When outsiders bothered and broke their heads to the martial arts exchange meeting, Chu Jingtian's cultivation came to a final juncture!

The first realm of practicing Fa-rectification is to fight the divine mind, the so-called Taoism.

The second is Tong Xuan!

As the saying goes, ‘as soon as you enter Tongxuan, the supernatural power is born. Dafa magic, come in handy! ’

Once you reach the Tongxuan period, you do n’t have to be like the enlightenment period. To cast the spell, you need to enchant the spell. You just need to move your thoughts. Of course, to reach this level, you need to use the divine mind to pull the heaven and earth aura into the mud pill palace at the center of the eyebrow to build a mana cyclone like a vortex!

You just need to pull the mana out of the mud pill palace, and you can easily cast the magic.

Although it is easy to say, but the fact is the same as the gasification environment, there are still many people who cannot break through this trance!


After half a day of swallowing Tongxuandan, Chu Jingtian trembled, and countless silk and earth auras poured in from all directions, turning into a swirling pour into the mud pill palace toward his heart!

After a long time, he spit out a stale air and slowly opened his eyes. As his pupils opened, a refined essence flashed through his pupils!

"Haha, I didn't expect it to go so smoothly and reached Tongxuan Xiaocheng directly!"

Thanks to the rebirth, he has no idea how many times stronger than the previous life. Gu so it ’s going to be a little bit late to practice Falun Gong, but it has also condensed four Mana Cyclones, and it has even caught up with Lian Qi!

"If you can train the Zulong secret to the second level, my third house will be all open!"

The human body has a third house!

One is the upper palace, the center of the eyebrow, and this palace is called the mud pill palace. The mana of the practitioners will gather here!

The two are the middle palace, the heart, and this palace is called the Zhongyuan palace. The blood of the ancient martial arts practitioners will condense here!

The three are the Xia Gong and Dan Tian. This palace is called Qihai Palace. The true qi of the gas refiner is all summarized with this!

Only when all of them reach the second realm will the Sannomiya be fully opened.

"If Sannomiya is fully open, I will be an invincible being of the same order!"

"It's getting late, and I should go to the martial arts exchange meeting, I don't know which strong people have come today!"

After glancing at the sky, Chu Jingtian realized that he had been unknowingly and had practiced for a full day. I remembered that there was an exchange meeting tonight, so I hurried out.

When he came out, several people were gathering together to whisper something. He listened, and he did not expect that these people were talking about what happened during the exchange meeting last night.

But last night, it was speculated that even Chu Chutian was surprised.

One of them is exaggerated:

"Don't you know, the reason why the Mr. Chu wore a mask is because he has a green face with a fangs! Hong Man and him punched, and the entire right arm was interrupted immediately, and he vomited more than blood. The strong men suppressed at the meeting, and that Mr. Chu was afraid that he would start killing! "

"How can it be so exaggerated?"

Chu Jingtian couldn't help crying and laughing while listening.

Seeing that he was interrupted, the clan who spoke was impatient, and when he was about to scold, he was surprised that he was shocked.

"Brother Chu Jingtian, that is true of Mr. Chu, and now the whole imperial city is mad. No one does not know him!"

Chu Jingtian smiled. He didn't expect that things would spread so fast last night.

"Brother Chu Jingtian, you have to go out so late? Is it because you also want to go to the martial arts exchange meeting?" The other party's eyes flickered and asked casually.


Chu Jingtian didn't plan to conceal anything, so he ordered it a little.

After a few words, Chu Jingtian left.

When he left, someone suddenly ridiculed:

"Just because he wants to go to the martial arts exchange meeting? I'm afraid he will be beaten up by the club before he enters the door!"

"By the way, there will be a lot of strong people tonight. Can we mix in?" One of them was humane.

As soon as he spoke, someone said:

"Don't even think about it, this is a gathering of true-spirited warriors. The guards are strict. We are not led by strong-spirited ones, for fear that the threshold will not be touched. There is only the brother of Chu Wushuang and Chu Bao They went in. "

"Yeah, I really want to see the true face of that" Mr. Chu! "


Not long after he left the palace, Chu Jingtian put on a mask.

Before entering the exchange meeting, he saw a large group of people gathered at the entrance of the meeting in the distance. It was Wang Chong who was surrounded by everyone in the middle, and there were a few infuriating martial arts soldiers, who were knocking around to inquire about Chu Jingtian's identity.

Wang Chong is also sincere.

It stands to reason that such a warrior who has just reached the period of authenticity and barely retracts the sword might not be able to associate with so many strong men in the imperial city. But just before that, even a warrior at the pinnacle of his head gave him a bow.

Wang Chong naturally knew that this was the honor brought to him by Chu Jingtian.

"Don't ask me any more, I can't reveal Mr. Chu's identity! But I can tell you clearly that he is a native of the Great Yan Dynasty. My sword power and even cultivation are all mentioned by him. Just to the point where it is today! "

"The reason why he came to the exchange meeting was to sharpen his strength!"

Wang Chong's words immediately caused a sensation.

No one has investigated the origin of Mr. Chu, but this person seems to have appeared out of thin air. Many people prefer him to be a disciple of an old monster in the dynasty!

But now this Mr. Chu is actually enough to guide the cultivation of a strong spirit, which is really amazing!

"Brother Wang Chong, see if you can introduce me for me!" A warrior hurriedly handed a brocade box to Wang Chong. "I have been studying the sword for several years, and I have not made any advances in the slightest hope that I can get Mr. Chu's guidance!"

Wang Chong was simply flattered.

He knows each other.

The name of the warrior is Song Shuhang, who is the chief teacher of the Qinglong regiment. His qualifications are much deeper than he does not know. Although they are both teachers, the status of each other is much higher than him!

Song Shuhang now calls him an elder brother, and even treats him with courtesy. How can this not flatter him?

"This ... Mr. Chu Jinkouyuyan, I am afraid that he will not easily point others." Wang Chong pushes back.

"Brother Wang Chong, I just need you to introduce the other party for me, and I will thank you whether it is successful or not!" Song Shuhang said busyly.

Wang Chong Shen condensed, then nodded.

When others saw this, they quickly gathered up and stuffed the prepared gift to Wang Chong.

"We also want to see Mr. Chu!"

"If we can get Mr. Chu's advice, we will thank you!"

Song Shuhang smiled.

Last night he also watched the battle under the ring, and he had seen the strength of the combination of Chu and the heavens. Even if the other party mentioned a little bit more, he might be able to pierce through this layer of window paper and let the repair go further.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but nodded:

"Mr. Chu is a young man, and he is a master of comprehension. It is not an exaggeration to call him Master Chu!"

Others nodded and said yes.

An old man with white hair, couldn't help it:

"As the so-called master comes first, I have been studying kendo for 50 years, and I have not been able to fully grasp the stance of the sword, let alone reach the realm of unity. Called a master! "

Just then, a sneer of irony came in:

"Master? He's a hairy boy, what qualifications do he have to be called a master?"

The crowd looked around and saw a crowd of people coming forward. The visitor was the head coach of a group of white tigers such as Chen Beiwang. Chu Wushuang and Chu Bao followed each other step by step, looking around in shock.

"Chen Beiwang, what do you mean?" Wang Chong showed displeasure.

Chen Beiwang snorted coldly:

"A little hair boy, I don't know where to learn some three-legged cat skills, and he showed up at the exchange meeting. He even declared the war to the warriors of the exchange meeting. How could he deserve to be called a master?"

"Teacher, Tatsuya! The entire Dayan dynasty is qualified to be called a master's existence, which one is not a well-known generation. It is only decades behind him!"

"I have invited Ye Zhichen tonight ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tonight, let the kid get out of the exchange!"

When he had finished speaking, an exclamation sounded immediately around him.

Ye Zhichen, Chen Beiwang, and others are both teachers of the White Tigers, but their qualifications are more than their combined. Xiu did not say to reach the pinnacle of qi, the sword potential also reached the realm of unity.

This kind of existence usually does not easily appear in the exchange meeting. I did not expect that Chen Beiwang invited him all.

"It looks like there's a good show tonight!"

"Yes, even if Mr. Chu is strong, I am afraid he may not be his opponent!"

"Tonight there will be a battle of dragons and tigers!"

People all around were amazed.

I did not expect a rising star to attract such existence.

Chen Bei looked proud.

He was the head coach of the Guards, defeated by an unknown boy, which made him look so shameless. Today he has to find his way back and let him know that the exchange meeting is not a place where he can spread wild.

Thinking of this, he asked casually:

"Is Mr. Chu here?"

"He hasn't come yet!" Someone said.

"Do you know that we are going to deal with him and are scared to come?" Chen Beiwang sneered: "Looking like he was wearing a mask last night, hiding his head and showing his tail, he knew he was a tortoise!"

Hearing Chen Beiwang's words, some people were preparing to nod in accord, and suddenly they saw a figure coming far away, and suddenly their faces became difficult to look.

And all around, quietly quiet at this moment.

Only Chen Beiwang hadn't noticed it, and he was rude and taunting. He was young and unworthy of being called a master at Chu Jingtian's age, and laughed at him wearing a mask without a face.

Just as he froze and fluttered, a cold voice suddenly came from behind:

"Who are you talking about a tortoise?"

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