Everyone looked at Luo Shengyu in wonder, their eyes were full of surprise.

Listen to Chu Jingtian's words, is there another secret? And the anxious look on Luo Shengyu's face seemed to always explain something. And in his eyebrows, he seemed to show the awe of Chu Jingtian without any concealment.

In the field, it seemed that only Yan Shiyong did not respond. He had long seen Chu shocking and displeased, but now he was shaved by the other party at the banquet, and the bad gas accumulated in his chest was also released without reservation at this moment!

"Master Chu is indeed not my junior, nor is my disciple! He is the son of King Beiliang, Chu shocked!" Luo Shengyu looked at Yan Shiyong, who was still blaming Chu shocking, and said a word.

Hissing ~

His voice had just fallen, and there was a sound of exhaustion all around.

Everyone looked at Chu Jingtian's gaze and suddenly became dignified.

"The son of King Beiliang Chu is shocking?" The teenagers in the corner closed their eyes.

"No wonder this kid hasn't seen anyone for a long time. It turns out that he has such a big source!" A young man stuck his tongue out and was afraid to say more.

One of the four princely kings of the Great Yan Dynasty, the king of Beiliang, who does not know who does not know?

In a place far away from the high emperor such as Qingyun Town, it is an incredible figure. His son is also a grandson, so why can't he be seated?

"It turned out that Chu Shizi was offended!"

Yan Shiyong's complexion changed slightly.

"Meet Chu Shizi!"

Those who were still accusing before were also startled, and hurriedly humbly.

They originally thought that this was a shameless kid, but who knew that the other party was so big! This remote town, if not backed by Wanju Mountain, is almost inaccessible. Now there is a grandfather's son, which is already a remarkable figure.

However, although everyone salutes, they are still somewhat unconvinced. What they gave was not Chu Jingtian's face, but the face of Bei Liang Wang behind Chu Jingtian!

If it wasn't for the back of King Beiliang, he would be nothing!

‘However, even if he is a son, Lord Luo need not fear him so much, right? ’

Yan Shiyong, after all, was a heroic man, and soon recovered from the shock. He looked at Lord Luo Ge in awe and agitation, and his heart became more and more confused.

It seemed as if he saw the doubts in Yan Shiyong's heart, Luo Shengyu continued:

"At the same time, Master Chu is also an alchemist! And I am his named disciple!"

When he said this, it was even more ridiculous than pointing at the beggar and telling everyone that he was the emperor.

Luo Shengyu's alchemy level is second to none in the Dayan Dynasty, and there are really few characters who can be his master. Even if there is, it must be at least the character of the Taidou Mountain in the alchemy world.

What's even more frightening is that Luo Shengyu exists so much that he is just a named disciple of the other party!

To what extent is the level of alchemy of Chu Chutian?

"Named disciple!" Yan Shiyong's eyes were about to stare out.

Until then, everyone knew that Chu Jingtian, whom they had always ignored, was the real big man.

"Luo Shengyu is actually his named disciple, I haven't heard it wrong!" The teenagers in the corner looked at the plot that suddenly turned over and stared at them.

Luo Shengyu continued:

"Besides, Master Chu is still a physician! It is he who cured the illness of the Qin family. The three tigers of the Qin family served him as a guest!"

At this point, Yan Shiyong almost didn't kneel.

They struggled with Luo Shengyu to get on the line of the Qin family. Luo Shengyu can only be regarded as a Qin family member, but Chu Jingtian is a guest of honor, who has a higher status, obviously.

Even if Chu Jingtian does not rely on the King of the Liangliang, he is eligible to sit with them!

"Yan Shiyong, I ask you!"

"Master Chu, please ..." Yan Shiyong trembled, and where did he still have the previous high look, bowed carefully, a trained expression.

"Is I qualified to be with you now? Am I qualified to speak now? Am I qualified to reprimand you?" Chu Jingtian glanced at the other side quietly.

"Yes! Yes! What Master Chu learned!"

Yan Shiyong nodded like a chicken pecking rice, while looking at Luo Shengyu for help.

When everyone present saw Yan Shiyong's appearance, they couldn't help shrinking their necks. Especially Guo Tianwei, who had scolded Chu Jingtian earlier, can't wait to pierce his head into the ground, for fear that Chu Jingtian will find his own account afterwards.

"Master Chu, if you kill Yan Shiyong, then no one will be able to take us to Wanjushan! Let him make up for it!" Luo Shengyu, when he saw this, hurriedly asked for mercy.

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes slightly.

Yan Shiyong offended himself and deserves to be killed. Although in his capacity, killing Yan Shiyong did not need to worry about the other's revenge, but he still had to use the other to pick red beads and golden fruit.

Thinking of this, Chu Jingtian hooked up to Yan Shiyong and said, "Come here!"

Yan Shiyong couldn't help it, and came to Chu Jingtian carefully, without waiting for him to speak. Chu Jingtian raised his hand and slapped him.


This slap was so loud that he flew Yan Shiyong out of the house on the spot and landed on the ground three times.

After the fight, Chu Jingtian said quietly:

"The next time, even Emperor Lao Tzu can't save you !!!"

"Thank you very much, Master Chu!" Luo Shengyu shouted.

Yan Shiyong's face swelled in half of his face, and his teeth were knocked out a few. As the most powerful ground snake in Qingyun Town, when will he be thanked after being beaten?

But in the face of Luo Shengyu's glaring glance, he could only helplessly lean down and said:

"Thank you Master Chu for forgiveness!"

When everyone saw this, they did not dare to squeak.

Even Yan Shiyong had to bow his head to beg for mercy. Where can others dare to say more?

However, after Luo Shengyu was busy, he greeted the people to change the dishes, and carefully poured wine to Chu Jingtian. Chu Jingtian rightfully sat in the first place, and the others could only stand.

Until then, Chu Jingtian continued:

"Yan Shiyong, there won't be too many people going up the mountain tomorrow, only seven or eight people at most. The rest of the idlers, etc., let them stay in the town and follow us will only hinder them!"

Yan Shiyong wondered: "Master Chu, you also go to Wanju Mountain?"

Chu Jingtian nodded, "Natural! Red pearl and golden fruit is a second-order elixir. Improper picking by ordinary people will damage the medicine. I will go up the mountain to go with myself!"

However, improper picking methods of all herbal medicines will affect the medicinal properties.

The effect of the medicine is too great, and the effect of the refined elixir will be a little worse. If the red bead and golden fruit were picked, then that's all. Chu Jingtian can only think of remedying while refining the alchemy. But nowadays, Hongzhu Golden Fruit is still in Wanshoushan. If you can pick it yourself, it is naturally the best choice.

Hearing Chu Jingtian's intention to go in person, Yan Shiyong suddenly showed a crying face:

"Master Chu, now Wanshoushan really can't go! The tide of beasts in the mountains is too turbulent, and there are not a few masters going together, I'm afraid it will be really difficult!"

"Master Luo Ge, please persuade Master Chu and wait for a while. When the master Neijing comes, let's go together."

Luo Shengyu also suddenly looked embarrassed.

For a second-order spirit grass, it is not very cost-effective to throw your life in Wanjushan.

Thinking of this, he quickly looked at Chu Jingtian. Many people are also begging for help. When they enter the mountains in the state of these people, once they encounter a large-scale beast tide, it will inevitably be a life-threatening situation. It is impossible to say how many people can come back alive. But if there are more grand masters to accompany, at least I have some confidence.

Although power is important, small life is more important. Once they die in Wanjushan, their half-life efforts will be lost. Some people are even more determined. If Chu Jingtian still resolutely enters the mountain, they can only give up.

Under everyone's expectations, Chu Jingtian slowly shook his head and said:

"A little grand master can't change anything. If the other party reaches the period of anger, I can barely wait for him for a day."

So proud tone!

Everyone heard these words and looked at them. Is it true that in the imperial city, the ranks of the inner masters are so common? You know, any grandmaster is a force that cannot be ignored on one side.

Yan Shiyong hurriedly said, "Master Chu, the other party is not an ordinary master of inner strength. He has mastered the sword power, and the sword power has reached the level of free sending and receiving!"

"Oh ~ www.readwn.com ~ Do you actually recognize this kind of existence?" Luo Shengyu closed his eyes, but he didn't expect that the other person's heritage was much deeper than he thought.

Speaking of the other party, Yan Shiyong finally found some face and was no longer in Weiwu Nuonuo.

He arched to Chu Jingtian and Luo Shengyu:

"He is an old friend of mine. He couldn't form a sword some time ago. But in Qiannan City, after being pointed by an expert, his strength was a thousand miles away. Not only did he master the sword in a short time, he even reached the end Freedom! "

"Now even the Guards are aware of his existence, and asked him to serve as the head coach of the Guards! It is because of this matter that he was delayed on the road, otherwise he should have been to Qingyun Town!"

"Big coach!" Someone exclaimed during the banquet.

As the most elite army of the Dayan Dynasty, the Guards were naturally not ordinary. Ordinary coaches can only teach some superficial means. But if you become a great teacher, then it will be extraordinary.

And the Guards are the center of power. Although the head teacher is not considered to be a full-time official, the Zhili Military Department. Unless someone commits an unforgivable sin, no one dares to treat a great coach!

After speaking, Yan Shiyong glanced at Chu with a smile.

His words naturally meant to beat something, and wanted to tell Chu Jingtian that although my strength behind me was not as good as you, it was not a soft persimmon you kneaded!

Just then, there was a noise outside the door, and a crowd of people came in.

Headed by an old man in practice clothes, he walked with long eyes, his eyes were sharp, his waist was a long sword, and he was a master of Kendo. Seeing the old man, Yan Shiyong quickly greeted him with enthusiasm:

"Brother Wang, you are finally here!"

"It's him?"

Seeing the person, Chu Jingtian could not help raising his eyebrows.

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