Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 33: Point you!

"What do you mean?"

Wu Xuan returned to God.

"One thought is amazing!" Chu Jingtian said lightly.

A mindfulness is the highest state of formation.

Every matrix method must imply the general situation of the world, and if you want to break the matrix, you must find the loopholes in it.

If someone wants to break the battle, they must calculate the five elements and gossip. But to the extent of Chu Jingtian, look at the large array under the Xuan cloth, it is almost like a child playing house, leaking.

"It's a good idea, Chu Jingtian, what's the matter with you when you come to me?" Wu Xuan stepped forward and said coldly, the other person's indifferent expression made him angry.

"I heard that Master Xuan Xuan had a keel vine, so I came to ask for it!" Chu Jingtian carried his hands lightly.

"Chu Jingtian, how precious is the keel vine, is it what you can and can get?"

Wu Moqing woke up from the shock, so far she couldn't believe that Chu Jingtian had torn through the clouds and walked out. But now that the other side is standing in front of her, she can't believe it.

"Yes, it took me a lot of effort to get the keel vine, why should I give it to you?" Wu Xuan nodded aside.

"I don't take your things for nothing. If you are willing to give me the keel vine, I can give you some pointers!" Chu Jingtian thought about it seriously.

Although he didn't have anything to do with his hand, willing to give a word of advice was enough to benefit the other person's life.

"Guide my uncle, Chu Jingtian, are you kidding me?" Qi Moqing almost extruded her eyes.

Who is Wu Xuan?

He is the emperor!

The second-order array mage of His Majesty the Emperor Yuci ‘Guoshi Wushuang’!

The disciples he taught, as the chief array master of the royal family, Chu Jingtian actually pointed out such existence?

"Chu Jingtian, you're too arrogant. You just broke the clouds of mist that I arbitrarily laid, and you dare to point me at the height of the sky?" Wu Xuan angry smiled.

In the Dayan dynasty, Xuan Xuan had an almost Tai Bei Beidou-like existence in the profession of array master.

More than 90% of the people outside the house wanted to worship Xuan Xuan as a teacher.

If you think about the identity and status of Wu Xuan, even if you ca n’t succeed with the teacher and get a mention from the other person, it will be enough for many people to use for life! But now, there are people who want to point out Xuan Xuan, and it's still on his best formation method!

If it weren't for your ears, no one would believe it!

"Huh, you want to give me pointers, you are too underestimated by the Master's ability! Without giving you a little lesson, you don't know what it means to be outside the sky, there are people outside!" Wu Xuan Leng hummed.

When he spoke, he grabbed Mo Moqing and took her back three steps. After I stopped, I stomped on the sole of my foot and said loudly, "Get up!"

At this moment, the wind was rising.

Within three steps, the wind raged and the mist was misty. Almost in a blink of an eye, I saw this rising fog, already appearing as a barrier between the two sides.

Banging ~

At this moment, the sound of ten thousand horses galloping in the fog. It seems that in this small house, an army of Tiger and Wolf divisions is hidden!

"Uncle ... this is it?" Cried Mo Qing.

"Mi Xian Zhen!" Wu Xuan said lightly.

"Can this thin layer of fog stop him? The clouds of fog just now were cracked by him!" Wu Moqing couldn't help it.

Wu Xuan sneered and did not speak.

Although the fanxian array is not as wide as the large cloud and mist array, the esoteric level is several steps higher than the latter. As an emperor, he did not have a soldier and a soldier to protect him in his mansion.

Even if the Tong Xuan strong is caught in this mysterious array, he can kill it!

Seeing Wu Xuan's self-confident expression, Mo Moqing was relieved and murmured, "This time I finally trapped Chu Jingtian!"

"Carving insect tricks!" Who expected, Chu Moqing's words just fell, but Chu Xiantian laughed from the fans.

"It's so shocking that you dare to speak hard when you die. Let you see the essence of Mixianzhen!"

Evil rises from the heart, and anger grows to the gall. Wu Xuan squeezed out a seal of determination, and the rolling fog was like a sea of ​​anger suddenly, and a huge wave was raised. At the same time, there was a sound of Long Xiao from heaven and earth.

In the sound of the dragon howl, a wicked whirlpool emerged, its eyes were like the sun and the moon, and the pupils' eyes almost penetrated through the dense fog.

"Oh my God, what is that?"

When the fan fair started, the whole house was shaken at this moment. Everyone couldn't help looking at the courtyard, and saw that a dragon with a head more than ten meters high formed slowly in the depths of the courtyard.

Although the whole body is composed of clouds and mists, seemingly misty and invisible, the Long Wei exuded therein is real.

When many ordinary people saw this, they thought that the real dragon was born, and they trembled in fear, almost not kneeling!

"It's a fan club! Master Yun Xuan actually started a fan club!"

Someone couldn't help shouting.

A fandom?

There is still formation in this house? And when this array of law is launched, it is far from light and cloudless like a large cloud and mist, but it is formidable. When the day and earth pressure comes, this will make you feel small.

"What kind of array is that? How can there be such an array?"

Someone exclaimed.

"I have heard that Master Xuan Xuan repeatedly went to the ancient battlefields to watch the maps of Qian-kun gossip in order to study the formations!" Among the crowd, an old man who came out of the palace said, "In the past ten years, he hasn't asked the world about things. I want to make a breakthrough in the formation method! This mysterious fairy formation must be derived from the Qiankuan gossip map arranged by Master Zhuge 120 years ago! "

Everyone heard the words, their hearts were shocked.

One hundred and twenty years ago, in the war, Master Zhuge of the Han and Shu dynasties laid out the gossip and the gossip map, and reversed the final battle. That ancient formation has remained to this day, forming a forbidden area. People and animals are extinct, and the bones become mountains, like a ghost town!

Unexpectedly, Xuan Xuan was able to create his own formation from this ancient formation!


And at this time.

Wu Xuan squeezed his hands and looked angrily into the clouds. Under the blessing of the formation, the clouds and mists are transformed into a fierce beast. As soon as the order of Xuan Xuan is issued, it will rush out and tear Chu Jingtian to pieces!

"Chu Jingtian, if you kneel for mercy, I will spare you!"

She Moqing also looked at the clouds and fog, and she called out quickly: "Chu Jingtian, should you give up now? My uncle's ability to form the law is by no means as simple as you think!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, a smirk came from the fans:

"This fascinating array is a bit like it. It's a pity it can't hold me back!"

"court death!"

Wu Xuan's face changed, and her right hand waved suddenly.

I saw that cloud and mist dragon making a turn in mid-air, and rolling with the supreme power of Longwei madly crushed. The terrible force suddenly fell like a mountain peak, even bursting the ground around it!

At this point, Xuan Xuan was already angry and anxious. Where did he care about Chu Jingtian's identity as the son of Wang Beiliang?

"Uncle, this is going to kill him!"

俆 Mo Qing was dumbfounded.

Just as the Clouds and Dragons roared and killed towards the fascinating array, I only heard Chu Jingtian drink with a voice:

"Drive me!"


This drink, Tong Chan lotus, sounded thunderous.

Wu Xuan only felt that the large array of arms in his hands was like a wild horse out of control, and he could no longer control it. This explosive power banged on his body, backing him up again and again.


He looked forward with a shocked expression on his face, and saw that the misty dragon that was enough to swallow the sky seemed to be pinched around his neck, and it was torn in a quiet way.

The shroud of enchanted enemies also dispersed at this time, gradually showing Chu Jingtian's figure.

I saw that Chu Jingtian stood flat on the spot, as if cracking the fascinating array. For him, it seemed like a trivial matter.

"This, how is this possible? This is the mysterious array that I studied hard for ten years! Why was it so easy to be broken?"

Wu Xuan's face was completely lost.

The mysterious array he studied was not as good as Master Zhuge, but he thought that no one could solve it in the Dayan Dynasty. If he changed to another array mage, he would feel better somehow. But today it was cracked by a teenager less than sixteen years old, and still in his best area.

All this is completely beyond his imagination!

"How is this possible?" Wu Xuan's expression was dull, and her mind was numb.

The next to Mo Qing was already dazzled.

The moment before, she even thought that Chu Jingtian would die tragically, but now the other party is easily broken again. Could it be that the other party is higher in skill in formation than that of Xuan Xuan?

"What is the formation method?" Chu Jingtian asked out loudly, looking at Xuan Xu, who had been hit hard by his heart.

"The formation method is in line with the layout of heaven, earth, mountains, lakes, clouds, air and sea. Once the arrangement is successful, some special effects can be formed with the power of heaven and earth, the power of mountains and rivers, the lake ...

Speaking of formations ~ ~ Xuan Xuan immediately woke up from shock.

He looked at Chu Jingtian strangely. How could the other party ask what these successive masters and apprentices knew?

Chu Jingtian nodded and shook his head:

"To arrange the formation method, you must not only follow the trend of the formation map, but also rely on the surrounding environment. The general situation of the world, even the sun, the moon, and the stars! Those who do not understand the formation method are naturally more than enough. "

"But when encountering powerful array masters who are proficient in array formation, it is like a sieve, leaking!"

Xuan Xuan was shocked in his place, and did not return to God until a moment later.

He has always thought that the fanxian array he had created has reached perfection. Now that Chu Jingtian mentioned this, he suddenly understood the problem.

The Chu Jingtian can see at a glance the flaws of his fan club, and he is obviously a good array master.

Thinking of this, Xi Xuan's complexion looking at Chu Jingtian has changed.

"Brother Chu, I was offended a lot before! I happen to have some problems in formation. If you want, we can discuss and discuss. After the discussion is over, I will give you the keel vine!"

Wu Xuan made an inviting gesture and even glanced at Mo Moqing, who was still unable to return to God in shock, and hurriedly screamed:

"Mo Qing, don't hurry to make tea for Brother Chu!"

Brother Chu!

俆 Mo Qing 愣 was on the side, watching Su Xuan who suddenly became extremely enthusiastic, she opened her mouth wide, and for a long time she could not return to God.

Could it be that I have to call this young master: Uncle Chu?

When thinking of this, Mo Moqing just felt that he was going crazy!

ps: There is a chapter at ten o'clock in the evening, and it is not easy to code at work ... crying ~

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