Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 354: Golden toad swallowing python

For Chu Jingtian's sudden consent, Baifa Danshi was overjoyed.

Although Lu Jianli also had doubts, he would not object.

The next group of people walked towards the mountain stream where Yuanguling grass was growing. This white-haired Dan master is called Zhou Zuo, and he is a casual master. The incoming order was the reward he had received while refining alchemy for others.

In such a mysterious situation, the Dan division who came in alone like him, is tantamount to the most helpless existence. This is the case. What kind of spirit herbs do you see?

"Thank you, King Chu, if you don't help, I will really have a headache!" Zhou Zuotian had an old face, and Chudi Tianpi followed behind Chu Jingtian. "I looked for several people back and forth, and no one ignored me ..."

Chu Jingtian glanced at him and said lightly, "Don't tell me so much nonsense, tell me about the situation of that mountain stream!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Zhou Zuolian nodded again and again, introducing the situation of the mountain stream.

This mountain stream is at the foot of the mountains, similar to a basin. This piece of Yuangu Lingcao has an area of ​​about two acres of land, which is not too large, but the mature Lingcao has grown a lot of spiritual fruits, which attracted a fifth-order sky demon.

"I didn't notice the demon in the beginning, I just picked the spirit grass ..."

"Then, I was taken aback by that demon! A big toad, if it weren't for me hiding, I would have been eaten by it!"

Zhou Zuo exaggerated gesture.

"Toad can also be cultivated into a fifth-order sky demon? Old man, who do you lie to?" Lu Jianli raised Yang's right hand, "believe it or not, I dismantled your old bone?"

Zhou Zuoxi hid back and looked at Chu Jingtian with awe and said, "Chu Tianwang, I didn't really lie to you, but that mountain stream was occupied by a toad ..."

"Here it is, there!"

As he said, Zhou Zuo quickly pointed forward.

Lu Jianli looked in his direction, and in a mountain valley resembling a small canyon, there was a ground full of ancient grass. That area was very strange. The soil was grayish white, and it contained about two mu of land.

On that land, there are patches of green, exuding auras of Yuangu Ling grass. These spirit grasses have matured and sprouted, and they have grown out of golden fruits.

And not far from this land, there is a giant golden toad lying lazily on one foot and three or four people tall. The golden toad bulged, his eyes were closed tightly, and his breathing was even. He wondered whether he was keeping his eyes closed or he was asleep.

"Is there such a big toad?"

When Lu Jian closed his eyes, he remembered that when he was still in the ordinary world, he had seen the largest toad but it was only the size of a slap, but the toad here was three people tall and stood still, like a small hill with a mouthful. Can swallow him!

His heart was full of horror, and he secretly glanced into the sky.

"Boss, let's slip away! This toad is too big, neither of us is enough to plug its teeth. Don't put your life on for this old man."

But Chu Jingtian didn't speak. His attention was not on the golden toad, but on the gray land.

He had previously seen Zhou Zuo's feet stained with off-white dirt, but there was very little of this dirt. He was not sure, so he promised to deal with Zhou Zuo to deal with this demon occupying the Yuangu Lingcao area.

‘This is medicinal soil! ’

Although he was calm, he had a huge wave in his heart.

Medicinal soil is a special kind of soil. The growth rate of spiritual herbs grown on the soil is four to five times as fast as normal. At the same time, some dying spiritual herbs can be reactivated.

This 'medicine soil', not to mention in the martial art world, even in the immortal world, is quite precious.

In his spiritual medicine garden, as the Supreme Master of the Great Sect of the Avenue, the ‘medicine soil’ he owns is only a few hundred acres, which are basically used by him to grow some rare spiritual herbs.

‘Although these two acres of medicinal soil are not much, it is an urgent matter for me. ’

Chu Jingtian secretly said.

He has picked a lot of spiritual herbs this time. If there is no medicinal soil, just transplanting back to Taibai Mountain is a big project. But if he takes this medicine back, he only needs to throw the picked spiritual herbs into the medicine, and it will grow naturally.


At this moment, the sound of Xisuo sounded quietly, interrupting Chu Jingtian's thoughts.

"That's it?"

Lu Jian closed his eyes and quickly covered his mouth.

Zhou Zuo took a breath of cold air, he just felt that his teeth were shaking.

Chu Jingtian quickly looked.

I saw a cyan figure breaking through the dense grass and slowly swimming towards the golden toad. It is actually a python that is as thick as a water tank. It has twin horns at the head and gills at the mouth. The demon energy converges, which is obviously a fifth-order sky demon.

This python came slowly, but its target was not medicated soil, nor Yuanguling grass growing on medicated soil, but golden toads.


Suddenly the python swims to the side of the golden toad, and suddenly bursts out. It opened its mouth wide, like a sharp arrow full of bows, and suddenly burst out with a blue shadow toward the golden toad.

The golden toad was suddenly shocked and jumped back. But the python's body turned in mid-air, and the **** mouth was biting directly on the hind legs of the golden toad. The huge body followed the trail, as if to entangle the golden toad.

But the response of the golden toad was fast and amazing. Just before the python was about to entangle it, its demon anger had completely erupted, and the surging demon anger actually blasted the python to life!

"Is this toad too strong?"

Lu Jian almost did not bite his tongue.

"Jin Chan and Snake are natural enemies. This is not much ... but I originally expected them to die. But now it looks like we have to finish it!"

Chu Jingtian said lightly.

This is just a small scene. He has seen Xuantian Hanyue Chan and the Bone Psychic stabbing to death, but it is an eighth-order existence. Even if some evil spirits escape, it is enough to smash this Luojia Mountain.

Even if he was the Supreme Sovereign of Daoxianzong at the time, he did not dare to act lightly.

"You mean, this Jin Chan will win?" Lu Jian lifted his eyelids, some couldn't believe it.

"Look at it and see!" Chu Jingtian whispered.

As soon as he spoke, the python had already shot again. I saw the big python's big tail slamming suddenly, his body tumbling up. This time the scouring momentum was even more rapid than before. When the dragon went out to sea, it was like a blue lightning. In front of him.

Faced with the python's looting potential, the golden toad was in a hurry and took a breath. I saw his belly bulging high, then opened his mouth and spit.


A green light condensed to the extreme burst out, like a lightning strike directly towards the python, and a ‘嘭’ hit the body of the python.

"Squeak ~"

The python screamed and fell directly from the air. Everyone quickly looked at it, and saw that the position where the python was hit by the green mango was directly corroded to a piece of flesh the size of a washbasin, exposing the bones, and the blood ran down the wound and stained the ground .

"This toad is too strong!" Lu Jian shouted from his eyes and couldn't help but cried, "Just now the hit on the 7-inch, you can kill the monster of this day."


The golden toad once again opened his mouth and spit again, and then burst out again.

The python saw this, and its huge body hovered up, with scales like cats frizzling. I saw an air mass rising from its lower abdomen and tumbling up to the throat.


A black poisonous mist condensed to the extreme, was also spit out by it at the same time, hit the green awn. Unfortunately, this poisonous mist was ripped open by Lu Mang on the spot, and the rest of the momentum hit the python.


A splash of flesh and blood.

This time, the python was more severely injured, half of its head was blasted, and its huge body rolled out directly along the ground. It failed to stand up several times. Zhou Zuo saw this, his face pale and scared.

Who could drive such a mighty golden toad away from this place?

"Hisse ~"

Just when he was shocked, he saw the python bracing his injured body and rushing towards the depths of the grass. But it just got up, the golden toad was already tossing up, and blasted away, falling down directly like a mountain peak, and crushing heavily on the body of the python.

Just listen to ‘click’.

The python's bones snapped off, and half of its body was slammed into the ground. With the sound of 'Booming', the entire ground was smashed down, and the previously aggressive python's body suddenly straightened, like a broken stick, and finally lost its strength. Fall to the ground.


The golden toad screamed, and then walked slowly down from the python. However, what everyone didn't expect was that it picked up the python's head in one mouthful and swallowed it in one mouthful.

The python hadn't lost its breath, so it swallowed so much that it struggled for a while, but it only stopped for a moment.

With each swallow, the golden toad swallowed more than half of its body into the stomach, until the last week left only a thin tail tip remained outside the mouth of the golden toad. But immediately the golden toad rolled his tongue and swallowed it thoroughly.

The toad's belly was like a bottomless black hole, swallowing a giant python about twice as large as his own, and it was the same as before. Just lie there, lazily suffocating.

"Boss, this toad is too strong, let's withdraw it."

Lu Jian jumped wildly from his eyelids.

Before dare to see the python was swallowed, he dared to go up and fight, but even after seeing this scene, he did not know.

"Chu Tianwang!" Zhou Zuoyan swallowed ~ ~ Otherwise, let's forget it! Don't be swallowed up by this golden toad! "

"I'm afraid it's not that easy!"

Chu Jingtian smiled slightly.

Listening to Chu Jingtian's words, Lu Jianli and Zhou Zuo only felt a sense of crisis, especially Zhou Zuo's whole body involuntarily exploded. He just felt like his body was frozen and his neck couldn't move.

Can only look mechanically into the mountain stream.

Sure enough, I saw the giant Jin Chan, staring at a pair of bulging eyes, staring at them!

It burst out at the next moment, crushing wildly.

PS: Thanks to 18702 and the two big brothers for their reward.


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