This is naturally not ordinary fog. This is a large-scale formation method. I do n’t know how many times it is deeper than the Qin family ’s Juling formation.

Although it looks like a white mist, it actually contains a variety of effects, such as lost array, magic array, and protection. The whole array completely covered the house, like a natural barrier.

No matter what you do, you ca n’t break in!

"I did not expect that Xuan Xuan knew a little bit of formation!"

Chu Jingtian looked at it for a moment, and then suddenly laughed.

There is also a formation outside the Xianzong Avenue on the Avenue, which is called 'Liangyi Formation'. This law formation shrouded the unknown mountains and almost cut off the heavens, making the Avenue Xianzong hidden in a vast sea of ​​clouds, which is hard for ordinary people to see!

After Chu Jingtian became the Supreme Master, the first thing he did was to improve the "Liangyi array". The improved 'two instruments big array' includes an area even including 100,000 mountains, and once it is up and running, it is enough to kill any strongman who broke into Xianzong.

Compared with the Liangyi array, the cloud and fog formation in this house is really a witch. However, Chu Jingtian said this casually, but it attracted a strange look around.

"Good guy, do you know who lives in this mansion? Today's emperor, Master Xuan Xuan! He is a second-order array mage, and this' cloud and mist array 'is his own cloth! You say that he knows' A little 'matrix!'

A middle-aged man wearing a Chinese suit with a big belly was laughing at Chu Jingtian ‘噗嗤’, and smiled as if looking at a bun.

"In Dayan, Master Xuan Xuan ’s formation can be ranked in the top three. The first is Xuan Xuan ’s Master and Master of Heaven, but unfortunately he has passed away! The second is Xuan Xuan ’s disciple Yun Yuqi, he Qing is better than blue because of blue, and now he is the chief array mage in the royal family! The third place is Master Yun Xuan! "

The man in Chinese clothes smiled at the crowd in front of the house:

"These all came to see Master Xuan Xuan!"

"Boy, you're too breathy. Even Master Xuan Xuan only knows a bit of formation in your eyes. I wonder how capable you are?"

His voice dropped and he laughed all around.

"There is no Huangkou child with even hair, and he dares to comment on Master Xuan Xuan's formation method. He simply doesn't know what is high and thick!" An old man with a harsh face criticized mercilessly.

"Now the young people have low eyes and high masters, but they don't have any ability, but they look down on this and look down upon that!" Someone shook his head with a smirk.

Chu Jingtian frowned slightly.

This time he came to Xuan Xuan to ask for keel vines, and he didn't want to have extra branches.

"Here is the lord!"

Just then, a commotion came. I saw a carriage coming galloping and stopped in front of the house yard in full view. Then a beautiful-looking girl came down from the carriage.

The young girl was so arrogant that her gaze was full of arrogance.

"is her?"

When seeing the other party, Chu Jingtian secretly said badly.

This girl is not someone else, it is Mo Moqing! If she were to come and make a stalk from it, it would be even more difficult for the keel to grow!

"Why is it you again?" At this time, Mo Moqing also saw Chu Jingtian, and her eyes flashed with coldness and disgust.

"Where would I go without your permission?"

Since it hit, Chu Jingtian naturally will not give in. Leng Huo, he smiled and shook his head:

"Don't forget, in the Beast Guild, you bet you lost to me, to be my personal maid! You are not qualified to speak to me like this, right?"

When referring to the Beast Guild, there was a shock in Wu Moqing's eyes.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't believe that this waste could make all the beasts worship, and she would have lost her face! Now Chu Jingtian's repetition of old events is tantamount to exposing her wounds.

Her heart was irritable, and Mo Moqing stared at Chu Jingtian, but when everyone thought he would burst out, she suddenly laughed:

"Chu Jingtian, I really can't fight you in Yuju's party. But that doesn't mean I can't subdue you."

She pointed at the courtyard and sneered:

"It looks like you want to enter the house? Unfortunately, there is a large cloud of mist under my big bob outside the house. There are only two possibilities for you to enter. Either you will be led by me or you will be at the level of formation More than my uncle! "

"Unless you use an army of 10,000 people, you won't be able to get in."

俆 Mo Qing was full of jokes and shook his head:

"Although you have achieved some success in controlling the beast, my uncle is an emperor. How can you imagine his level of formation?"

"If you give me your head down and admit it, I'll take you into the clouds!"

Mo Moqing looked at Chu Jingtian proudly.

As the daughter of King Jinling, she was the lord of the county. She has always been bullied, and no one has dared to bully her. But now Chu Jingtian gave it again and again, and stepped on her head again and again, how could she swallow this breath?

With such a good opportunity now, how can she let it go?

"Small cloud and fog, I want to come, I want to go, I also need you to lead?" Chu Jingtian looked at Mo Moqing like an idiot. "You want to blow me down in a cloud of mist, think it's possible?"

As soon as he said this, not only those dignitaries and nobles around him, but even Mo Qing was shocked.

Zhou Zhou's eyes were wide, one by one, looking at Chu Jingtian with shock, even suspecting that he had heard wrong.

"What did the boy say? I heard right!" The man in Huafu screamed in horror.

Everyone looked at him, as if looking at an idiot.

Many people are already scolding in their hearts, why did Beiliang Wang give birth to such an idiot son? Actually dare to say this kind of words in front of the house of Xuan Xuan. Who exactly gave him the capital!

"Okay, what a shocking day! It seems you are still arrogant!"

Mo Moqing sneered, and her heart was very angry.

She wore a cloud-shaped token and could easily enter and leave the house. The noble and noble person who came to see Xuan Xuan, whoever met her was not respectful and courteous.

She only let the other party bow her head to apologize, but Chu Jingtian didn't expect to give anything at all. Looking at it, he nodded heavily, and Mo Moqing looked at Chu Jingtian with a smile:

"I'm waiting for you in the mansion. I'll see what you can do to break into the clouds!"

Having said that, Mo Moqing didn't look back, and walked directly towards the house.

She stepped into it step by step, and the clouds seemed to have an independent consciousness, as if the tide was spreading to form a channel. After walking in, the clouds returned like tide.

But in the blink of an eye, Mo Moqing stepped into the clouds. Although there is only a mist, but in everyone's eyes, it seems that they have entered another world, let alone invisible, and even the divine thought can't capture her.

Everyone gazed at Mo Moqing disappearing in the clouds, and then suddenly exploded the pot.

"Kid, you know that Master Xuan Xuan has never seen outsiders. Everyone is waiting here, but in fact they are waiting for Mo Moqing! Only she has the pass token to enter the cloud and fog array. Without her, what should we do?" Jump straight.

"I care what you are shocking or shocked. Today you will bow down and apologize to me, otherwise I will never let you go!" A majestic man yelled angrily.

It turned out that Xuan Xuan lived here in seclusion and could not be disturbed.

Everyone knows that Xuan Xuan made it clear that he did not see outsiders. If you want to see him, there are only two ways!

First, there are super high achievements.

Second, there are tokens that pass through the clouds!

In the Dayan Dynasty, Xuan Xuan ranked top three. How difficult is it to surpass him at the level of formation? So everyone can only wait for the second, and here is waiting for Mo Moqing who owns the token. I hope that Mo Moqing can take them in, and see Master Wu Xuan.

But who can think that after Mo Moqing appeared, before they had time to speak, they were run off by Chu Jingtian, who was arrogant and ignorant. How could they bear it?

"Chu Jingtian, you simply don't know what is called" Tian Gao Di Hou. "If you don't apologize today, I will tell your father about it here and let him teach you well!"

A dignitarian who has been walking around with the Beiliang Palace all year round has no mercy ~ ~ Yes, give me a kneel here to apologize to the Lord of Jun County. When will she be angry and when can you stand up !! Cried a captain from the Guards, dressed in gold armor.

Many people were black around.

Why don't they know what it means for Mo Moqing to leave this way? It means that their hard work has been in vain for several days, even dozens of days, and it takes at least half a month to see Master Yun Xuan.


At this time, the angry man in Chinese clothes could no longer bear it anymore, and shouted loudly.

As soon as he spoke, everyone present followed Qi Qi.

The presence of the people is good, one or two alone, Chu Jingtian can not look at them. But with so many people together, even the king of Beiliang would have a headache here.

When everyone looked at Chu Jingtian coldly, just when everyone thought Chu Jingtian would kneel down to admit his mistake, he raised his eyebrows and sneered:

"You want to see Master Xuan Xuan, please go to court Mo Qing with all kinds of charms. You even forced me to kneel and admit it!"

"For you, this cloud of fog is like a heaven, and it cannot be crossed! But it is not worth mentioning to me."

One stone stirs up thousands of waves!

Chu Jingtian's words were like lighting a gunpowder barrel!

"Shut up! At this time you dare to talk hard, you just can't see the coffin and don't cry! Come, let him kneel there. When will he bow his head to the Lord of Shire and admit wrong, when will he be allowed to leave!"

Some grumpy people, even clapping their hands, wanted to clean up Chu Jingtian, forcing him to admit his mistake.

Facing the angry crowd, Chu Jingtian smiled slightly and walked towards the clouds.

"Drive me"

At this instant, the world changed color!


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