"Zhenqi Cheng! This is the breath of Zhenqi Xiaocheng!" Countless powerful men in the audience cried out in exclaim.

"How could he be so young?"

Although I don't believe it, this breath can't be fake.

Earlier everyone laughed that he was not qualified to enter the ring, and there were even people who wanted to kick him out, but now the other person's self-cultivation is equivalent to giving them a slap!

"Indeed, really arrogant!" Chu Wushuang lost his voice.

"This may not have come from his own cultivation! Instead, he borrowed some special means!" Chen Beiwang looked at Chu Jingtian on the ring and speculated: "He may have swallowed some heavenly earth treasures, or ascended A panacea for cultivation. "

"But this method is all inferior! His potential will also be exhausted, stop here!"

The others listened and nodded.

There is no such thing as a young man who can be so angry at such a young age, but they all have a name and a surname, and they will not deliberately hide their identities and come to the exchange meeting.

"Yes, this kid might not be using any special technique!"

"This method is all inferior, and the vitality obtained is not comparable to self-cultivation!"

Everyone who had returned to God talked about it.

And Chen Beiwang took this opportunity to beat Chu Wushuang, saying:

"Although these methods can allow warriors to break through repairs in a short time! But the hidden dangers they bring are also huge, and may even make warriors' repairs impossible!"

"Only those who break through hopeless warriors will make this choice!"

At this moment Hong Man returned to God.

He looked at Chu Jingtian with contempt. In his heart, the other party used some means to achieve the anger.

Nodded, he sneered and looked at Chu Jingtian:

"Since you've achieved your anger, you have the right to let me do it!"

"But I won't be merciless because you are young. You can still get down now to avoid suffering from flesh!"

Looking at the arrogant Hongman, Chu Jingtian smiled slightly. He came up to sharpen his anger for actual combat. How could he step down from the ring because the other party said a few words?

"No more nonsense, do it!"

Hongman's eyes flashed with anger.

Although he is also a real anger, he is already a leader in this realm. It also has five vortexes of qi, and it is just one step to reach the peak of qi. The other person's breath is far worse than himself, how dare he be so enraged, how can he not be angry?

"Take it!"

The savage violently burst out, and the surging anger erupted like a flood. Wrapped in his fierce infuriating energy, his right hand fisted out like a blast, and a powerful hurricane was set off all around at this moment.

Zhenqi Xiaocheng's cultivation behavior broke out without reservation.

The warriors on the stage could not help but stare at their eyes. Even if the target of this punch was not them, they could still feel this amazing coercion!

"So strong! Is this the strength of the true qi?"

Chu Wushuang was shocked.

"Wang Chong, this 'Mr. Chu' you brought seems to be defeated! Hong Man was really angry, but with this punch, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die!"

Someone even mocked at Wang Chong.

Wang Chong did not speak, his fists clenched, staring at the ring.

Although he was extremely convinced by Chu Jingtian, but there was a gap between the two vortices, and he felt the punch of the other side, and even he felt worried about Chu Jingtian.

Unexpectedly, Chu Jingtian shook hands with his hands and smashed them.


The two fists shrouded in anger slammed together, and the power hidden behind them broke out.


Immediately after the fists collided, Hong Man's face suddenly changed. He only felt an incomparable power, which emerged from the opponent's fist insanely, and poured into his body like the Yellow River Benxiao.

This power was so powerful that it could not be resisted, and it was forced into it between the blasts, and his body trembled suddenly!

"How is it possible that his cultivation is obviously inferior to me!"

Hong Man roared in his heart, and he couldn't help sulking here, with an incredible shock, his body wobbly backward shot back!

But Chu Jingtian is standing still, motionless!

There was silence in the venue.

Looking at the arrogant Chu Jingtian, watching the savage Hongbang.

The next moment, there was a burst of noise!

"how is this possible?"

"Hong Man was actually beaten back?"

"Cultivation is obviously higher than the other party, but they will still be bombarded? What is going on?"

No one expected that the result of the competition between the two sides was actually this.

However, they did not know that although Chu Jingtian was doing a little bit less than the other party, but because of his practice of the ancient method of priming air, the strength of true qi was far better than the other party.

Coupled with the fact that his body was quenched with the ancestral mystery of the ancestors, the power that erupted under the combination of the two is naturally much stronger than these ordinary infuriating young martial arts.

"It is indeed Master Chu. Even Hongman can suppress it with bare hands and fists. If he uses a sword, he is afraid that Hongman will not be able to catch even one move!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Chong suspended his heart slightly.

He recalled the power of Chu Jingtian to kill Bai Anshi, the sword of life and death, with ‘only me alone’, and he suddenly increased his confidence in Chu Jingtian!

"This is your strength?"

Chu Jingtian's brow lifted, a little disappointment flashed in his eyes. The opponent is much weaker than he imagined. If he moves really, I'm afraid the opponent can't even catch a move.

But the opponent is hard to find, and he can only suppress his disappointment and continue to shoot.

"Good boy, dare to look down on me!"

After being shocked by Chu Jingtian's boxing, Hong Man's heart was shocked, coupled with Chu Jingtian's disappointment, which made him even more humiliated.

"Storm Pear Shot!"

He froze with his right hand, listening only to the sound of a dragon, and the steel spear was already in his hands. Hong Man held a finger, and in the blink of an eye dozens of guns flew across the void like a meteor, blasting directly towards the main point of Chu Jingtian's body.

The marksmanship is as its name implies, the splendid lance is like a raindrop pear flower, which almost seals down the platform space in an instant. Each gun is like a pear flower falling through the rain, piercing the air, and causing a shriek, which makes people invisible and unavoidable!

"This is really angry!"

When everyone saw this, they all took a sip of air conditioning. No matter how strong you are, can you compare with each other's martial arts?

"Can he resist?"

Just as everyone looked at him, they saw Chu Jingtian smile a little, right hand toward the void again and again.

"嗤!" "嗤!" "”! "

Every time he moved his fingertips, he brought a shrill whistle of piercing air. The extremely condensed fingertips quickly passed in the void, as if the stars were shining.

Immediately, in the eyes of others, it was almost unavoidable, and the impossibly heavy rain pear gun was blocked by Chu Jingtian. Even more, while resisting the opponent's gun mang, his right hand was jogged several times again, like a laser grazing, **** Mang on the spot counterattacked the brutal with an incredible posture!


Although Hongman has noticed Chu Jingtian's counterattack, he still can't keep up with the opponent's speed, and can only watch the two finger holes penetrate his body.

"how can that be?"

With unprecedented anger, Hong Man fell suddenly to the ground.

He thought that Chu Jingtian had previously been repelled because he had dismissed the enemy too much. But now the two are fighting head-to-head, but it turns into a stormy sea in his heart.

"Where did the kid come from?"

Everyone was dazzled around.

They couldn't think of anything, this kid who was ridiculed by them was able to beat Hong Manda!

"Is his cultivation not by relying on external forces for improvement, but by himself?"

A terrible idea emerged from everyone's mind.

"You forced me!"

The brutal bruised by Chu Jingtian flashed a madness in his eyes. He gave a low drink and turned up again.

He punched his fists, his anger pouring out unreservedly, sweeping his body like a flame. This fierce infuriation even caused a mighty coercion, crushing the ground around him with numerous cracks!

When this power rose to the zenith, Hong Man suddenly pointed forward!


At this instant, the accumulated vitality, like the flood of a dyke, poured out without reservation. If the previous Storm Pear Flower Gun was just a few stars in the night sky, then this gun is a vast and irresistible galaxy ~ www.readwn.com ~ No matter how you exist, it will completely disintegrate under its impact !!

"This trick is finally interesting!"

Seeing this shot, Chu Jingtian's eyes flashed a little surprise.

"Point the stars!"

He has a little right hand, very casual. But in the eyes of everyone, it is a great deal of simplification. There was a sharp whistling at the fingertips, and a condensed anger passed by like lightning.

The terrible finger hole penetrated the void, condensed in one point, and crashed with the brutal attack!


A blast of rock-shattering explosions rang out loudly, the crazy infuriating set off a strong hurricane, and the wind was howling like thunder! The slate on the platform was smashed by every inch, spreading in all directions, as if the situation was rolling!

In this shock, Hong Man screamed, spitting a blood mist, and the whole person flew out a few feet away like a wooden stake, and fell heavily to the ground, making a dull sound.

And on the ring, in the rolling dust, Chu Jingtian Yiyne turned and flew, still proudly motionless!

"You lost!"

Looking at the spitting blood, still shocked Hongman, Chu shocked the sky.

The tone is extremely casual, as if it is effortless!

And the faint ‘you lost’ three words fell in the ears of everyone, but it was like a thunder. Suddenly, the deadly meeting place exploded like a pan, and an incredible exclaiming sound erupted.

Everyone present thought that Chu Jingtian would be severely taught and rolled off the ring.

They have also thought about it, they do n’t even need Hongman to do it, as long as they show their vigor and self-cultivation, they will make Chu Jingtian frightened and retreat!

They even thought about how they would feel ashamed when the other party rolled off the ring.


They never imagined that the other party defeated Hong Man so easily!

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