Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 538: Black lotus?

In the whole palace of King Qin Guang, the most conspicuous is the evil ghost who represents King Qin Guang.

That should be the existence of the power of the ghost emperor.

Compared with other fangs-like evil spirits, this ‘King Guang’ is not a green-faced fangs. Instead, he is wearing a robe like an old man with a green-faced face. But Chu Jingtian knew that once the other party woke up, it would definitely become an extremely difficult role.

It is a pity that under the body of this 'King Guang King' there is no repressive spirit treasure.

"Eh? There is no Lingbao under 'Qin Guangwang'!"

At this time, other people present also found this scene. All the people present could not help but make a shout.

Originally, they wanted to take a look at what kind of treasures the most powerful Li Gui in the Palace of King Qin Guang suppresses. But who knows, when everyone looks at it, they don't want the other person to be empty.

There is nothing shocking!

"Maybe it was taken away ..."

"Perhaps, the spirit treasure under King Qin Guang is the weapon of the owner of the Nether Palace."

"Mr. Chu is obviously the treasure that King Qin Guang wants to suppress, but unfortunately nothing!"

Seeing Chu Jingtian's slightly regretful eyes, everyone whispered.

The powerful ghosts that suppress these spirit treasures are obviously quite powerful.

Only the owner of the Nether Hall can pretend to have no need to worry about the rules here. But they can only obey the rules and get three. Of course, everyone wants to do their best to get the best baby.

No one wants to waste the only three opportunities on some worthless treasures.

So is Chu Jingtian!

So he looked directly at King Qin Guang's body.

But they did not expect that King Qin Guang's body was empty and there was no baby.

"Go to the next Yan Luodian and take a look."

Chu Jingtian's complexion remained unchanged.

There are ten palaces in total. This is just one of them. No one knows what's in the next palace.

The crowd suddenly realized that they had walked through one of the palaces. Since there are only three opportunities for each person, naturally it is extremely rare. It is necessary to turn all the ten temples and choose the right treasure.

Of course, they also want to take a look at what kind of treasure the other nine big kings are guarding.

But unfortunately, passing three or four Yan Luo Halls in succession, the treasures suppressed by the King Yan are gone. This made Chu Jingtian's complexion not so good-looking. After all, he entered the tomb of the meteor, also for Lingbao, but the best baby was either gone. How could he feel comfortable?

Chu Jingtian suppressed his unhappiness and continued to explore forward.

The sixth house!

Seventh Hall!

Eighth Hall!

The ninth temple!

The next few palaces, the treasures suppressed by King Yan, still do not exist.

"It seems that the treasures suppressed by the Emperor Yan must be the things used by the owner of the Nether House."

"Yeah, otherwise, what's going on?"

"After the owner of the Nether Palace fell, the baby has already fallen into the hands of the owner of the Meteor Fairy Tomb, so these Yan Luo Halls are empty and nothing."

"Mr. Chu's face is already hard to read ..."

"Yeah, for him, the ordinary repressed baby is naturally inconsiderate. What he wants is naturally the treasure of the ten hall Yan Luo's suppression."

Watching Chu Jingtian gloomy to the extreme complexion, everyone couldn't help talking carefully.

"Last tenth temple!"

In the discussion, the crowd stayed in front of the last hall of the ten hall Yan Luo.

Even Chu Jingtian couldn't help sighing.

If this last palace still has nothing, then he can only find the inferior treasure. Although a little reconciled, it is better than nothing.

But who knows, when they first stepped into the palace of the runner king in the tenth temple, they found a difference.


"what happened?"

"There is nothing in this palace, nothing?"

When entering the runner king's palace, everyone suddenly realized that the place where the ghosts should suppress was empty.


Even Chu Jingtian could not help but frown slightly, he quickly accelerated his pace and walked towards the position of the runner king.

"That is?"

I saw, under the runner king, sitting on a black lotus stand in a panic.

"How come there are black lotuses?"

"Is that black lotus?"

"What a powerful force ... what is this black lotus? Even if it is suppressed, can you feel the terribleness?"

Standing in front of the runner, everyone can feel that a powerful force is constantly overflowing. That powerful force even made everyone's eyes look distorted and blurred at this moment.

"This black lotus is absolutely unusual!"

"No wonder there is no evil spirit in the whole runner royal palace. Is that why?"

"This black lotus is too powerful, so it used a palace to suppress it?"

In the exclamation of everyone, Chu Jingtian also looked up at the lotus.

When he first saw this lotus terrace, he couldn't help but startled.

Lotus Terraces come in a variety of colors, especially Buddhist doors, but most are golden and white. There is also a kind of red lotus, which is a blood lotus born in a defiled land, and is a lotus platform for ghosts and gods in the world.

Under the Naihe Bridge they had walked through before, there was a red lotus, but it was still in the germination stage, and it wouldn't be known for thousands of years after opening.

As for this black lotus, Chu Jingtian has never seen it.

But what made him feel strange was that this black lotus was not as cold and scary as he imagined, but had a very pure Buddhist atmosphere. But there is no doubt that this black lotus is not only the whole runner's palace, but also the best treasure in the whole ghost palace.

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes and set his eyes on the runner king who suppressed the black lotus.

However, this look surprised him even more.

Sitting on the black lotus is actually a middle-aged Confucian with a beautiful face. Wearing a blue robe, the Confucian looks like an ordinary scholar, but he just sits still and gives a very scary Deterrence.

"This black lotus is not ordinary. The fierce ghost used to suppress black lotus must also be unusual!"

"I'm afraid this black lotus is not good!"

Everyone couldn't help trembling when they saw the runner.

For a while, everyone's eyes turned towards Chu Jingtian.

Seeing that Chu Jingtian made a slight condensate, he was already firm in his eyes, and walked towards the runner king.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Throughout the runner's palace, only Chu Jingtian's footsteps remained. At this moment, everyone couldn't help suppressing their own breath, and looked nervously forward.

As soon as Chu Jingtian stepped in to ten meters away from the runner king, he kept his eyes closed, like a sleeping middle-aged man runner, suddenly opened his eyes. A breath of horror was released from his body without reservation on the spot, and his eyes looked towards Chu Jingtian with a feeling.

When seeing Chu Jingtian's figure, the runner king stood up directly from Hei Lian.


Suddenly, the runner Wang's original breath became more terrifying at this moment. A violent and surly spirit was emitted from the opponent's body on the spot, pouring out like a tide.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Alas!"

Where the black breath passed, the ground was torn apart at this moment, and rushed towards the crowd directly.

Feeling this breath, everyone horrified to change color and quickly backed away.

Chu Jingtian stood in place, and was lifted by this breath of long hair, his robes hunting. He didn't move, his negative hand looked forward, and his eyes turned for a moment.

For a while, everyone present felt the war.

"The breath of the runner is so powerful ..."

"You have reached the Master of Six Realms!"

"The owner of Nether House is really too powerful. He could suppress this black lotus with a ghost emperor of six realms. Presumably, this black lotus is absolutely a treasure!"

"As long as you take one step forward, you will receive the attack from the runner king. I don't know if Mr. Chu will give up ..."

All the people present couldn't help talking about it.

Just the breath is so powerful, you can imagine how terrible the runner will be after the shot. And only hit him to qualify for black lotus.

To everyone, Chu Jingtian's cultivation seems to be far behind the runner.

And each person has only three chances. If you spend the opportunity on a treasure that is not available at all, it is better to find some lower-level treasures.

Just as everyone was talking, Chu Jingtian only hesitated a little, and then walked towards the runner king.


At this moment, the runner's eyes suddenly became fierce.

The ultimate breath originally reached at this moment with a more fierce and violent attitude, and tossed up. From a distance, he looked like a huge black flame burning behind him.

At the same time, the runner Wang grabbed his right hand and suddenly a sword appeared in his hand.


A sharp breath ~ ~ erupted directly from the body of the runner.

The next moment, it exploded on the spot, turned directly into a horrible sword light, and went towards Chu Jingtian to kill.

The dim wheel of the King Palace exploded suddenly at this moment, and the terrible sword gas could not help sweeping in all directions.

To get the black lotus, you must kill the runner who guards the black lotus. Looking at the runner who rushed towards himself, Chu Jingtian grabbed his right hand, and the blood front sword also appeared in his hand.


The next moment, Chu Jingtian stepped on his feet.

A horrible loud sound rang out, and the whole ghost palace shuddered at this instant. And Chu Jingtian relied on this horrible force, and the whole man rose into the sky, and also went towards the runner king to kill!

(End of this chapter)


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