Everyone heard the sound and looked in surprise.

I saw a good-looking teenager standing there, with a sophisticated attitude, and Wang Chong stood aside with panic!

"Where are you from the junior, how can you intervene in this occasion?" Someone jumped out early, an adult scolding the child.

Bai Xun looked for a moment, could not help but frown slightly, and tentatively asked:

"Are you shocking?"


Chu Jingtian nodded.

Speaking of others, these guards may not know each other, but when they mention Chu ’s astounding ‘big name’, they are deafening.

Because the Qinglong regiment and the Beiliang King walked closer, they also knew the Beiliang King's things more clearly, and even knew that the unproductive son of the Beiliang King was Chu Jingtian!

"It turns out to be the son of the King of the Liangliang!"

Bai Xun scratched a bit of disgust in his eyes, and waved his hand: "Come, send Xiaoshizi out of Manchu Mountain."

"What did you send me down the mountain?" Chu Jingtian laughed with a smile.

"Xiao Shizi, this 10,000 beast mountain is not very flat, nor is it your brother-in-law's place to play. There is Zhang Xuan, a strong man in this mountain. He holds the beast horn and controls the beast!"

"There are black dragons in the mountain, all of them are like tigers and wolves, drinking blood."

"Once the war starts, no one can protect you. The King of Liangliang and our leader are familiar friends. You are the son of the King of Liangliang and the son of the Dayan Dynasty. Of course I will **** you to protect you. Thoughtful! "

Bai Xun coldly.

Although the thousands of captains present were also in a state of eye-nose and nose-mind, their eyes were slightly disdainful. Some people secretly thought:

‘How come this little ancestor came to Wanjushan at this festival? Later on, how can there be time to protect him? Adult Bai Xun's temper is simply so good, he even sent someone to **** him down the mountain. If I were, he would have been kicked out by messing around! ’

Chu Jingtian glanced at everyone in the big account, and raised his brow:

"Are you afraid that you will start a war, shall I hinder you?"

When Chu Jingtian saw the thought in his heart, Bai Xun's eyes flashed a little surprise, but he did not deny it, but nodded instead:

"You're right! So please go down the mountain, if there is anything wrong with you, I can't explain to the king of the north Liang!"


At this moment, a terrible scream of tigers came from the depths of the mountains and forests, and a turbulent wind swept through the wind and sand.

A few of the imprisoned soldiers in the big account were directly taken aback by the stunned slamming tiger tigers, and they were pale when they barely stopped.

"what happened?"

Bai Xun regained the gaze on Chu Jingtian, and quickly yelled.

As soon as the words fell, a commander rushed in and reported:

"Sir, our team found traces of Zhang Xuan in the mountains. The guy has already been surrounded by us and is about to break through. He used the horn of the beast to control more than a hundred monsters, and we were seriously injured!"

Upon hearing Zhang Xuan, Bai Xun's face showed a hint of pride. They fought with the Black Dragon Army for several months, in order to Zhang Xuan, and now he finds Zhang Xuan's marks, how he is not happy.

He did not see Chu Jingtian, he directly strode out of the account, already leading everyone to the position passed by Hu Xiao.

After a while, only Chu Jingtian and others were left in the big account.

"Master Chu, this ..."

Hong Mingguang apologized, fearing that the other party would be furious and left.

But he didn't know that although Chu Jingtian was not like the emperor's Jinkouyuyan, but he was the Supreme Lord of the Immortal Sect of the Avenue, and he would not easily agree with the party.

What's more, this Qinglong regiment is inextricably linked with his father Chu Ao, and completing this for the Qinglong regiment can also be regarded as helping the Beiliang King's Mansion.

"Don't worry, you took me to the front line. The demon in this tiger howl was discouraged, and it must have reached the second order. Its voice spread so far, maybe even the Black Dragon Army heard it." Chu was shocked.

"Thank you Master Chu!" Hong Mingguang was excited.

At the moment, everyone quickly chased out the large account of the Chinese Army and swept away from the position where Tiger Xiao came. It was already a short while before they arrived on the battlefield.

The battlefield is in a mountain stream.

Countless guards constantly attacked the center of the mountain stream, but they were often beaten back. At the center of the mountain stream, the most eye-catching monster is the golden-haired golden tiger that is four or five meters long.

This golden-haired golden tiger is more than double the size of an ordinary tiger, exuding a sense of enchantment, his roar shaking the mountains, making countless monsters trembling and surrendering!

"Sure enough, as I guess, this golden-haired golden tiger has reached the second order, and the monster has been gathered on it!"

Chu Jingtian looked down.

The monsters are the same as Qiqi Wushu. After they reach the second level, they can transform the demon power scattered on the body into a demon like Qi! The second-order monster has the same strength as the Qiqiqiang.

"Is that the Commanding Beast Horn?"

On the back of the golden-haired golden tiger was still a man in Tsing Yi, and the man's arm had a beast horn with the thickness of a child's waist, exuding a wave-like wave.

At this time, several guards also found Zhang Xuan sitting on the golden gold tiger, and immediately jumped off the mountain stream and rushed forward.

"Dayan's Guard? Just because you want to hunt me down?"

The cold mang flashed in Zhang Xuan's eyes. A fierce shot of the monster, and the golden golden tiger burst into a rage. I saw it flashing the cold mang's claws and hit the ground again. The army rushed away.

"not good!"

A centurion commander headed by the Guards, who had the appearance of inner strength in the late period, saw a monster in his hand, saw the monster beating, and quickly drew back the knife and protected him.

But the beautiful golden tiger didn't even look at it, and took a picture with one claw.


The tiger's claw fell, and the long steel knife was smashed immediately, and even the centurion was crushed on the spot.

"What a terrible monster!"

Everyone was shocked to see this scene.


At this moment, the sound of a splash of grass and trees was clear, and I saw the other side of the mountain stream quickly screaming one after another in the noise, and almost immediately surrounded the other half of the mountain stream.

"Black Dragon Army!"

Everyone was shocked to see the familiar armor on the other side.

Originally they wanted to win Zhang Xuan who controlled the golden gold tiger, which was extremely difficult, and now the Black Dragon Army has arrived. In such a situation where there are many wolves and less meat, it may be difficult to grab the beast horn without paying a large price.

"Master Wanfu, the Black Dragon Army appears ..."

"They came after me!"

"Sir! Order soon ..."

Everyone present eagerly looked at Bai Xun.

There was a tricky look in Bai Xun's eyes. At least three infuriating powers were required to grab the beast horn before the Black Dragon Army. One is used to suppress Zhang Xuan, one is used to deal with the eye-catching tiger, and the other is used to prevent the Black Banner army captain.

But now, how can there be three strong Qiqiqiang?

"Woohoo ~"

However, at this moment, Zhang Xuan also sounded the horn. The long, deep clarion sound spread through the mountains and forests, and all the animals beeped and responded. The flocks of birds were like dark clouds, and the overwhelmingly attacked the Black Dragon and the Guards around.

Among them is mixed with some good monsters and birds!

"Suppress these birds!"

Thinking again and again, Bai Xun then ordered.

"It's stupid, that Xuan Mingming wants to use the birds to block your sight, and he waits for the opportunity to escape." As soon as Bai Xun's voice fell, a taunt came from around him.

Just listening to that voice continued:

"Now Zhang Xuan is already in the middle of it. If I were you, I should order it and rush down regardless of all the casualties. Kill Zhang Xuan and grab the horn while the Black Dragon Army has not responded."

"By then, even if the Black Dragon Army reacts, and you have already withdrawn from the beast mountain with the horn. Give them great courage, they will not dare to invade our land of the Great Yan Dynasty!"

Everyone froze, and quickly looked towards the sound.

After seeing the speaker, everyone was amazed.

"Chu Jingtian, the military order is like a mountain, where do you intervene? My order is the highest order. You openly question my order. Even if you are the son of the King of the Northern Liang, I can kill you by disturbing the army!"

Bai Xun heard that he was furious.

He thought that the boy had already gone down the mountain, but he did not expect that the other party followed the battlefield blatantly, and he pointed himself at this critical situation ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this time, the flock of birds has been pressed in front of everyone .

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The surrounding guards pulled out their weapons one after another to fend off the flock of birds that came in, and no one went to ignore Chu shocking. After all, this is a battlefield. They will only obey the orders of the Supreme Chief. How can they care about the idea of ​​a hairy kid?

But Chu Jingtian was disdainful:

"Bai Xun, Zhang Xuan uses the birds to leave the heart, even an idiot can see it. You can't grasp even the most basic fighter, and dare to talk about the identity of your highest officer?"

"Come here, drag me down!"

Chu Jingtian's words immediately made Bai Xun angry.

If Chu Jingtian was not the son of King Beiliang, he would have beheaded the other side with a sword, and now the boy is still ignorant about military affairs. At the moment, Bai Xun couldn't help but was angry.

"Why is there such a waste in Beiliang Palace?"

The captains present were full of disgust.

Some other guards were too lazy to look at Chu Jingtian again.

Bai Xun's relatives, even more angry, walked towards Chu Jingtian, preparing to drag the boy who disrupted the battlefield forcibly. The remaining people have already converged and are ready to resist the rushing birds.

However, Chu Jingtian sighed heavily and said:

"If it wasn't for your chieftain and my father's old knowledge, I wouldn't help."

"Let's wait and see, Zhang Xuan will have to run away! Or, let me take it myself!"

After he finished speaking, he was already carrying his hands and walking towards the mountain stream under the shocking eyes of countless people.

"Chu Jingtian, can't you die?"

Watching Chu Jingtian actually broke into the mountain stream, Bai Xun couldn't help but stunned and shouted.

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