghost was intercepted unceasingly.


nbsp; "North Liang Tianwang, do you think this ghost I raised is so easy to deal with? Hey, this is just the beginning!"

Sun Yifan smiled coldly, his hands snapped together in front of him, forming a weird curse. At the same time, he was talking about something, and no one could understand what mantra he was singing, sometimes like whispering, sometimes like a woman crying, sometimes cursing like an old woman, making people scalp numb, and a goose bump.

But this is not the main thing, the most terrifying thing is that with the singing of his spell, the ghost's body actually grew crazy at this moment.


Sun Yifan took a deep breath, his tongue trembled, and he drank loudly:


The crowd did not react before, and they saw that the ghost had swelled the body by three points, and their strong muscles almost burst the wide armor brace. The armor burst out like a flying locust flow stone. In everyone's incredible eyes, the body of the golden armor fierce ghost has more than doubled.

And the huge palm that pressed on him was also opened up a little bit!

"Beiliang Tianwang, why bother?"

Sun Yifan slowly put his hands together, so mysteriously motivated and exhausting his mind, even though he was breathing slightly at the moment. But he was in a very good mood, sneer looking at Chu Jingtian.

"If you accept my kindness, you won't end up like this. But my golden armor and ghost came out and opened my bow without arrows. Not only will you die, but everyone present will have to be buried!"

Once the matter of raising ghosts is leaked, he will become a public enemy in martial arts and be trapped by everyone.

Therefore, he can only do one thing without another, kill him completely.


"Sun Yifan, you dare ..."

A warrior yelled coldly.

But the voice did not fall, a ghost had already jumped out of the arms of Sun Yifan, the blade was cut, and brought a piece of forest cold light. In the eyes of everyone's horror, the warrior's head flew up, and blood was flowing like a spring.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

At the same time, several black shadows emerged, and each end was a fourth-order ghost. The body is condensed, as if covered with a layer of black ghost armor, each end is not inferior to the old red ghost who was refined before Chu Jingtian.

These ghosts rushed out and killed, like a tiger entering a flock, ramming, unbridled, and no one could stop it.

"Haha, none of you can escape."

Sun Yifan stomped his feet fiercely and waved his right hand, and saw eight black lights. That black light turned out to be skull heads, and it didn't fall when flying in mid-air, and the black eyes flashed with a sense of coldness.

"Eight Gates Locked Up!"

Sun Yifan drank in a deep voice, the mana was running to the extreme, and a large black light suddenly appeared in the eyes of the eight skulls, which completely blocked the space. Those fleeing warriors bumped into the black light, but they couldn't break through and were bounced back.

"Hold Sun Yifan and force him to let go of the formation!"

Some martial arts soldiers moved towards Sun Yifan directly. But he opened his mouth and vomited, and a blue-faced fangs came out of his throat, and a wolf-headed ghost guarded him.

Holding a pair of swords, the ghost-assistant brought a piece of forest, and beheaded the two warriors who had been slain.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes were horrified, and their hearts rose with infinite despair.

"Oh, Beiliang Tianwang, can you regret it?"

Sun Yifan grasped the situation and continued to focus on the golden armor. This fierce ghost has his mana support. His shape has grown to seven or eight meters, like a hill, and his body has condensed into substance, just like the real human body.

"What do you regret?"

Chu Jingtian smiled.

Ignoring the gloomy complexion of Sun Yifan, he shook his head:

& nbs

p; "Just because of you, is it worthy to make me regret it? With all your energy, can you only hold back the ghost that is in my palm, and is qualified to make me regret?"

"Beiliang Tianwang, you really don't know anything! Today, I will show you what the power of ghosts and gods is!"

In the eyes of Sun Yifan, the cold mang was released, and he shouted:

"Kill him!"

At this instant, the already huge figure of the golden armor fierce ghost increased by three points at this instant. Even the body size was already beyond the palm of the hand, and I saw the fierce ghost roar, his arms wrapped around the huge palm, and the ghost power was exerted to the extreme.


He only heard a loud sound, and the huge palms gathered by Chu Jingtian's mana, blood, and qi were actually broken by him.

Uncontrollable huge energy suddenly exploded from the void, turned into a ring of clouds, and spread out around it!

At the same time, Jin Jia Meng Gui suddenly opened his right hand and turned towards Chu Jingtian's head. His palms are about a foot wide, even if it is not as large as the previous giant palm, it is very scary. If he was caught in the palm of his hand, he would be crushed like a matchstick.

"You dare to claim the power of ghosts and gods just because of your stuff? It's a big laugh!"

Chu Jingtian slowly shook his head.

He didn't do much, his body trembled, and suddenly a black shadow rose. This dark shadow did not leave the body, as if attached to Chu Jingtian. Everyone looked forward in horror, and saw that the appearance and shape of this shadow were almost the same as Chu Jingtian.

"what is this?"

As soon as the image of such evil intentions came out, a burst of exclaiming sound was immediately caused.

Only Qin Haoran trembled, his eyes full of panic.

This is the Undead God Offering!

When Chu Jingtian used it for the first time, he was still in Wan Mo Yuan. At that time, his cultivation was not high, and the demon shadow was unclear and blurred, making people look down. But now he is not as good as he was then.

The ghost image of the immortal demon sacrifice was carved out like a mold with him.


At the time of this demon ghost, the golden armor fierce ghost had roared and killed. But Chu Jingtian was expressionless. He flipped his right hand and took a picture with his palm again.


The rushing golden armor ghost was immediately photographed by the giant palm. Jin Jia fierce ghost eyes closed, stretched out his arms again, trying to hold up the giant palm into the mountain.


A loud blast of stone-shattering sounded, the body of the Jinjia Meng ghost sank, and was smashed into the ground from below his knee.

Even more ~ ​​ ~ This giant palm has no meaning to stop, it is under pressure. In a horrified gaze, the golden armor fierce ghost whose body swelled to more than ten meters was born under the palm of his hand.

No matter how he struggled, he couldn't resist the power of this giant palm until he was crushed and crushed.


After countless people watched with shock, Chu Jingtian's palm shot fell to the ground. The terrible palm wind brought hurricane-like power and swept out desperately. Everything around was shattered. When Chu Jingtian retracted his right hand, there was only a sunken palm print on the ground.

In Sun Yifan's astonishment, Chu Jingtian said lightly:

"See? This is the power of ghosts and gods!"

ps: Thank you for the rewards of 15270, Langji Tianya, 13006, Mengxi, people who are still and dead, and the six horses flying to the horse ...

(End of this chapter) Bookmates pay attention!


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