Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 470: 1 palm shot dead

If someone had said this to Cao Jin before, he would definitely slap it over:

"What's the joke? Chu Jingtian's kid has the guts to go to the sky alone? He's afraid he won't even be able to get in, so he'll be killed!"

It's not just him. The people in the entire consecration hall don't think that Chu Jingtian dare to go into the Heavenly Fantasy alone, and can't believe that he can use his own power to suppress the three powerful Six Realms.

But now it does happen.

This kind of thing, let alone that he can't, Xu Jianqiu can't!

And they are playing with such a horrible existence. Fortunately, the other party did not care about it, otherwise he would have been killed by a slap!

"Little beast!"

A sudden roar came from the rubble.

Among the ruins that had been razed to the ground, Chen Qiangxing and two other deputy lords stood up angrily. They did not expect that the power of uniting the three was actually beaten by the hairy boy.

The old man in black robes scolded!

"Dying to death, dare to shame me?"

Chu Jingtian frowned.

After that, he squeezed his right hand and threw a spear.


The previous encounters made everyone know that the Chutian King was actually a rare San Xiu. Not only did he attain the Six Realms of Reality, but also the Master of Five Realms of Refining and Qi, there were almost no shortcomings in the whole body.

In the face of Chu Jingtian's initiative, the old man in the black robe did not dare to neglect. He put his hands together, uttered a word in his mouth, and the infinite electric snake gathered to form a thunder python that was dozens of meters long and shot towards Chu Jingtian.

Although this Thunder Python is three points smaller than the previous one, it is extremely condensed, and its body is more purple and black.


The two spells collided, as if two mountains collided. Suddenly, the thunderbolt arc burst towards the surrounding area and turned into a thundercloud storm, forming a forbidden area where people and animals were extinct.

Some close-ups were electrified into coke on the spot. Others who were scared in this scene also released spells at the same time to protect themselves, and they quickly retreated toward the rear.

Although the old man in the red robe broke his knife, he condensed into a long knife with his vitality and killed him again.

Chen Qiangxing also sighed and killed quickly.

Outside the field, Cao Jin was stunned.

The battle between Chu Jingtian and the three princes of the Tianzong Sect has been heated up. Facing the three men's attack, he stood in place and raised his hand to throw back the opponent's attack. Occasionally, they hit back once, and they were very busy.

"Too strong, too strong ... did Zhen Tiannan know he was so strong that he would make him a big offering?"

The stronger Chu Jingtian showed, the more shocked Cao Jin felt.

Until now, he didn't know why Chu Jingtian didn't mean to bow his head to the worship hall at all. With Chu Jingtian's strength, he could sweep the entire worship hall completely!

This kind of existence, let alone him, even if Xu Jianqiu is in front of him, I am afraid that he can only bow his head.

"King Chutian, you have destroyed our Heavenly Magic Sect today, I remember this feud!"

After being repelled again, Chen Qiangxing took a deep glance at Chu. Until then, he did not know the horror of the Chutian King. If consumed again, they will die.

He sang loudly, turned and turned into a beam of light, and rose into the sky. Seeing this, the old man in black robes picked up the seal and said nothing, and summoned two wings transformed into thunder, and then pursued it. The old man in the red robe was unwilling, and gave him a stern glance at the shocking sky, but also got up at the same time.

"I am shocked here, will I let you run away?"

Chu Jingtian laughed, his hands suddenly pinched the seal.

Hum ~

There was a tremor in the void, and a translucent light curtain descended from the sky, like a large bowl directly covering the sky. Chen Qiang was caught off guard and slammed into the enchantment with a bang, dizzy. The black robe and the red robe stopped and hurriedly looked forward.

"What spell is this?" The old man in the red robe asked quickly.

This enchantment closed a space of hundreds of meters in space, like a cage they were imprisoned in, making them incapable of getting rid of it.

The old man in black robes looked at it for a moment, and then said:

"This is a temporary seal formation. This space is locked. However, he does not have a formation base, but just forms a void. He will not be able to support it for a long time. After exhausting the power in this area, he will lift himself.

Chu Jingtian frowned.

This old man in black robes is right, no matter what kind of formation method, they need to rely on the formation of the formation. This space is the enchantment that he forcibly constructed based on the practice of the Six Realm Warlock, which can only support the time of twelve breaths.

But for him, twelve breaths are enough.

"Just take you first!"

Chu Jingtian turned his eyes and fell on the old man in black robe.

After he finished speaking, he squeezed his hands suddenly, and formed a weird handprint in his hands. Like a lotus flower in bloom, it is extremely charming. But in the eyes of the old man in the black robe, it made him thriller.

The magician releases spells, relying on spells and fingerprints. Some experienced practitioners can judge the strength of the spell only from the seal of the opponent.

Although he couldn't recognize the technique behind this handprint, he could feel the aura of the heavens and the earth, turned into intricacies, and rushed toward his palm. The concentration of power even twisted the air around him.

"go with!"

The aura of heaven and earth gathered around him suddenly turned into a black thunder sword. As Chu Jingtian pushed with both hands, he whistled out at this moment, and swept away towards the old man in black robe.

"As long as the enchantment is broken, you can escape, and then he will no longer have any choice!"

With this in mind, the old man in black robes folded his hands and put on a handprint similar to the word "Buddha". The magic power of the whole body converged and countless thunders surged, but turned into a phantom of thunder with blue wings and blue teeth.


Just listening to the sound of tears, the old man in black robe gathered the phantom of thunder light transformed by the whole body's mana, but was actually torn apart under the thunder sword, and finally penetrated the old man's body.

The shield he summoned temporarily was unbeatable under the thunder sword.


Suddenly, thousands of cannons rang.

Under the incredible eyes of the old man in black robe, this thunder sword exploded, and the mad thunder accumulated in it poured out at this instant, directly engulfing his body, even Yuan Ying was destroyed in an instant!

Each of the furious thunders was as thick as a stone pillar, with the power to wipe out everything, covering the whole enchantment.


The nearest Chen Qiangxing was swept away by a mad thunder, spraying a mist of blood, and his breath was instantly reduced by half. Seeing that the old man in the red robe was in a bad situation, he quickly dodged and became extremely embarrassed.

At this time, only three breaths passed.

Chu Jingtian exhaled a stale gas, and his eyes fell on the old man in the red robe again. The old man in red robes looked at him like this, his cold hair couldn't help but stand upright, his pupils contracted extremely, as if meeting the evil ghost Shura.

‘I ’ll wait for this enchantment to unravel, maybe I ’ll be buried in his hands ...’

The old man in the red robe quickly urged Qi again, condensed into a long knife, and chopped away towards the enchantment.

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!"

There was a sound of screams of gold stones, and Mars was splashing in the enchantment for a while, the knife gas stirred.

But the enchantment was still, and it was chopped on it by a knife, but it just trembled slightly, and a ripple like a drop of water was turbulent, but it soon calmed down.

"It's useless. This is the enchantment that I set up. Unless you are proficient in formation, or your cultivation is far better than me. You can only wait until the power is exhausted and the enchantment disappears by itself."

"Unfortunately, you shouldn't wait that long!"

Chu Jingtian looked at the old man in the red robe desperately attacking the enchantment and taunted.

"Then I will kill you!"

The dog jumped off the wall, not to mention the Six Realm Powerhouse.

He gave a roar, bursting out of anger, like a torrent of torrents covering his body, and the blood burst into the sky in an instant, like a torrent of fire, almost the entire enchantment was dyed red in a flash.

Then he turned with both hands, and this **** innocence actually turned into a seven-foot heavy knife. The blade circulates, and the blood rushes like a bloodstone.


A heavy knife was formed, and the elder in red robe came up with a knife, split from top to bottom, and the terrible sword swept the world like blood phoenix spread its wings.

"Hehe, it's similar to the blood knife of Blood Knife Door!"

Chu Jingtian chuckled and smiled, and he was also energetic, and cut out a three-inch sword.

However, compared with the opponent's seven-foot heavy knife, these three-inch swordsmanships can be seen by little witches. But it flew out, with a cracking sound, and slammed into the sword with wings spread like blood.


The sword was broken on the spot, the old man in the red robe was broken, and he was backswept on the spot. He sprayed a blood mist, and his face was ugly to the extreme.

However, the three-inch Jianmang was only a little bleak, still blasting towards the old man in the red robe.

"how can that be?"

There was a shock in the mind of the old man in the red robe, and then he was blasted by the sword with this shock, and even Yuan Ying was smashed.


Chu Jingtian snorted coldly.

The opponent's knife looks fierce, but in fact it is strong and dry, like a huge balloon. Chu Jingtian condenses the true energy to the extreme, like an embroidery needle, it can be easily broken with a little dot!

At this time, it is only time to pass.

"It's just you!"

Chu Jingtian retracted his right hand and looked at Chen Qiangxing.

In the face of Chu Jingtian's gaze ~ ~ The emperor of the Celestial Sect was extremely pale. In the interim, killing two Six Realm powerhouses, this strength has exceeded his imagination.

He bit his head and said:

"Chu Tianwang, as long as you are willing to spare my life. From now on, you will be the ruler of the Celestial Sect. I am willing to serve you around the world ..."

"No need!"

Chu Jingtian didn't look, he raised his right hand and pressed down suddenly.


The void seemed to be depressed by a mountain peak, and it exploded on Chen Qiangxing's body without warning. In the incredible eyes of countless people, Chen Qiangxing was smashed into the ground on the spot, with no bones left.

It was only then that the enchantment that blocked the space quietly disappeared.

There is a silence in Tianhuanzong, dead like a grave!


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