Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 41: Kill everything

"Since you have eaten the red bead and golden fruit, I have to open your belly and take it out!"

Zhou Hailong looked at Chu Jingtian, his eyes gloomed to the extreme.

squeak! squeak! squeak!

As soon as his voice fell, his eyes were horrible instantly. Hundreds of black dragons raised their bows in their hands and pointed towards Chu Jingtian.

A crossbow is ready to shine, shining brightly!

"Armor Piercing Arrow!"

This time even Wang Chong was suddenly discolored.

"What is a piercing arrow?" Chu Jingtian asked casually.

Facing the pressure on his head by many armor-piercing arrows, Wang Chong quickly whispered:

"Master Chu, armor-piercing arrows are special weapons of the army. Due to the incorporation of some rare metals during forging, they bear great armor-piercing capabilities and the ability to tear the inner strength and even the shield of the true strength!"

"It is the strongest in the Qi period, and it is difficult to resist the power of this arrow!"

After Wang Chong explained this, Chu Jingtian understood.

To put it plainly, this armor-piercing arrow is a simple version of the weapon. After all, the army has a large number of people, and the weapon is expensive and rare, making it difficult for everyone to wear it. Although this armor-piercing arrow is used several times, it will be scrapped, but the power is not as strong as the ordinary feather arrow!

Zhou Hailong sneered:

"No wonder you can compete with us. You didn't even know the strength of my Black Dragon Army!"

While shaking his head, he said:

"I originally planned to give you a life, but only blame you for eating my red bead and golden fruit. I will kill you, open your belly and take out the golden fruit!"


As soon as Zhou Hailong's words fell, Yan Shiyong had frightened away. Guo Tianwei, Ma Dongxue, Wei Zhicheng and others were paralyzed and scared, unable to move, their hearts were filled with despair.

The Black Dragon Army was the national weapon of the Xiqi dynasty. All of them were internal warriors. If they were equipped with such weapons, even the powerful ones could kill them.


"This is the warrior of the Dayan Dynasty? In front of our Black Dragon Army, not even a dog!"

Seeing Yan Shiyong running away, the Black Dragon Army immediately made an unceremonious mockery.

Zhou Hailong also felt insipid, swayed his right hand and ordered archery.

call out! call out! call out!

Along with the howling string sound, the endless wind breaking sound also sounded at the same time, the whistling piercing arrows penetrated the air. It's like a drop of rain, shrouded toward the front.

And Chu Jingtian is at the center of this arrow rain!

Such a wide range is simply inescapable and invisible!

"Master Chu!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Chong could not help but shouted.

Others also fell into their hearts and looked pale.

But Chu Jingtian smiled slightly and shook his head:

"Little black dragon army, dare to mad in front of me?"

He said with a wave of his right hand.

A burst of infuriating energy came out, and the next moment, the lake that had just calmed down suddenly turned into a sea of ​​anger, a huge wave tossed up, rushed to a height of seven or eight meters, and swept towards the front.


The sky's armor-piercing arrows were directly photographed by this wave!

The unwavering waves, like the fierce and irresistible wave of ghost kings, rushed to the Black Dragon Army.

"嘭!" "嘭!" "”! "

Dozens of black dragon troops were directly bombarded by this tide of terror, and even under the impact of this unparalleled great force, bombarded with blood spit out by the bomber.

Chu Jingtian smiled slightly, pressing his right hand slowly towards the bottom.

I saw that the tide in midair turned into a giant palm with a diameter of several meters under an unbelievable glance, and shot directly towards Zhou Hailong.

"The strong one?"

Zhou Hailong's eyeballs almost did not protrude, and his toes a little, Cangjie backed away, avoiding this sudden shot.

Just listening to the sound of 'Boom', everyone looked up, and there was already a huge depression at the location where the giant palm was shot, and the depression was a giant palm fingerprint.

The lake water that has lost the support of qi has turned into a low tide-like current and slowly flows down.

There was silence before the lake.

Zhou Hailong stared blankly at the marks in front.

The Black Dragon Army, who had previously stood up, was dumbfounded at this moment.

"This is the strength of the true Qi strong?"

Wang Chong looked at Chu Jingtian in admiration.

He hasn't seen the shots of the true qi strong, but this means of condensing gas control objects must at least reach the true qi period for several years, even decades. Chu Jingtian has just reached the period of anger!

"But it's just a bunch of black people, dare to kill people and treasure?" Chu Jingtian smiled, shook his head disdainfully: "Compete with me, you're too far away!"

Where is Zhou Hailong's previous pride?

He never imagined that just for a red bead and golden fruit, he actually provoked a strong person. However, when he heard the other side said that the Black Dragon Army was just a group of black people, his anger suddenly started from his heart, and the evil was born to the gallant:

"What about the qi period? The qi period strong who died in the hands of our Black Dragon Army, somehow! Kill me ..."


Almost as soon as Zhou Hailong's word "kill" just came out, a sound of pulling a sword out of the sheath sounded at the same time.

Only see next moment.

Chu Jingtian's sword cut out a condensed half-moon silver sword gas. Wherever the sword gas passed, the trees were cut off by the waist and the rocks were cut in half. The sword energy passed through Zhou Hailong's body unabated.

Zhou Hailong looked fierce, his eyes were suddenly lost, his hands clasped to his throat, but he couldn't stop the spurting blood.


In the end, Zhou Hailong fell to the ground like a stump.


Chu Jingtian's wrist moved, and the sword returned to its sheath, as if never moving.

Until then, Wang Chong, who was on the side, looked back and looked at the sword in his hands stiffly.

From Chu Jingtian pulls his sword, kills Zhou Hailong, and then collects his sword into the sheath, but it is only between the light and flint.

But no one thought of this matter between electric light and flint.

The Black Dragon Army also stared at each other in stun and looked at Zhou Hailong who fell to the ground.

The grand commander of the Black Dragon Army, Grandmaster Neijing, is this dead?

Died in the hands of a sixteen-year-old boy, in the hands of a strong individual?

"Who the **** are you? Why have I never heard of it, the Dayan Dynasty has you as a young and powerful man?"

The centurion trembled, his eyes straight.

Dayan and Xiqi are deadly enemies, but there are many agents of Xiqi in Dayan. They have the data of every true qi dynasty in Dayan Dynasty, but they don't have the boy in front.

This kind of existence, is it a royal person?

"My name is Chu Jingtian!"

Chu Jingtian said lightly.

"Chu Jingtian, you are actually Chu Jingtian! You are Chu Jingtian of Beiliang Palace!"

"Aren't you the waste you can't cultivate, how can there be such cultivation?"

"Zhenqi period! These ages, these revisions are comparable to those of the royal family!"

"Killing the Neijing Grandmaster is like grass and mustard, like killing chickens and slaughtering dogs. This kind of strength has far exceeded the average Neijing Grandmaster!"

There was a sudden noise in the Black Dragon Army.

This name was not the first time they heard it. As far away as Xiqi, they all know that there is a waste in the Beiliang King's Mansion ...

That waste is called Chu Jingtian!

But now someone is telling them that this really strong man who beheaded and killed Zhou Hailong's terrible existence like grass mustard is actually the waste. I can imagine the shock of these people!

"Master Duan Tianlin, did the kid say a fake name?"

Someone returned to God and whispered to the centurion wearing a blue dragon armor.

"No rudeness! If you are strong, you can change your name and change your name. How can you deceive me?" Duan Tianlin scolded the talking Black Dragon Army. He stepped forward and arched at Chu Jingtian.

"We are not as good as people. We are defeated in your hands without complaint. But you killed the captain of our Black Dragon Army, and this account will not stop there!"

"let's go!"

Duan Tianlin took a deep look at Chu Jingtian, and yelled at the Black Dragon Army beside him.

Seeing these people preparing to leave, everyone couldn't help but be relieved, a feeling of the rest of their lives after the disaster came to their hearts.

Luo Shengyu and Wang Chong looked at Chu Jingtian's gaze and became even more revered. The Black Dragon Army, who has never been defeated, was actually convinced by Chu Jingtian. Even the captain was killed, he dared not avenge his revenge.

But at this time, he heard Chu Jingtian smile coldly:

"Do you think you can leave alive?"


Chu Jingtian's faint words changed Duan Tianlin's color, and he couldn't help but step back towards the rear.

Good bossy existence!

The black dragon soldiers looked at Chu Jingtian with a pale complexion, and couldn't help but feel a shock in their hearts. In the cold voice of the other side, there was a sense of arrogance that everyone could feel.

They have no doubt, Chu shocking words!

Duan Tianlin swallowed, shouting:

"Chu Jingtian, do you want to kill us?"

"Yes!" Chu Jingtian nodded.

These black dragon troops are not good stubble. If it were not for him to break through the qi period in advance, I am afraid that these people would be buried here.

He had already been hostile to the Black Dragon Army ~ ~ and even killed the captain Zhou Hailong. The other party was obviously not the one who could give up. Instead of leaving a group of enemies to kill tigers, he might as well kill them all.

Luo Shengyu and Wang Chong were also stunned.

Dayan and Xiqi have not engaged in war since the war 120 years ago. If these people die today in the Wanju Mountain, if they are not handled properly, they may cause war between the two countries!


The words did not fall, Duan Tianlin was already rushing into shape and fled towards the depths of Wanju Mountain.

Seeing Chu Jingtian's easy beheading and killing of Zhou Hailong, his heart fell straight into the belly. This is a really strong one! Otherwise, how could he not even dare to avenge his revenge, and just want to leave quickly?

Now the other party is ready to kill everything, he doesn't run away, can he still be killed here?

"This genius actually appeared in the Dayan Dynasty! So young, it has reached the period of vitality. I must report this to Master Wanfu, and while he is still growing up in Wanjushan, he must be Kill it! "

"Otherwise when he grows up, I will die!"

Duan Tianlin secretly said in his heart that he could not wait to use the power of feeding to escape.

"Master Chu, he is about to escape ..."

Although Duan Tianlin is not as good as Zhou Hailong, he is also full of inner strength. In a short time, he has escaped dozens of meters away.

Seeing this, Wang Chong hurriedly hurriedly.

But Chu Jingtian said calmly:

"He can't escape!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Chu Jing step forward, squeezed a French seal with both hands, and drank in a cold voice:

"Flame storm!"

There was a tumult of flames bursting out of the air, this flame was almost without warning, and burst out without any interval. In this moment of peaceful beast mountain, a tornado-like flame was set off!

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