Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 47: Master Chu, why are you here?

The military barracks is in the tomb of the eastern suburbs.

Chu Jingtian and Chu Yao came along all the way, and before they officially stepped in, they heard the sound of neat and orderly drills.

"Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and White Tigers are all here." Chu Yao pointed at the banner erected by the four sides of the barracks and introduced.

"This barracks gathers all the best soldiers in the dynasty, as well as the most outstanding young people. Most of the people in Beiliang Palace have entered the White Tigers. If you want to surpass Chu Wushuang, it is best to join the White Tigers!

The White Tigers are the first choice to build a career and kill their enemies. Even some of the noble kings and nobles are in them.

Chu Jingtian nodded, he naturally understood that the primary reason for the young people in Wangfu to join the White Tigers was because of Chu Wushuang.

If other young people were so excited by Chu Yao, I'd be afraid to join the White Tigers long ago.

But unfortunately, Chu Jingtian couldn't see these.

"I'm going to the Blue Dragon Regiment!" Chu Jingtian touched Bai Xun's token of Wan Xun in his arms and said casually.


Chu Yao took a look, she only thought that Chu Jingtian deliberately avoided Chu Wushuang. Anyway, in her opinion, as long as Chu Jingtian is willing to join the Guards, he won't be crushed by the other party even if he can't compete with Chu Wushuang.

"I'll take you there!"

As soon as she spoke, a group of thousands of troops came across. These men, dressed in white tiger regiment, are arranged in a neat square array and seem to be training. Leadingly is Chu Wushuang!

They rushed straight out of the barracks, magnificent, with the attitude of a tiger and wolf division.

"The White Tiger Regiment is a sharp blade of the Great Swallow Dynasty! I don't care if you were noble kings and nobles, or noble officials. If you enter my army, you must listen to my orders!

Chu Wushuang took the lead and started running, with a loud voice.

As soon as his voice fell, he found Chu Jingtian and raised his brow:

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm only allowed to come, aren't you allowed to come?" Since he had already hit him, Chu Jingtian didn't plan to evade, and answered politely.

Chu Wushuang showed a look of ridicule, looking at Chu's shocking eyes, like a goshawk overlooking the ants.

He shook his head and laughed mockingly:

"Chu Jingtian, I'm afraid you don't know yet? I have become a master of inner strength and learned the complete sword power! Now I am already the captain of the White Tiger regiment!"

"I'm qualified to stand here, and how about you?"

The fighters of the White Tiger Group also stopped and looked at each other in surprise in front of the barracks.

Who is Chu Wushuang?

It is the youngest thousand captain of the Dayan Dynasty, and even the head coach Chen Beiwang praised him for his terrible potential in the future! Someone dare to beat him, is this a matter of life or death?

"Oh, who is this kid, dare to stubbornly fight against the eldest captain?" A recruit looked surprised.

"In the face of the eldest captain of the thousand, he dare not budge, he is also very powerful." Another person said.

They are all White Tiger fighters reported today. They have long known the reputation of Chu Wushuang, and their hearts are full of admiration and admiration. Nowadays, some people dare to fight against Chu Wushuang, and suddenly the recruits are blown up!

"He is strong or not, I don't know, I only know that he is a waste of nothing!" Chu Bao coldly in the crowd.

Everyone looked at Chu Bao with a shocked expression, and their eyes were incredible.

A waste, even dare to beat the most outstanding young man in Beiliang Palace, dare to challenge the genius that is comparable to the royal family?

Chu Bao snorted coldly, saying coldly:

"I'm afraid you don't know yet. The person who challenged us with the captain of the thousand is our biggest joke in the Beiliang Palace: Chu Jingtian!"

"It's him?"

After learning about Chu Jingtian's identity, everyone suddenly looked at Chu Jingtian's eyes.

You should know that the people who join the White Tigers are all passionate people who want to build their careers. The most despised of them is the sons of sons like Chu Jingtian.


"Captain Qian?" Chu Jingtian raised his eyebrows, a little surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Oh, are you afraid?" Chu Wushuang sneered: "Know me if you're scared, get out of here. This is a military camp, not where you can come!"


Chu Jingtian shook his head.

He was surprised because at this time in the previous life, Chu Wushuang had not yet reached this height. The cause of a series of changes is likely to be caused by his rebirth.

Not to mention a thousand captain, even a million captain, he does not look at it.

"At this point, you're still talking hard."

Chu Wushuang smiled disdainfully, and did not put Chu Jingtian in his eyes at all. He turned to Chu Yao and said, "Chu Yao, who is close to Zhu is red and who is black to Mo. With the waste, after all, there will be no good end, you still stay away from him."

"Who are you talking about as waste?" Chu Jingtian looked slightly cold.

"I'm talking about you!" Chu Wushuang snorted coldly. "My cultivation today has reached the master of inner strength. As the youngest thousand captain of the White Tigers, it is only a matter of time to be promoted to the captain. What about you?"

Chu Wushuang narrowed his eyes and looked at Chu Jingtian with a mock face.

"Do you seem a little dissatisfied?"

"Let's go, there is another one and a half months of the annual meeting of the palace. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can show it at the annual meeting. I will certainly convince you to take it orally!"

As soon as Chu Wushuang said this, the barracks suddenly exploded before the barracks.

Everyone looked at Chu Jingtian one after another. This is a formal declaration of war. I wonder if he dare to agree?

"The difference in strength between the two sides is really too big. If Chu Jingtian hadn't leaned on Beiliang King, Chu Wushuang would have stepped on his feet!

"I don't think Chu Jingtian dares to agree, he doesn't have that ability at all!"

"One is the first genius of the palace, and the other is a waste of ridicule by everyone, and there is no comparability between the two sides."

Everyone was expecting Chu Jingtian not to agree.

Once promised, I am afraid that it will spread to the imperial city in a short time. If the matter becomes serious, even the king of Beiliang will not be able to suppress it.

Chu Yao desperately pulled Chu Jingtian's dress corner and kept persuading: "You don't promise him ..."

Just when everyone thought Chu Jingtian would refuse, he did not expect that his drooping eyes flashed a coldness:

"Is the annual meeting? I have the same intention! On the day of the annual meeting of the Royal Palace of Beiliang, I will fight with you, and I will win or die!"

Chu Jingtian didn't say much.

But it's enough to get into everyone's ears!

Suddenly, in front of the peaceful barracks, there was a noise.

"Are you sure, you are going to fight with me for life or death?" Chu Wushuang looked at Chu Jingtian with a shocked expression in his face, his eyes were full of incredible.

"Natural!" Chu Jingtian nodded, a flash of killing in his eyes.

After hearing Chu Jingtian's own confession, the fighters of the White Tiger Group could not bear it anymore, and they all discussed:

"Can Chu be so crazy?"

"What did he do, how dare to fight against Chu Wushuang?" Isn't this suicide?

Everyone looked at Chu Jingtian with incredible faces.

If you are the same genius as Chu Wushuang, this battle may still have some suspense. But you're just a lazy, unskilled uncle. Who gave you courage?

Chu Bao sneered, eyes full of pleasure.

Others were also mocking. At this moment, a figure slowly walked out of the barracks.

Suddenly, the noisy crowd calmed down, and all looked at the visitors with respect.

The visitor is not someone else, it is the head coach of the White Tigers, Chen Beiwang!


Chu Wushuang shouted respectfully.

Chen Bei looked slightly nodding, but his eyes fell on Chu Jingtian. He shook his head, making it difficult to hide the ridicule and contempt in his eyes:

"Chu Jingtian, you are still arrogant, and your death will not change! Chu Wushuang's talent and understanding are not seen in my life. Looking at the entire Great Yan Dynasty, only those who live in the royal family can rival him!"

"You set a life and death battle with him, hehe ..."

Chen Beiwang didn't finish the words, but the hidden meaning in the words was understood by everyone.

"Really?" Chu Jingtian's eyes were long.

"It seems you are not dead! Since that is the case, then I will tell you one more thing." Chen Beiwang looked at Chu Jingtian with a look at the joke:

"After my training, Chu Wushuang can break the cultivation to the period of true energy during the annual meeting! The sword can reach the level of ease of retraction!"

"You fight against him, it's tantamount to touching an egg!"

True qi!

The sword is free to retract!

The crowd around them took a breath of air.

If some people thought that Chu Jingtian had a chance of winning before, then Chen Beiwang's remarks made everyone sever this last possibility!

After speaking, Chen Beiwang then looked at Chu Wushuang:

"You have a bright future, and it will not be difficult for you to be the Grand Master and even the Grandmaster in the future. Don't be here to delay too much time with some unrelated people!"

"I recommend you to the Grand Commander that you become a thousand captain. You must train me to recruit these recruits. Don't let me down!"

The gap is too big.

Chen Beiwang's remarks were equivalent to knocking Chu Jingtian directly from the clouds in the hearts of everyone, making him unable to turn over.

And Chu Wushuang looked at Chu Jingtian with pride:

"Chu Jingtian, don't you say that I don't deserve to be compared with you? Now, do you know the gap between us?"

"The barracks is not the place for people like you to come to ~ ~ Hurry up and get out!"

Just when everyone thought that this farce was about to end with Chu Wushuang's great victory, all of a sudden ... there were several figures in the distance.


At this moment, everyone present noticed them.

It is headed by Ding Wenyuan, the president of the Beast Guild, and behind him are the senior members of the Beast Guild. Everyone is fiercely discussing and arguing.

As for Ding Wenyuan, he had a sad look on his face, as if troubled by something.

"President Ding!"

Chen Bei cleared his throat and shouted respectfully.

Although he is the head teacher, his status is still far behind Ding Wenyuan. In the Dayan dynasty, Ding Wenyuan existed like a giant beast in the realm of beasts.

"Meet President Ding!"

Chu Wushuang also quickly converged on that high look, shouted respectfully. Even the head coach has to be careful to face the existence, he is not qualified to fight against it.

Others in the Guards were also shocked.

This vulgar old man can make the head coach and Chu Wushuang extremely awesome, and obviously has an extraordinary status!

Ding Wenyuan, who was in the middle of Shen Ning, was interrupted and raised his head in disgust. Just when he wanted to have an attack, his eyes suddenly fell on Chu Jingtian who was aside.

In a short span of time, shocked, surprised, incredible, awe-inspiring looks appeared on his face.

In countless amazements, Ding Wenyuan asked tremblingly:

"Master Chu! Why are you here?"

This moment.

There was silence before the barracks.

Everyone was stunned and looked at the scene in front of them.

As for Chen Beiwang and Chu Wushuang, who bowed last week, it was petrified on the spot!

What exactly is going on?

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