Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 477: Bi Zifang

"Ren Lao, Chen Lao ...!"

After Bi Zifang came in, he smiled and greeted Ren Xianfeng and Chen Jinshui.

"How could it be him!"

When Cao Jin saw him, he took a sigh of cold air and scarcely buried his head in his chest.

It had long been known that the other party was a disciple of Qingshangbang. Even if he was given eight courage, he did not dare to push others, even intimidate the other party. If he cares, he will never be able to eat.

"We meet again!"

What is really scared, more and more.

When Cao Jin tried to hide himself, Bi Zifang turned his eyes and looked at them with a smile.

Cao Jin was startled, and quickly got up to pay tribute to Bi Zifang:

"Bi Shao!"

Bi Zifang nodded with satisfaction.

So far, no matter how arrogant there is, after knowing his identity, he will become respectful. He very much enjoyed the huge pleasure brought by this difference.

But when he looked at Chu Jingtian, he couldn't help but close his eyes. The teenager sat there, but he didn't mean to get up at all.

"Bi Shao, do you know these two?"

Ren Xianfeng had a meal in his heart.

He remembered that he had treated these two people coldly. If their relationship and Bi Zifang were very familiar, what would happen if the other side blame him?

"It's not known, it's just a chance encounter on the street." Bi Zifang laughed.

Hearing this, Ren Xianfeng could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Bi Zifang didn't care what Ren Xianfeng had in mind, and he didn't expect to be able to meet Chu Jingtian and two people here, but he was very impressed by the blood flame fruit.

"Little brother, I don't know if you want to sell that fruit to me now? If you promise, I will buy it for twenty times the price now! For you, that fruit is not very useful , For me, I can make it to the extreme. "

"What fruit?" Ren Xianfeng stared.

"Oh, 'Red Flame Fruit' ... but that 'Red Flame Fruit' is more special! Its medicinal properties are several times better than those of other Red Flame Fruits. Times. "Bi Zifang said lightly.

Here, Bi Zifang played a careful eye.

He didn't point out that the one that Shu Jingtian bought was 'blood flame fruit', but just said that it was a special 'red flame fruit'. In this way, it can not only explain the reason why you want to buy the spiritual fruit, but also cover up the true face of 'blood flame fruit'.

After all, it is the sixth-order spiritual fruit, which is extremely rare.

With his financial resources, if he went out and bought it, he might not even be able to buy half of it.

"That's it!" Ren Xianfeng heard and nodded heavily. "Bi Shao, leave it to me ..."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Chu Jingtian and said:

"Bi Shao-nai is a disciple of Qingnangbang's divine doctor. He looks after the spiritual fruit in your hands. That is your blessing."

"Moreover, he didn't buy and sell strongly ... even willing to pay twenty times the price, this is your chance to make friends with Bi Shao!"

Seeing that Chu Jingtian didn't speak, Ren Xianfeng frowned and could not help looking at Cao Jin:

"Cao Jin, this is your subordinate, why are you so ignorant?"

Cao Jin heard that he almost didn't cry.

This is a big dedication to the rudder, stepping out of the sky fantasy sect, killing the murderous Xu Jianqiu!

How can he be qualified to be his master?

"Cao Jin, persuade your men to take out the fruit." Seeing Chu Jingtian still motionless, Chen Jinshui on the side also said. "Bi Shao is a rare Xinglin genius. How many people want to associate with him but have no chance. This is your chance ..."

With these words, Chu Jingtian raised his head.

He looked at Bi Zifang, who had good ideas, looked at Chen Jinshui, Ren Xianfeng, and others, and sneered: "You care about him, I don't care ..."

In the face of everyone's shocking eyes, Chu Jingtian looked at Bi Zifang with a smile, and said, "And, do you really think I don't recognize this as a blood flame?"

"Blood flame?"

Chen Jinshui froze.

Ren Xianfeng was surprised.

Everyone was puzzled, Qi Qi looked at Bi Zifang.

Earlier, I was talking about "Red Flame Fruit", but why was it here in Chu Jingtian that it became "Blood Flame Fruit"?

Bi Zifang changed his face even more.

The appearance of these two spiritual fruits is almost the same. He was able to distinguish it because Yan Zhongyuan taught him a special way of identification. For a long time, but he did not expect, Chu Jingtian actually recognized it!

"Do you recognize blood flame fruit?" As soon as he thought of what he said in order to conceal blood flame fruit, Bi Zi conveniently couldn't help burning in anger.

It turned out that this kid had already seen it, and always thought of himself as a joke!

"What I recognize is naturally not what you can imagine ... Don't play in front of me with unseen thoughts." Chu Jingtian flicked his fingers.

Bi Zi's color was gloomy to the extreme.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and looked at Ren Xianfeng aside:

"Ren Lao, do these two have anything to do with you?"

When he asked, Ren Xianfeng couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Everyone has an overview of the previous events, and the character of Bi Zifang has been discussed.

If he were to be an ordinary person, Ren Xianfeng would not have seen him for a long time, but the other side would have been a divine doctor disciple, and those of them would have asked for him, and could only helplessly proclaimed:

"I have nothing to do with them ..."

Bi Zifang glanced at Chu Chutian and sneered, "I'm going to treat you next. And the teacher told me that some methods are not allowed to be passed on, so let them go."

Ren Xianfeng heard his brow frowning.

How he didn't know, this was Bi Zifang's revenge on the two by himself.

At the moment, Bi Zifang's senses again reduced by three points. Anyway, Cao Jin and Chu Jingtian came to see themselves. If it happened today, how can he gain a foothold in Wanya Town?

But at this moment there is a handle on the person, and he can only do it bit by bit:

"My guests don't welcome the two of you ... please go out, and you will not be allowed to step into Wanya Pavilion in the future!"

"Ren, you can't do that!"

Cao Jin heard the words, and was immediately anxious.

Even Chu Chutian was brow slightly.

As for Bi Zifang, he looked at the two with a smile, a look of expression. Although he failed to get the blood flame fruit, he could punish the other person and calm his heart.

"Medicine is not high and there are many rules!"

Chu Jingtian mocked.

"what did you say?"

Chu Jingtian's words instantly made Bi Zifang's face extremely ugly, and even made his eyes cold.

He has been the first person to dare to talk to himself since worshiping Yan Zhongyuan as a teacher.

The people who were on the side of Ren Xianfeng and Chen Jinshui also changed greatly.

For the immortal world, everyone in the Qingnang list has great influence, and Bi Zifang is touted by everyone even if it is only possible to enter the Qingnang list. Without a doubt, the most powerful thing about them is medicine.

Chu Jingtian said this, but he was naked.

And these existences have always been unknown how many people have been healed and how many people wait in line to ask for them. If Bi Zifang is angered, as long as he says a word, there will be countless people rushing to attack Chu Chutian.

Looking at Bi Zifang's gloomy expression, Chen Jinshui and Ren Xianfeng looked at each other and stopped talking.

Although they had some doubts about Bi Zifang's character, they would not be silly to stand at Chu Jingtian's side to deal with him at this moment.

"I said that your medical skills are not high, but there are a lot of rules!" Chu Jingtian smiled at Bi Zifang, "Since you have such good medical skills, why not treat your ears with one treatment? You can't even hear me? "

"Dare you question my medicine? Who gave you the guts?"

Bi Zifang narrowed his eyes and said word by word.

Chu Jingtian sneered: "It ’s your Master who is on the green list, and I can still question it. What kind of thing are you? First of all, you want to buy from me and sell it from me. Fruit, still forcing others to drive me away? "

"With your little medical skills, you dare to come out and shame yourself. Who gave you courage?"


With these words, everyone's face changed again.

Human shadow, tree name.

The disciples of the divine doctors, do you not allow you to question?

Sure enough, Bi Zi changed his face: "Why do you say that? Do you know the meaning of the green capsule list? Do you know how many doctors in Xianwu world want to be on the green capsule list?"

In his heart, his master is like a god-man. He seems to have cured human bones and bones, and there seems to be nothing that he cannot do. In the entire world of Xianwu, it has a weightless position. Now being humiliated by such a kid, it should be broken!

"Boy, you dare to humiliate me and my master, relying on your previous words, I can make you fragmentary."

"Why, can't medical treatment allow others to question? Are you ashamed and angry now?" Chu was sitting there with a smile. "In front of me, don't shame your eyes anymore!"

Hearing this sentence, Bi Zifang was very angry:

"Ren Pioneer, kill me with these two guys ..."


Ren Xianfeng heard a delay ~ ~ Anyway, Cao Jin is the enshrinement of the celestial sect of Dao Zong. If this is to be done to him, what should the other party do?

Just as he hesitated, Bi Zifang drank again:

"If you don't kill him, I won't save you! Kill him, and I will be responsible for all the consequences ..."

There was a hint of struggle in Ren Xianfeng's eyes.

Cao Jin was astonished when he heard about it.

Chu Jingtian frowned slightly, looking at Bi Zifang with a gloomy face, a sudden movement of his heart, a smile in his eyes: "Oh, this is a threat to others? Do you think there is only you like a doctor in the world?"

"Want to heal, why whisper and let this Bi Fang get out of the way, I'll treat you!"

(End of this chapter)


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