Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 600: surrender

Outside the palace mansion, thirty-three floors outside Biga Mountain.

Regardless of whether they are resting or climbing monks, or those who are observing Biga Mountain, at this time they set their eyes on the palace where the congenital white jade is stored. The palace itself is a space, and they have no way of seeing what is happening inside.

Chu Jingtian was able to come to the 30th floor, and even chose the treasures of the 30th floor. Today's situation is beyond anyone's imagination.

After all, even the former Silent Patriarch did not come to such a high position, Chu Jingtian directly broke the record left by the Silent Patriarch, which is really shocking.

Chu Jingtian directly chose this layer of congenital white jade as his first treasure. This move made everyone understand that Ye Qingchen didn't stop there. He also planned to climb up. Higher!

Once the congenital white jade is obtained, his plan may succeed. But if it fails, it will be a shame to even be obliterated by the guardian beast and the formation that guard the treasures.

"I don't know what is the test of congenital white jade. What is it? Guardian Beast? Formation? Or something else?"

"Thirty floors! An area where no one has ever set foot, we know nothing about the things in the thirtieth floor!"

The supervisors of the main halls and branches of the hall, watching Chu Jingtian who had entered the White Jade Palace of the Innate Han, couldn't help guessing secretly.

They knew that every time they climbed one level, the difficulty would increase several times.

At the same time, the test of each layer of treasure is more difficult than before.

The heavens of the Church of Good and Evil once came to the twenty-seventh floor like the ancestor of Silence. But as a result, he found that the treasures on the 27th floor were quite difficult to obtain.

In the end, he returned to the 26th floor with regret.

In his opinion, even if Chu Jingtian had the ability to step into the 30th floor, he might not be able to obtain the treasures of that level!

However, over time, Chu Jingtian was not bombarded directly out of the palace as unexpectedly expected. Even for half a day, there was still no movement.

Others couldn't help but look upset: "The time flow of the thirtieth layer is several times slower than the outside world."

"Although we only have half a day here, Chu Jingtian is in that palace, but he has persisted for three days."

"Looking like this, with his strength, if he entered the twenty-ninth floor, he might have acquired the treasures."

"Yeah, I don't know what kind of opponent he encountered. Can you pass the test and get the treasure inside!"

"Congenital white jade! This is extremely rare, a treasure that can make the innate Lingbao upgrade a grade!"

Chu Jingtian's performance was beyond everyone's expectations. Even the terrible sky that is not optimistic about Chu Jingtian began to secretly look forward to Chu Jingtian.

Time passed.

When the outside world has spent more than half a day, which is equivalent to a full six days in the 30th floor, everyone finds that the original peaceful white jade palace was trembling madly, as if there was something there that was shaking madly.

"Is it over?"

"Can it succeed?"

Everyone's eyes fell on this hall, they were waiting for Chu Jingtian to come out.

But even if the palace trembled as if it were about to fall at any time, but still did not see Chu Jingtian's figure. They didn't know that when the whole palace trembled, it was Chu Jingtian and Zi Qingtian Lei Dapeng who were fighting.

After all, it is the guardian beast that guards the thirty floors. How easy can it be?

Its strength is at least a few grades higher than Boyi, and it does not know how many times it is Boyi!

boom! boom! boom!

The space inside the palace is full of scars, nothing is intact. If it weren't for this space that was strengthened several times by the master of Bigashan, I am afraid that this space would have been completely torn apart by Chu Jingtian and Tianlei Dapeng.

In the White Jade Palace of the Innate Han, the thunder field that was originally covered by the sky canopy was full of cracks.

Fragmented fields are like strips of cloth, barely supporting the sky.

The lightning had not completely dissipated, and it was still struggling to shine.

Although the field has not been completely shredded, it does not mean that Chu Jingtian has failed. The purple blue sky thunder Dapeng, which was originally incomparable, was completely intact, and most of the natural feathers had fallen off, revealing the body covered with wounds.

"too strong!"

Tianlei Dapeng looked at Chu Jingtian tremblingly.

It exhausted almost all the means, although it barely prevented Chu Jingtian from tearing his own field, but what? It was not Chu Jingtian's opponent at all, but it was bruised all over.

Although its mad thunder also hit Chu Jingtian several times, it will confuse Chu Jingtian. But it was only half the time, and all his injuries had healed.

Chu Jingtian who stands in front of it is almost the same as when the other party stepped into the white marble palace a few days ago.

In the face of such existence, how do you fight?

You use all your strength to make it difficult for the other party to harm you. But as soon as the other person raises his hand, he will spit blood. Even if your cultivation is higher, facing such a strong person is enough to despair.


Tianlei Dapeng spread his wings, flying in mid-air, and screaming in the sky. The ray of light that had faded from his body erupted again. Countless electric snakes are actually condensed into a substance, forming a piece of feathers directly covering its body.

This means that Tian Lei Dapeng has evoked the magic power in his body to the extreme.

Countless thunderbolts are starting to run at this moment, but these thunderbolts have not grown like crazy as before, but are the ultimate condensation. At this time, the light and shadow of the void were very strange, reflecting the space.

Even the space around Tianlei Dapeng was distorted under the influence of this thunder and lightning force, and it quietly collapsed.


A black, slightly mang, lightning like hair, swept across.

It passed through the broken space, causing ripples, gorgeous like a dream.

Obviously, this is the last resort of Tianlei Dapeng.


Chu Jingtian was dignified and knew that the time for the decisive battle had come.

At this moment he did not dare to have any reservations, and mana, anger, and blood swept out without reservation. When this power came to an extreme, he slowly held his right hand.

All this power gathered quickly in the palm of the hand, and saw a purple flame slowly blooming.

This is truly a horrifying anger.

Under the support of Chu Jingtian's self-cultivation, this extraterrestrial sky fire is slowly jumping, as the petals are constantly blooming and withering, like the growth and fall of all things, quietly a cycle has passed.

"go with!"

Chu Jingtian pushed it gently, and this lotus, which was completely composed of flames, had slowly come out. Its speed is very slow, almost in a static state, but it hits the black electro-optical micro-mandrel in an instant.

At this time, the flame lotus was in a withering posture, in the moment of destruction.

A shocking scene appeared.

As the lotus floated away, whether it was violent enchantment or black lightning enough to cause space to collapse, at this moment like a dream bubble, the bridge was broken.

Silent waves came, the flame lotus and black lightning collided, everything disappeared invisible.


Tianyin Dapeng froze.

It never expected that such a result would happen.


However, just as it shocked, a sound of explosion came. I saw that Chu Jingtian was flying to the air and flying down with the last remaining strength.

He was like a drop of rain falling from Jiutian Hengyu and hit Tianlei Dapeng with an unthinkable gesture.

"not good!"

Tianlei Dapeng trembled in his heart, and quickly flapped his wings, preparing to escape.

But Chu Jingxia fell faster than Tian Lei Dapeng's reaction.


The sudden fall fell directly on the back of Tianlei Dapeng. At this moment, Tianlei Dapeng only felt a powerful force that was incomparable, and it was almost crazy to infiltrate it.


At this moment, Tian Lei Dapeng just felt that his whole body was about to fall apart, and at the same time he issued a terrible explosion.

At the same time, this power is suppressing its involuntary pursuit towards the ground.

Finally, until the body of Tianyin Dapeng was completely smashed into the ground, and even fell in horror, he even collapsed this land.

"I confess, I confess ... you have passed the test! Congenital white jade belongs to you now, you can take it away!" Ziqing Tianlei Dapeng yelled loudly.

If it's not talking, maybe it will be killed by Chu Jingtian!

With the sound of Ziqing Tianlei Dapeng falling, the congenital white jade on the huge tree crown had flew to Chu Jingtian with a white light.

"It's here!"

A glimmer of surprise flashed in Chu Jingtian's eyes, holding this white marble in his hands.

Outside the white jade palace ~ ~ When Chu Jingtian's palms contacted the innate white jade, the entire palace burst into full bloom. Immediately under the turbulence of this light, Chu Jingtian was sent straight out.

"Did you make it?"

"Did this fail or succeed?"

Looking at Chu Jingtian again on the Biga Mountain, everyone's eyes could not help but look away.

Until then.

Although only one day passed, the palace spent seven days.

They want to know whether Chu Jingtian succeeded or failed!

When they looked away, they suddenly found Chu Jingtian's hand, holding a piece of jade with a holy light, which looked like an egg. This jade is not congenital white jade, what else can it be?

(End of this chapter)


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