Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 511: Suppress

Chu Jingtian originally planned to kill with a thunder.

But before he started, he paused and determined that he would be born. After all, this kind of old ghost is extremely cunning. If he rushes, he may be scared and let the other party escape.

But Chu Jingtian didn't expect that he was born to see himself in true body. It was born to want to capture his physical body, but Chu Jingtian didn't want to capture the other soul's soul that had been tempered for thousands of years.


This shot, he did not hesitate. Almost as Chu Jingtian's palm was found out, the ground suddenly surged, and the numerous rocky soil turned like a tide, directly transformed into a huge palm, and it was grasped towards him.

This palm has 172 feet, covering the sky above this palace, like Mount Tai.


The cold mang flickered in the eyes, and the whole person was suspended directly in the air. The dull and deep spell spit out of his mouth, and the two evil dragons, composed entirely of black clouds, emerged directly from his sleeves.

These two Yinyinlong dragons are like pythons and slugs, the scales are black and reflective, and the breath is cold and surging. In the open mouth of the blood basin, the cavities were revealed. Like a sharp dagger.

The Yinshalong dragon swept out, and even with the natural hands dancing and flipping up and down, the two Yinlongs danced crossly, and they kept tumbling up, soaring into the sky.


The crushing giant palm was instantly torn apart by the two mad dragons.

"go with!"

At the same time, will be born with a right hand wave. I saw a yelling from the Yinlong, and the remaining momentum rushed towards Chu Jingtian.

"Haha, good job!"

Chu Jingtian laughed loudly and raised his fist to hit forward.

I saw the tremor of the void, like the ripples on the water surface, and the Yin Dragon that swept wildly was completely torn apart during this ripple turbulence.

The exploded Yin Dragon turned into a black cloud and dispersed.


Seeing Chu Jingtian's ease, he stopped his attack, and suddenly his natural complexion was overcast.

"Give me it!"

He waved his sleeve.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Uh ...

As soon as the words fell, the ghosts and gods hiding in the valley were already bursting out at the next moment, turning into a rush of madness and blasting towards Chu Jingtian.

Thousands of ghosts and gods at this moment were like volley crossbow arrows, blasting away towards Chu Jingtian.

At this moment, an infinite wolf was crying in that void. All these ghosts stared at the blood-red eyes, greedily looking at Chu Jingtian's body. For them, the flesh and blood of the living is a good supplement.

If it wasn't for fear of being born, the moment Chu Jingtian entered the valley, they would attack and smash Chu Jingtian into pieces. Now under the command of the innate, these ghosts and gods who have been rushed out are like evil spirits who have escaped from their cages, rushing towards Chu Jingtian and rushing away, for fear that the speed will be one point behind.

"A swarm of ants!"

Chu Jingtian showed contempt.

In the face of the overwhelming ghosts and gods, he took a deep breath and suddenly pinched it.


At this moment, a dense sound of swords rang through the void. Under the surging vigor, I saw a sword of vigor forming in the void.

These swords of aura have three thousand and six hundred handles.

The cloud pattern of the sword flickered, and the cold mang shone, as if it were forged in real.

In the moment of formation, Chu Jingtian's right hand suddenly waved forward.


At this instant, the sound of dense wind breaking broke out. Each sword blasted out like a hole in the void, facing directly towards the overwhelming ghosts and gods!

From a distance, this is actually a scene of Wan Jianqi!


Where Jianfeng passed, those ghosts and gods that swept away were torn apart on the spot by the terrible sword gas.

The ghosts and gods that rushed forward were swept out of the void by this horrible blow. And these swords of aura are in a horrifying posture, and they are swept away by their crazy direction.


Seeing this scene, the natural eyes and pupils were closed.

Facing the horrible sword swarms that swept across the sky, he was born with a tiptoe and hurriedly retreated towards the rear. It was at the same time, waving long sleeves again and again.


A loud noise sounded, and a violent surge erupted on the ground. A block was as high as a hundred feet high, and several thick walls rose directly from the ground. This wall turned out to be completely made of white bones, which looks like a huge bone wall from a distance!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The sound was loud.

With each loud sound, a huge bone wall stood up and appeared on the spot. That stretch of bone wall has a total of seven sides, as if the legendary Luo Shengmen.

"Carved worm tricks!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Jingtian couldn't help but sneer and grabbed his right hand suddenly.

Three thousand six hundred swords, one into one!


The endless sword of aura, at this instant, turned into a line and merged into one line like Wan Jiangui. At the same time, at a speed several times faster than before, he rushed forward in a rush!


The huge bone wall almost stopped the sword, and was almost torn by the sword gas almost instantly. Seven bone walls, but only blocked the three fingers of the sword.

But for a born-in-the-middle powerhouse, three fingers are enough time to do a lot of things.

I saw his right hand swiftly grabbed, the wind howled in the void, leading to a sharp. In the storm, a pure white bone spear was formed. In the moment of its formation, it rushed forward in the extreme.


In mid-air, a terrible attack from both sides collided fiercely, and suddenly a loud noise broke out. The tens of meters of air waves rose up at this moment, rolling like a sea wave.

Everywhere the air waves pass, they are all torn, and within the field of vision, they are full of scars!

Most of the entire valley was under this blow and was razed to the ground.

"Come on!"

And being born under the violent wind swept the brunt of the storm, the body suddenly trembled, and took a few steps backward. He widened his eyes and looked at Chu Jingtian in dismay.

"Why is this kid so strong?"

He wouldn't believe it if he hadn't defended it in person.

On the other side, Chu Jingtian laughed, raised his hand, and shattered the overwhelming air waves. Looking at the gloomy to the extreme will be born, Chu Jingtian's voice sounded slowly:

"If you do it well, maybe I can give you a happy life!"


He was born with angry eyes, staring at Chu astonishingly.

After a moment, he smiled angrily, shaking his head slowly:

"Boy, do you really think I've been here for hundreds of years, do nothing but practice?"

"This is a land that I have been in business for hundreds of years. Do you really think you can come and go as soon as you want to, and you want to leave here? If you don't want to fancy me, if you didn't care about your physique, it would be as soon as you step into the valley. I will be torn to pieces. "


Chu Jingtian raised an eyebrow and looked at it with a smile. "what about now?"

"right now?"

Will be born almost without crushing the teeth.

Chu Jingtian's strength completely exceeded his imagination. If you still want to take over the physique of the other party, maybe you will get yourself involved. Looking at Chu Jingtian's mocking expression, he was born cold:

"Now I will tear you to pieces!"

"Get up!"

As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly drank.

boom! boom! boom! boom……

At this moment, a shocking hurricane swept across the valley. With the eruption of the hurricane, I saw a gust of black light beams of dozens of feet wide and hundreds of feet long.

This black beam of light is as many as nine places, as if it appeared, it surrounded the whole valley.

And these beams of light, hovering in the sky, directly above the born head, formed a huge array of nine stars. And in that large array, a black light descended from the sky, and fell directly on the born body.


At this instant, the innate body was transformed into a terrible change, and the breath suddenly became extremely surging. The stance of the immortal wind bone on his body before this moment was completely eliminated at this moment, and the breath of the whole person became more and more sensational.

In this black light, the eyes that were born with fierce light directly stared at Chu Jingtian.

"Boy, see how you still fight me!"

Shouted by nature.

He hated so much.

These evil spirits are accumulated in the valley, and they will be mobilized when they are needed from time to time. Even if a sect door is killed, he can use the evil spirits accumulated during these hundreds of years to resist the opponent.

But who knows, Chu Jingtian forced the final hole card. Even if this battle kills Chu Jingtian, he will be greatly injured, and it will take hundreds of years to heal.

It takes hundreds of years for this wicked spirit to re-accumulate.

"Is this your strongest form?"

Chu Jingtian looks at Xiang Tiansheng ~ ~ how? "

He closed his natural eyes and shouted.

However, from Chu Jingtian's taunting eyes, he felt that his heart was faint.

"Okay, if that's all, then this is your final state when you die!"

Chu Jingtian grabbed his right hand toward the front and slammed it down suddenly.

At this instant, he was born with the feeling that there was a cloud over his head, as if something had covered the sky. He looked up subconsciously, but he couldn't help but take a breath.

The thing that was pressed down was not something else, but a huge and huge Dan furnace furnace lid!

(End of this chapter)


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