Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 298: Hutan Cliff bowed his head


At this moment, the eyes of everyone at Hutanya looked like they were watching an idiot.

Even the people at Meteor Dragon Mountain are puzzled.

As long as another moment, the seemingly weak through-stone silver-bone dragon will be restored to the previous strong fifth-order sky demon. How could the people at Hutan Cliff let go of Chu Jingtian?

However, Chu Jingtian smiled and took out a blood pandan and fed it to the weaker Huoyunfeng at will.

"Do you think only you know how to control the beast?"


Almost as soon as the voice fell, the weak and incomparable Huo Fengfeng turned from the dying posture in an instant and restored the previous posture of the god. That horrible demon is almost the pinnacle.

The speed of this recovery is almost several times faster than the through-stone silver bone dragon!

The color of Shan Yuhai suddenly became extremely ugly.

He recognized that the elixir that Chu Jingtian had given to Huo Yunfeng was an elixir that he had previously rejected. Although he doesn't know if this elixir can really increase the life expectancy of Tian Yao, but the value that can restore Huoyunfeng to its peak in a short period of time has far exceeded thirty-four. Wind bird several times.

If this elixir really has the effect of increasing the life span of a hundred years, then it is even more priceless ...

And myself, has actually rejected such a high value of elixir?

Shan Yuhai responded suddenly.

He still held his face and pressed the greed on his face, pretending to be a stubborn gesture: "The enemy should be solved or not, we will not care about you in this matter. Chu Jingtian, I promised you that Conditions. "

He totally accepted my elixir and did not care about you. It is because adults do not care about villains. It is for your face.

Chu Jingtian sneered, stroked the petite Huoyunfeng, sneered:

"Shan Yuhai, are you too shameless, don't you think there is still room for you to choose now? Didn't you just interrupt my hands and legs and let me kneel and apologize?"

"You want to insult me, you have to pay the price! Cut off your legs and get out!"


Huo Yunfeng screamed, and his flames rose with rage. As long as Shan Yuhai finally dared to burst out a ‘No’ word, it will burn the other person to ashes in an instant!

Give you a chance, don't you cherish it?

It's still cheeky to ask for elixir. Is this possible?

Elder Chu San was stunned.

He didn't expect Chu Jingtian to take out an elixir, which actually made Huoyunfeng recover before the stone-boned dragon. And that Fire Yunfeng, who could not be suppressed by the master-servant contract, was so well-behaved in front of Chu Jingtian.

Shan Yuhai Wenyan shivered, his eyes flashed a killing meaning:

"Chu Jingtian, I didn't expect that I had been in the martial arts world for so many years, and it was planted in the hands of a kid like you. I recognize it, but today I will never give up!

After he said it, he raised his fist and smashed it **** his own leg.

He only heard two clicks, and his legs broke off.

"Single Elder!"

Hutanya's children exclaimed with sorrow and anger, and they could only cry.

Even the elders have broken their legs to protect themselves, but what can they do.

Earlier, the popularity of Hutanya was so arduous that he could not wait to step on the heads of everyone in Meteor Dragon Mountain to make a blessing. But now, he can only run away like a bereavement dog.

"Three elders, this matter arises because of me. If Hutan Ya comes to the door, I will do it alone, and I will definitely not affect you!"

Chu Jingtian patted Huo Yunfeng's head.

"I owed you a favor before, and it was paid off by feeding it a blood pheasant. If you have any questions that you do n’t understand, you can come to me and I will give you pointers."

The children of Meteorological Dragon Mountain present, until Chu Jingtian completely disappeared into their sight, then they returned to God!

Suddenly, the field exploded.

"I always thought that Yinmang was Chu Jingtian's beast-controlling beast. I never expected that greedy dragon!"

"Although the greedy dragon is not strong, greedy dragon actually conquered two fourth-tier monsters. Together, they are not even the strongest on the list!"

"There is also the elixir that Chu Jingtian just took out, and it was able to restore Huoyunfeng in an instant. Forcing Yuhan Hai to save his life, he had to break his legs!"

Everyone can think of Chu Jingtian, who usually doesn't show the mountains and rivers, and they think that leisurely people are not as good as Chu Jingtian, who is not free, but if it does n’t break out, it ’s amazing!

He could easily control the battle of the master of the fifth-order beast master, which was something they couldn't even imagine.


"This kid is simply unfathomable!"

The elder of Chu San was standing in place, looking at the back of Chu Jingtian, he couldn't believe it.

In the eyes of outsiders, Chu Jingtian only took out a panacea from the beginning to the end of this beast-fighting battle. But in fact, only he can understand how terrible the animal control skills that Chu Jingtian showed today without anyone knowing.

He looked at his own fire, and his eyes were full of shock.

‘This demon has followed me for thirteen years. Even if there is a master-servant contract, it always thinks of rebellion and breaks free. ’

‘It has a bad temper and a burst of personality. ’

‘But Chu Jingtian had no one to feed him a panacea, and even won his favor, and let Chu Yutian take the initiative! Even if it ’s many ways, I ca n’t understand it! ’

‘The elixir he brought out even made Dan Yuhai change his mind, even if he wanted to get it. ’

Elder Chu San smiled wryly.

‘No wonder the other party has n’t cared about the Dragon Tiger List. It turned out that he already had the ability to log in to the Dragon Tiger List! ’

‘Looks like we all look down on him! ’


As soon as this incident happened, the attitudes of many four generations of children in Meteorological Dragon Mountain towards Chu Jingtian suddenly changed into awe.

However, some people are worried.

Chu Jingtian's crime this time was too big. Shan Yuhai was not an unknown soldier. He was the elder of Hutan Cliff. He was forced to break his legs, how could Hutan Ya swallow this breath?

At that time, Hutan Cliff will fall down, will Meteor Longshan surrender Chu Jingtian to commit the crime?

However, the three elders have made up their minds, and even if Hu Tan Ya puts pressure on him, he still has to protect him. Just as everyone was waiting for Hutan Cliff to move, the Elder Hutan Cliff rushed to Meteor Dragon Mountain to pay for his crime.

For a time, four generations of children were shocked.

And in the hilltop berm.

"So, do you pay me for the blood?" Hehe, why did you know today? "

Chu Jingtian sat expressionless.

In front of him was an old man who laughed and laughed. I didn't know he thought the old man was a lowly old servant, so humiliating. But if someone is present, then it is known that the other party is elder Chu San.

"The ancestors know that Shan Yuhai's actions are extremely angry. He has been punished for three years and he is not allowed to go out." Elder Chu San said with a smile: "Now you have made a name for yourself. "

Seeing that Chu Jingtian didn't speak, Elder Chu San thought he was disgusted, and quickly said, "Your talent for beast control is good, and he will be greedy in the future.

The strength of the dragon is improved a little, and the first thirty login is no problem! "

Chu Jingtian heard the words and smiled.

Why does he care about these names?

"Chu Jingtian, how did you make those elixir last time?" Elder Chu San asked quickly.

"Tell you, will you refining? This Dan uses a unique method, only I can do it myself." Chu Jingtian said lightly.

Xueyandan is not an ordinary fourth-order elixir. It has infinitely approached the fifth-order elixir. It must be uniquely tempered.

"You still practice alchemy, why don't I know?" Elder Chu San didn't believe it.

Chu Jingtian played with the tea bowl in his hand and smiled:

"You don't know too much."

Elder Chu San was not sure.

But Chu Jingtian repeatedly took out the elixir, and it was such a pledge that he was not lying. He hesitated for a moment, and then brought up the matter of Hutan Cliff:

"The two elders of Hutanya have come to apologize and apologize. Can you sell them to you?"

Chu Jingtian smiled coldly, and said lightly:

"I used this for my own preparation."

"Hutan Cliff wants to buy, you can."

"Unless they can come up with something of equal value, everything is free."

"Okay, I'll tell you what you say to Hutan Cliff." Elder Chu San paused for a moment, this is the only way. "Your greedy dragon should be cultivated well. I foresee that it is not an ordinary animal control ..."

Chu Jingtian raised his eyebrows, glanced at the courtyard and smiled at the greedy dragon eating Zhaoyue chasing finch, which was also sent by Hu Tanya to please Chu Jingtian.

He naturally knew that the greedy dragon was unusual.

But so far, it is not known exactly how the greedy dragon belongs to it. Even his master beast master does not know how to cultivate it.

"I know!"

Chu Jingtian nodded slightly.

In fact, even if Elder Chu San didn't say it, he was ready to do so.

After sending away the three elders of Chu, Chu Xu brought another unexpected person to the mountain top courtyard.

"Qu Dingpeng, why are you here?"

The visitor is one of the chiefs of the Qing Teng Pavilion, who was once the peak of the four-world exerciser who was slapped by Chu Jingtian's arms.

"Beiliang Tianwang, this time I have been ordered by the master to deliver the elixir you need." Qu Dingpeng quickly bowed his head, his eyes full of shock. When he followed Chu Xu, he only heard that the people in the Longshan Mountain were talking about Hu Tanya's compensation for Chu Jingtian.

Hutan Cliff is not a small force ~ ~ This is not inferior to the existence of Yinyang Valley and Liangyi Forest.

Even Chu Chutian could not afford to lift his head?

"Oh, so fast?"

Chu Jingtian laughed.

He counted the number of elixir and nodded.

This batch of elixir is enough for him to elevate the refining gas to the four realms.

But unfortunately, his Dan furnace exploded, and he had to go down the mountain himself to practice alchemy.

"There is one thing you ordered, Beiliang Heavenly King." Qu Dingpeng reported: "We found a map recording the congenital spiritual treasure of the lotus ..."


Chu Jingtian looked up suddenly, a hint of joy appeared in his eyes. ) Book friends, pay attention!


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