"Mr. Chu really is a good way, I'll wait to worship!"

At this time, the chief instructors of the White Tiger Group also returned to God. Since Chu Jingtian's sword was cut, they have understood that the strength of the two sides is too large. Even if they all add up, I am afraid that they are not opponents.

Faced with invincible enemies, they naturally dare not speak again.

"But this feud, we the White Tigers remembered. Tonight's exchange meeting has just begun. I hope that after Ye Zhichen arrives at the venue, you can also dominate the world like this, only I have exclusive respect!"

"Did you bring Ye Zhichen's old thing?" Chu Jingtian raised his eyebrows, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes. "Okay, I'd like to try his presence as the second head coach of the White Tigers. What is his strength!"

After speaking, Chu Jingtian was already walking towards the venue with his negative hand.

Where does the guard at the venue dare stop him? It is respectful to invite him in.

How hustle and bustle behind him, Chu Jingtian naturally needn't care. What surprised him was that Ye Zhichen was invited to the venue tonight. When the Beiliang Palace was annihilated by the Ninth Prince, he fled in a wolf. Among those who pursued him was Ye Zhichen!

Originally, Chu Jingtian planned to solve these people once when his strength was sufficient. Since the other party took the initiative to deliver tonight, he would not be polite!

"Ye Zhichen, in the past life, you chased me 30,000 miles, and drove me like a bereavement dog. Even in my sleep, I will be awakened. Tonight I will let you know how powerful I am!"

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes.

At this time, the warriors who had gathered outside the venue before also came in one after another. Although the number of people tonight was twice as high as before, it gave a sense of death.

When everyone talked about Tiantian, they all looked at Chu Jingtian involuntarily, for fear of noisy each other.

Chu Wushuang and Chu Bao also entered the venue with the others.

Chu Bao's mind was blank. He originally wanted to come to the venue to open his eyes, but who had never thought that the door of the venue hadn't come in, then he saw a great coach beheaded and scared him, almost scared.

Chu Wushuang's heart is extremely complicated. According to the truth, the other party killed Chen Beiwang. He should be full of hatred. But the power of the other sword came into his mind and made him worship.

"Chu Wushuang, you don't have to be too sad. Today, our White Tiger Group will not stop there. When Ye Zhichen comes, it will definitely make him look good!" A great coach advised.


Chu Wushuang nodded.


"Mr. Chu, these are the people who want to meet you!"

Thanks to the sword that killed Chen Beiwang outside the venue, no one dared to disturb him. Some people even think that Chu Jingtian and the White Tiger Group have torn their faces, for fear of being involved, as if they were afraid of the plague.

But for the Qinglong regiment, the opposite is true.

Wang Chong brought Song Shuhang and other warriors who had good relations with the Qinglong regiment, and came to Chu Jingtian.

"Mr. Chu's posture is so impressive that he really admires it!" Song Shuhang bowed his hand.

"I've seen Mr. Chu!" The others bowed in confusion.

"I don't like to play this set, let's say something straight." Chu Jingtian waved his hand.

Song Shuhang smiled, this is the way:

"Mr. Chu, although my sword has reached the level of ease of expansion, I haven't made any further progress in more than ten years. I hope to see Mr. Chu this time for pointers or two!"

"You let go of the sword, let me see it, and then show off a set of swordsmanship!" Chu Jingtian said casually.

Song Shuhang heard the words and showed his sword.

This is a very elegant sword, like a breeze, and there is a hint of fury under the wind. He danced with his sword, his swordsmanship was sometimes elegant, and sometimes wild.

Chu Chutian was originally the focus of attention, and now this scene has attracted many people's attention.

Many people even ridiculed:

"These people have almost lost the face of the strong one! In order to improve the realm, they actually asked a hairy boy for advice!"

"I don't believe he can make Song Shuhang break through the sword!"

When you practice high, it does not necessarily mean that you can point to others.

What's more, Song Shuhang's sword potential is ‘wind’. This type of sword potential is very rare. It is a unique sword potential that he studied in the Taihang Mountains for three years. In the entire Dayan Dynasty, several similar ones could not be found. In order to reach the state of unity, Song Shuhang didn't know how many kendo masters he visited, and he ended up in good health.

Soon Song Shuhang's practice of swordsmanship was finished. He put away the sword and stood side by side respectfully, waiting for Chu Jingtian's guidance.

But when he saw Chu Jingtian didn't speak, he couldn't help but a hint of disappointment appeared in his eyes. Obviously this time he bet the wrong Bao, even the Mr. Chu, who was born out of nowhere, could not guide him.

There was a faint laughter all around.

Everyone is an old man. The well-known infuriator in the Dayan Dynasty is now suppressed by a little-known boy. Naturally, anger is inevitable. Seeing him ugly now, although they dare not fall into the ground, does not mean that they dare not laugh at themselves secretly.

"I knew he wouldn't do it!"

"It is not easy for a teenager to cultivate to such a degree. What capital does he have to instruct others?"

Listening to the conversation around him, Wang Chong could not help but hesitate to say something bad.

He quickly rounded out Chu Chutian:

"Master Song, Mr. Chu has only previously fought with others, and his blood has not yet stabilized. So, wait for another three days, wait for Mr. Chu to go back and study carefully, and then tell you how to improve the state of sword power!

"That being the case, Mr. Drouchu has bothered."

There was a hint of disappointment in Song Shuhang's eyes.

Seeing this scene, all the people present couldn't help sighing secretly.

"It still seems too high for Mr. Chu!"

"Yeah, after all, he practiced for too short a time. Maybe even his sword might be confused to reach this state. How can he guide others?"

Some true-spirited warriors who had the same mindset as Song Shuhang had converged on their original ideas.

Just when everyone thought this was the end, Chu Jingtian suddenly said:

"Song Shuhang, do you know what is 'wind'?"

Song Shuhang was puzzled.

Everyone who was disappointed seemed to have no idea what Chu Jingtian wanted to say.

I saw Chu Jingtian continue:

"There are spring winds, violent winds, and tornadoes that are sweeping the sky ... Your wind power has shape but lacks its spirit. This is how you use the wind as a sword to reach the state of freedom, but For the sake of always being ahead! "

"It's because you haven't fully understood the wind!"

Chu Jingtian grabbed his right hand, and Song Shuhang's sword '锵' flew into his hand.

Sword in hand, I have it all!

At this moment, Chu Jing's weather was rising. In the shocking eyes of countless people, he stepped out. This seemingly random step was a breeze in the venue!

Then with the sword in his hand, he turned into a hurricane on the spot!

When this hurricane reached the extreme, his sword stroke changed. This hurricane turned into an amazing tornado, and some people in the meeting hall turned upside down and unstable.

"Oh my ... this is it!"

Song Shuhang was completely shocked.

Chu Jingtian actually used his sword power completely, although it is exactly the same, but he does not know how many levels higher.

As if Chu Jingtian completely turned into a wind between heaven and earth, he is the mood of the wind!


As the sword returned to its sheath, the tornado that had swept across the world quietly disappeared.

"Did you see clearly? Your sword has only its shape, but it does not have spirituality. The wind is invisible and you are too much in pursuit of the wind, but you ignore the original mood.


At this moment, Song Shuhang just felt that Maoset was open.

He took a deep breath and bowed heavily to Chu Jingtian:

"Mr. Chu, listening to Jun's words is better than ten years of hard work. I see!"

The crowd at the venue was already stunned.

They were originally looking at jokes, but who thought that Chu Jingtian not only instructed the other party, but even practiced the sword of the wind.

Chu Jingtian was enthralled by him.

"Mr. Chu ~ www.readwn.com ~ I also have some problems with the sword, I hope you can help me out!"

Almost at the same time, another white tiger head coach came forward. He didn't wait for Chu Jingtian to reply, and he began to show his sword and practiced it. When the exercise is over, stand respectfully and wait for guidance.

Chu Jingtian is not annoyed, anyway, Ye Zhichen has not come yet, it is better to teach these great teachers.

"You sword is the sword of the earth. What is the earth? The earth can accommodate mountains, rivers, trees, swamps, and everything. Your sword is too fancy, without the sense of the earth's solidity!"

"What is the Sword of Falling Rain? The sword is like a torrential rain, sweeping down to thunder! Your sword is too slow, and it doesn't reach the threshold of unity of human potential, so you need to study more!"

Chu Jingtian was gathered in the middle by the stars, and for each person he pointed, he practiced a corresponding sword posture, and then pointed out the deficiency in the opponent's sword posture, making people find no refutation.

Everyone watching this scene was stunned.

You know, when Chu Jingtian defeated Hong Man for the first time on the stage, he said that he was not good at learning. At that time, everyone only humiliated the opponent when he was young and vigorous, and did not know convergence.

Only then did I realize that he really has the ability!

Hong Man watched with enthusiasm, knowing that the other party was so powerful, what face did he want, he already rushed to hold his thigh for advice, but now he not only lost a chance to improve, but also provoked an enemy !!

Even he thought so, not to mention the several head coaches of the Qinglong regiment. They almost did not regret their intestines. At this point, they can only fight desperately with each other!

Just when everyone wanted to demonstrate in front of Chu Jingtian, and when he was instructed, an old voice sounded from the side:

"Mr. Chu, dare to ask if you are a true practitioner?"

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