Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 555: Qingming Dragon Snake

The dust slowly dispersed, revealing a shapely figure.

This figure is like a statue that has existed since ancient times. A majestic imposing involuntarily emanates from his body, making people have a thought from the bottom of their hearts that they want to surrender to worship.

With his body as the center, there are cracks spreading like spider webs all around.

"Ling snake village, you are so brave!"

In the center of the square, Chu Jingtian, wrapped in a beam of light, looked up slightly, and his sharp eyes fell directly on Song Qianfei.

What an indifferent look.

It seems like a **** is overlooking all beings!

Under this kind of gaze, the crowd that was cheering up and down in the mountains seemed to be choked in their throats, suddenly lost their voices, and could no longer make a sound. In front of Chu Jingtian, all the joys, sorrows, and sorrows were involuntarily suppressed to the extreme.

"Chu Jingtian! It should be you who are bold and wanton! Our spirit snake village, how can you let us break in? This is the place of the magic gate. If you turn back now, I will never blame it. Otherwise, hum ..."

Song Qianfei opened his mouth daringly.

Originally, he planned to wait for Chu Jingtian to fall and kill him directly with thunder. But after seeing this situation, he could not help but change his previous plans.

But it's enough to be shocked!

"How else?"

Chu Jingtian laughed rather than laughed.

He rushed all the way, met God to kill God, met Demon Demon. I did not expect that even if someone dare to stop themselves. If the spirit snake village dared to stop him, he wouldn't mind letting the blood flow here!

"Otherwise it would make you seem to have no place to bury!"

The man in the python robe did not see that Song Qianfei's heart had resigned, and he still drank with unknown reason.

He thinks he is in the Lingshe Village, even if Chu Jingtian is bold enough, he doesn't dare to come!

"It's up to you?"

Chu Jingtian smiled coldly.

"What's wrong with me? I'm Zhang Jibao, the chief elder of Lingshe Village ..." The old man in the python robe, seeing Chu Jingtian's disapproval, suddenly became furious and snarled.

However, his voice did not fall, Chu Jingtian frowned, raised his palm to shoot!


The crowd had not yet seen what was going on, and the entire Lingshe Village shuddered again.

The strong wind swept through, and everyone beside the old man in the python robe was set off by the strong wind on the spot. Even Song Qianfei could not help but tremble.

The warriors of the spirited snake village that were set off had too little time to stand up and quickly looked forward.

I saw that there was only one depression in the place of the old man in the python robe, and the depression was a huge palm print. And Zhang Jibao has disappeared, apparently by this palm to the raw meat.



"you dare……"

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help screaming.

None of them thought that Chu Jingtian actually killed the man on the spot and ignored nothing.

"I care who you are? Dare to be wanton in front of me, even if Emperor Laozi is here, I can't save you!" Chu Jingtian slowly retracted his hand and looked towards Song Qianfei in front of him.

"You forcibly dragged me down and dared to turn me back? Do you think it's possible?"

"I'm only here to hunt down Boyi. Whoever dares to intervene will die!"


Chu Jingtian's faint words fell in the ears of everyone, like a thunderous sound.

Song Qianfei's face changed, and he kicked back a few steps.

This is a moody killer.

But now it's too late to regret it. If Chu Jingtian is left now, I am afraid that their Lingshe Village will become the object of laughter after the Momen Tea.

"Chu Jingtian, do you really think our spirit snake village can't clean you up? Since you don't look back, then this is your burial place!"

Song Qianfei chirped.


His voice had just fallen, and his sleeves were raised.

I only heard the sound of a wind breaking, and then I saw a golden dragon horn snake that had been wrapped around his cuff and flew out.


When the dragon horned snake emerged, it was still very slender, but after it was swept out, it was already rising when the wind came out, forming a dragon horn dragon with a length of 800 meters.

Compared to the previous pillar of light of the snake, it is not too much to let go!


After the dragon horned python appeared, it sent a burst of rage, suddenly fluttered the giant tail, and fell to Chu Jingtian with no warning. Such a giant thing, every move casually, shakes the mountain, the power is shocking, and it also makes the disciples of countless spirit snake village in the field suddenly change color.


Chu Jingtian's complexion remained unchanged, and he snorted coldly, raising his hand and grabbing forward.


A giant giant palm formed suddenly, and suddenly caught the big tail smashed by the dragon horn python.

"Get out of me!"

At this moment, he danced with his right hand.

The python, which was hundreds of meters long, was like a little snake, and was slammed up. It was thrown up like a windmill, and it was thrown out in the air.

Suddenly, this python with an average weight of 10 million rolled out like a fallen mountain, crushing the tall buildings in Lingshe Village on the spot.

Many of the disciples of Lingshezhai were pressed by dragon horns on the spot because of the dodge, and even the scream did not come out, they were squashed into a pile of flesh on the spot in a burst of crackling like fried beans.

These crushed disciples did not even have the scales of a dragon-horned python, so rolling out, it was just a layer of blood stain on its scales!


The dragon-horned python's body suddenly rose up, stopped its retreat, opened its mouth wide, and spit out suddenly.


A jet of black water like black water immediately spewed out.

These black awns are almost condensed into substance, and they are turned upside down. They are composed of countless black needles as thin as cow hair. Each black needle is illusioned by the most pure and condensed toxins. The toxins contained in them are even sixth-order strong People can't resist it.

"Look how you die this time!"

Song Qianfei sneered.

He has kept this dragon horned python for more than 700 years. He is fed daily with various poisons and has already become highly poisonous. Even a drop of venom can poison people in a country!

"Carved worm tricks!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Jingtian sneered.

Facing the overwhelming poisonous mist, he suddenly opened his mouth and took a breath. There was a whirlwind of gusty winds in the void, and countless oxen hairy needles turned into intricacies at this moment, but he was swallowed into his mouth.

Ancestral Dragon Technique, fearless poison!

His revealing shocked everyone on the spot.

"real or fake?"

Song Qianfei jumped up on the spot.

I can hardly believe my eyes.

"I don't believe I can't help you!"

He roared and made a mark.


At about the same time, the dragon horned python issued a long howl. This roar does not look like a snake at all, but more like a fierce beast. The blue enchantment was revealed without any concealment, pouring like a tide.

From a distance, the dragon python's whole body is more like setting off a blue flame.

And with the outbreak of this demon enemies sweeping, the already huge dragon pythons, at this moment, the body shape has surged by three points, reaching a terrifying thousands of kilometers.

"Click!" "Click!" "Click!"

After the explosion, the dragon python, even the ground, could not bear its weight, and was burst by pressure. Countless huge fissures spread like lightning.

"That is?"

Once such a huge snake monster was born, it was shocking.

The warriors outside Lingshezhai were stunned and couldn't believe it.

This is the sixth-order monster emperor!

They had never seen a sixth-tier demon emperor who could have such a huge body. What's more, the turbulent demonism dyed the sky above Lingzhai into a thorny blue.

"This is the Qingming Dragon Snake!"

A Pantheon ghost who knew the dragon horned python slowly said, "This is an orthodox descendant with the blood of the dragon tribe. It has been born from the beginning, and it is far more powerful than the demon emperor of the same level. . "

"And this Qingming Dragon Snake has been raised by Song Qianfei, and its strength is more than a demon emperor of the same rank. This Qingming Dragon Snake is already a half-step sixth-rank master, even if it is Bu Qianfan and Sheng Yuanhao Easily beat its sharp edge. "

"There is only Boyi, with which Shura Tiangong can compete."


The ghost's words immediately made a sound of gassing around.

They never imagined that such a low-key spirit snake village still hides such a terrible demon emperor!

"Isn't that Chu Jingtian dead?"

The crowd looked at the Qingming Dragon Snake, which almost towered into the sky, and could not help crying.

"Chu Jingtian must be defeated by this Qingming dragon and snake!" The face of the old man with a ghostly smile revealed the successful face of the old fox. "When he and Qingming Dragon Snake are both defeated, it will be time for us to shoot at Pantheon!"

Everyone heard the words and quickly looked forward.


When all eyes gathered in Lingzhai Village, they immediately saw the dragon horned python exhaling a rage, carrying the monstrous enchantment, just like the ancient tyrannosaurus, and it was crushed on the spot.


Wherever I go along the way ~ ~ Everything exists is crushed on the spot, whether it is a forest or a building, it is razed to the ground on the spot, forming a broad avenue!

This power is even more shocking and eclipsing countless people.

Moreover, the rolling crackling sound was already heard from the spirit snake village, like a continuous thunder, and the Pantheon, which was hundreds of miles away, was clear and audible, as if it sounded in my ears. general!

However, in the face of the mighty bombardment of the Qingming Dragon snake, Chu Jingtian smiled indifferently, showing a slight disdain.

I saw his right hand grabbing, nine rays of light emerged from the void and flew into his palm.

The Nine Swords turned round and round, condensing them almost into a line.


Chu Jingtian suddenly stepped out and waved Jiulong Feijian.

At this moment, Jianmang penetrated the world.


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