Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 289: Deceive the ancestors!

"Yes!" Chu Jingtian nodded.

Hu Fengwei frowned slightly, apparently dissatisfied with Chu Jingtian's casual attitude. Chu Jiuyuan on the one side quickly introduced: "This is Master Hu Fengwei of Liang Yilin, master of fifth-order array!"


Xu Qin exclaimed.

When she saw Hu Fengwei looking towards herself, she could not help but tremble and quickly bowed:

"Have met Master Hu!"

Chu Jingtian was still expressionless, he glanced at the other side strangely: "Is there something wrong?"

Hu Fengwei's eyes flashed with disappointment.

If Chu Jingtian didn't know her identity before, she didn't show respect. But now that he knows it, he still has such a casual attitude, and he is naturally a little unhappy.

Had it not been for Chu Jiuyuan, he would have gone away.

‘The kid in the vulgar world really does n’t understand etiquette! ’

He secretly said in his heart, pointing back to the mountain top courtyard: "You set up the spirit formation?"

"Yes!" Chu Jingtian frowned, "Is there a problem?"

"The problem is not there, but do you know how dangerous it is to arrange arrays in this mountain? It will cause Mingju Peak to fall, and it will probably involve the entire Meteorological Dragon Mountain!" Hu Fengwei reprimanded.

"Fortunately, you have good luck and the layout is successful. Otherwise, the moment the formation method is started, you will be crushed by the crushing body of heaven and earth!"

In his opinion, the boy in front of him must not know the danger, so he can arrange the array so boldly.

The success of the formation method must also be caused by a certain amount of luck. Even him, he did not dare to add the matrix method to Ming Jufeng so easily.

Unexpectedly, Chu Jingtian looked at him lightly and said:

"I naturally know! But with this simple array, I am confident that there will be no problems. If something goes wrong, it will prove to be insufficient."

As soon as this remark came out, not only did Hu Fengwei's complexion change greatly, even Chu Jiuyuan on the side was surprised.

You know, this Feng Feng's matrix method, Hu Fengwei researched many times, and finally came to a conclusion that can not add matrix method. But Chu Jingtian's words are equivalent to face-to-face.

Hu Fengwei had a high opinion of himself, how can he bear this tone?

"Oh, so, do you think your level of formation is high?" Hu Fengwei sneered and looked at Chu Jingtian.

"OK!" Chu Jingtian nodded slightly.

Avenue Xianzong is the ancestral gate of the immortal realm.

If you want to become the Supreme Master, it is not enough just to have a big fist, you have to get involved in all aspects. Of course, Chu Jingtian is not just a taste of it, but it has reached a peak.

But even worse, I don't know how much higher than this Master Hu.

"Huh, a good one is okay. The old man has studied the formation method for hundreds of years, but the way of formation method is like a sky map, and I still feel I know nothing about it. You have only set up a spiritual gathering on this Mingju Peak, They dare to think that it's okay, it's a real glory to the world! "

Hu Fengwei snorted coldly.

Chu Jiuyuan on the side saw Hu Fengwei's anger, but also full of anger:

"Chu Jingtian, look at the good deeds you have done, and do not hurry to apologize to Master Hu? Master Hu is the presence of Taishan Beidou in the Fa World, and there are only a handful of people who can surpass him. He is here to accept you what!"

After speaking, he quickly looked at Hu Fengwei:

"Master Hu, Chu Jingtian has just come to the martial arts, and he doesn't know how to be polite. You don't want to have any general knowledge with this kid ..."

Xu Qin was stunned by the side.

Although she is just an unknown little sister in martial arts, but

I have also heard of Hu Fengwei's name. Above the formation, Hu Fengwei is definitely in the top ten, and few people can surpass him.

This time I came to accept Chu astonishing?

‘The King of the Liangliang was originally a monstrous player. If he learned the formation again, how would he pay it? This is a chance to step into the sky! ’

She thought to her, and quickly looked at Chu Jingtian.

I saw Chu Jingtian smile coldly:

"Apologize, why? I said something wrong? Although Ming Jufeng's formation is difficult to arrange, it is not so in my eyes. You dare not even arrange this formation. The arrangement is unsuccessful. What's wrong? Level?"

"What qualifications do you have for me?"

As soon as he said this, even Xu Qin was shocked.

Chu Jiuyuan sighed and knew it was over. The old men in the martial arts world, who is not like a good disciple, even he is no exception. But now that you are colliding with each other everywhere, you even look down on the other party's way of setting up, who wants to accept such a disciple.

Sure enough, Hu Fengwei was furious:

"If I am not qualified to accept you as a disciple, who will have it? Pang Wenju of Yinyanggu must?"

"How does Pang Wenjue compare to the old valley owner of Yinyang Valley?" Chu Jingtian asked.

Xu Qin on the side explained quickly:

"Pang Wen is definitely a disciple of Lao Guzhu, and now he is second to none in the formation method. However, Lao Guzhu is now ignorant of world affairs, so Pang Wen is definitely the first in the formation method."

Hu Fengwei snorted and mocked, "You don't even know these things?"

Chu Jingtian frowned.

He did not expect that the old Valley Master's status in martial arts was so high.

Facing Hu Fengwei's mocking eyes, Chu Jingtian said lightly:

"Some time ago, Lao Guzhu did mean to accept me as a disciple, but I refused it. You ca n’t even compare Lao Guzhu's disciples. You have no qualifications to talk to me about formation, and you want to accept me. An apprentice? "


As soon as the words fell, Hu Fengwei couldn't help laughing.

He smiled and shook his head:

"Lao Guzhu is still a disciple like Lin Xianer so far. I have never heard of his intention to accept others as a disciple. Not to mention that he has been in poor health in recent years and has been resting in the Yinyang Valley. Only Beiliang Tianwang. "

"Don't you say that you are the King of Liangliang?"

Chu Jingtian nodded slightly and was about to speak. Chu Jiuyuan over there was already angry:

"Chu is shocking enough, isn't it enough to shame you?"

Xu Qin frowned.

Until this time, she did not understand why Meteor Longshan had not fully accepted Chu Jingtian, because the other party did not know that Chu Jingtian was the king of the Liangliang Heaven.

She opened her mouth and glanced at Chu Jingtian, who was expressionless, but still held back.

‘I ’m going to tell the identity of the King of the Liangliang at this time. I ’m afraid these people wo n’t believe it. Instead of believing it to be true, maybe I thought I was lying. ’

‘But did King Liangliang really refuse to accept Lao Guzhu ’s apprentice? ’

Xu Qinqiang suppressed the doubt in his heart.

If someone said it, she would be as disdainful as Hu Fengwei, but if she said it from Chu Jingtian's mouth, it would be questionable. After all, Lao Guzhu was really in Baihelou and invited Chu to the sky.

Hu Fengwei sneered and looked at Chu Jingtian, disdain and shook his head, this is to Chu Jiuyuan:

"I can't teach this kid. Even if I do n’t respect the teacher, even if I teach it, he will deceive the teacher and destroy his ancestors. Even if he is gifted, I will not teach it.

It's me, and all the array mages will never speak again to teach this kid. "

"Master Hu ..."

Chu Jiuyuan heard his face and looked pale.

Disrespect for the teacher, this crime can be as large or small. But if you say it from Hu Fengwei's mouth, it will be different. At least Chu Jiuyuan knows that from then on all martial arts circles will not see Chu Jingtian.

At first Chu Jiuyuan was still wondering, even if Hu Fengwei didn't accept it, he could find other masters of formation law to accept Chu astonishingly.

But as soon as this sentence came out, Chu Jingtian's way in the formation method will be completely sealed.

"Chu Jingtian, quickly apologize to Master Hu!"

Chu Jiuyuan's body shivered.

This is obviously a good thing, how can it suddenly change taste?

Unexpectedly, Chu shocked Chu Chutian smiled coldly, looking at Hu Fengwei with a smile:

"Respect for the teacher ?! Which kind of teacher do you count, and what kind of do you count? Need me to respect, need me to respect. When you reach that height, I will naturally respect you and respect you!"

"But now, you are not worthy!"

Hu Fengwei can't even arrange such a simple array of Ming Jufeng, and dare to pretend to be old and big in front of him?

This gathering of spirits seems to be random, but each step corresponds to the stars, not restricted to the direction of the mountains and rivers. However, Hu Fengwei only regarded the success of Julingzhen as Chu's amazing luck.

The other party couldn't understand even such a simple theory of formation. What qualifications do Chu Jingtian have to respect the teacher?


Hu Fengwei almost did not vomit blood.

His tactics of such formations have been criticized by a commonplace kid for nothing. If it weren't for the deepness of his city, I'm afraid it would have been angry and anxious, and vomited blood and died!

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Hu Fengwei was almost speechless and nodded again and again.

"After returning to Liang Yilin, I will publish this matter to you. I'd like to see, what exactly is your kid qualified to be so crazy!"

"Do you understand my existence? You can go back and study more about the formation method, and it will be ashamed to save it." Chu Jingtian dismissed.

Hu Fengwei looked green and white for a while, staring at Chu with a shocking glance.

In the end, he snorted coldly, regardless of trying to retain Chu Jiuyuan, and walked away, leaving only Chu Jingtian with a blank expression and Xu Qin with a blank expression.

"Let's go!"

Taking a look at the departing Hu Fengwei, Chu Jingtian shook his head slightly.

What cat and dog dare to jump in front of him?

I ca n’t even understand the matrix method I set up ~ ~ Where does the courage to blame yourself?


Xu Qin glanced at Hu Fengwei, with some regret and regret in his heart.

This is a large array of mages!

Although it is not as good as Pang Wenjue or the old valley owner of Yinyang Valley, it is also the second-best existence in the formation method. Chu Jingtian not only rejected him, but also gave him away.

Who will see him again in the future?

But it seemed that Chu Jingtian's face was indifferent, but it was like driving away an annoying fly.

"Chu Shaotian!"

Just as the two were preparing to go up the mountain, there was a shout from Chu Jiuyuan's teeth. ) Book friends, pay attention!


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