Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 605: Extreme anger

Under the linden tree, Chu Jingtian sat for 30 full days.

He seemed to fall asleep, as if thinking.

Everything outside has nothing to do with him.

During this time, Lu Jianli hummed and climbed two more floors, reaching twenty-nine floors. It even got a copper cymbal used to knock wood fish. This copper cymbal has been extremely appraised and belongs to the same magic weapon. The grade is as high as seven.

Only because the other part was missing, it was placed on the 29th floor.

In addition to him, the highest climber was a deacon of Dharma Hall, reaching the 26th floor. On the twenty-sixth floor, a string of relic Buddha was obtained, and a piece of Jin Nanfa succumbed.

Although the remaining monks also obtained magic weapons of level six or more, most of them are not worth mentioning. After all, under the background of tens of thousands of years, there are also some seventh-order magic weapons in the super-large Buddha gate of Lotus King Kong Temple.

Shortly after Chu Jingtian stepped into the 33rd floor, these people were forcibly sent out of Bigashan. When they learned that Chu Jingtian had been sitting under the bodhi tree, and felt the meditation, they were shocked to an incomparable degree.

When they reached more than twenty levels, they had exhausted all their potential, let alone climbing up one level, even if it was just a step, it was extremely difficult. But Chu Jingtian has stepped into an unprecedented top level!

"What kind of sentiment did that extreme power leave?"

Everyone could not help but raise a hint of doubt.

Day by day.

Chu Jingtian still showed no signs of awakening. In the eyes of everyone, he was like a statue of a reclining Buddha that has existed since ancient times.

At the beginning, it was still there.

In the end, because there were too many affairs at the Lotus King Kong Temple, he only visited once a day.

Today, this is the second time.

"Mr. Chu hasn't left the customs yet ..." Jueyuan looked at Qingjing who followed, and couldn't help shaking his head.

This woman, since Chu Jingtian stepped into the 33rd floor, rushed to the Lotus King Kong Temple. But even he couldn't control Bigashan at that time, where could he wake up Chu Jingtian on the 33rd floor?

Qing Jing was carrying the hope of everyone to come to Lotus King Kong Temple, looking for Chu Jingtian. How could I just go back like this?

So he has been kneeling outside the Lotus King Kong Temple and refused to leave.

Later, Lu Jianli recognized Qing Jing, which brought her into the temple.


The door opens.

In the empty treasure hall, there was only one Biga mountain suspended in the air.

"Mr. Chu is in this mountain!" Yuan Yuan shouted. "It's not that I forbid you from seeing him, but that's been the case since a month ago."

"Then when can he come out?" Qing Jing hurriedly.

Everyone thinks that Chu Jingtian flees in fear, only she believes in Chu Jingtian. Now seeing Chu Jingtian in this mountain, she is even more sure of her guess.

"Unclear! One day, ten days in the mountain, Mr. Chu has been in the Biga Mountain for more than 300 days. Maybe he can wake up the next moment, maybe ten, twenty years, or even For a long time. "Extremely faintly said.

"Hehe, isn't it!"

Qing Jing was disheartened.

She suddenly remembered, what if she met Chu Jingtian herself? The opponent this time is Zhang Jiulong of Wandao Sect, even if Chu Jingtian returns, I am afraid he may not be the opponent.

I wasted so long at the Lotus King Kong Temple, I knew I should return to the headquarter of Xianzong Avenue. After all, the town of Tiannan is an old man at the headquarters.

"Thank you, Doctor!"

Qing Jing deeply worshiped.

Just as she was about to leave, suddenly she heard a terrible cry. Qing Jing quickly turned around and saw a figure slowly emerge from the void. This figure was so lazy that it seemed to wake up from his sleep.


The eyes slowly opened, extremely deep, like the starry night sky. Full of great wisdom and great wisdom.

Chu Jingtian's eyes were a little confused at first. The thirty days seemed to be as long as three thousand years, but soon, he regained his former agility and fortitude:

"Huang Liang dreamed for three hundred years, and the princes have been away for a long time!"

"Mr. Chu is a truly extraordinary genius. Not only has he stepped into the 33rd floor of Biga Mountain, but presumably the insight left by that existence, have you learned a lot?" Said Yuan Yuan's eyebrows.

"Hey, how easy it is!"

Chu Jingtian shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I spent 300 years in a dream without even touching the fur. That is not the strength of our realm. How can you come into contact without that step?"

The vision of the extreme vision quickly comforted him: "Mr. Chu's talent is decisive. If he reaches the Seven Realms, he may be able to master it."

Chu Jingtian sighed in his heart.

This perception is the law of time.

What is the law? The realm power possessed by the Seven Realms is a drop in the ocean and the tip of the iceberg compared to the power of the law. This is a force far beyond the fairy world, even a force above the entire Kunlun world!

Taking into account the cultivation practices and experience of the Seven Realms in his previous life, it is impossible to comprehend the fur, but how profound is the power of this rule?

"How did you come?"

Depressing the feelings in her heart, Chu Jingtian gave a surprised look at Qing Jing.

Before you come to Lotus King Kong Temple yourself, you should take care of everything. The dedication hall has a stone sword light, and the sub-helm has a town Tiannan. With his momentum, he should not let Qingjing come here to look for him all the way.

Qingjing then woke up from the shock, although she had not seen it for only a few months, although Chu Jingtian's appearance had not changed. Even though Chu Jingtian was standing in front of herself, she didn't dare to recognize each other, as if Chu Jingtian was like a cocoon and a butterfly.

When she heard Chu Jingtian speak, her grievance was getting worse: "Mr. Chu, Zhang Jiulong has killed the sub-rudder since you haven't gone long. The helm master originally wanted to excuse you, but instead of ignoring him, Zhang Jiulong He planted Sumi mustard sword gas on him! "

"External people have said that you are afraid of the enemy and dare not show up. I am so angry that I came to you at the Lotus King Kong Temple!"

Taking a look at Chu Jingtian, Qing Jing's heart was full of sadness and joy.

Fortunately, Chu Jingtian has been retreating, not fleeing as timidly as outside rumors. After all, in the world, which woman would like a coward?

Sadly, I waited for a month at the Jingang Temple of Lotus, and I am afraid that there will be less time left in Zhennan.

Chu Jingtian heard the words and looked surprised.

Extremely quickly explained: "After you entered the 33rd floor, I completely lost the control of Bigashan. If it were not for you, I would not be able to interrupt your realization."

Chu Jingtian frowned slightly.

I'm afraid this is the trick of the real time.

After all, Xu Shi is the real master of Gasan, and at most it is only the holder. There is no way to stop it if you want to fool around.

"Mr. Chu, you are staying here for a few more days, and I will ask someone to come to the headquarters of Xianzong Avenue," Qing Jing said in his mind. "You'll stay at the Lotus King Kong Monastery for a while, and wait until the limelight passes."

She knows Chu Jingtian's personality, and it is impossible to just ignore it when encountering such a thing.

So she quickly said:

"The other party is a strong person in the Seven Realms. The strength is too strong. It is not an existence that ordinary people can deal with!"

A distant glance at Qing Jing, Shen Ning for a moment, and then he said:

"It's convenient for me to have a lotus at the King Kong Temple."

"You can come to Mr. Chu for help, but I can also help. Although Kowloon is the elder of Wandao Jianzong, I dare not contend with my Lotus King Kong Temple. I will let you go with you In one trip, both Zhang Jiulong can be driven away and the 'Xumi Mustard Sword Qi' on the body of Zhen Tiannan can be resolved! "

The relationship between Chu Chutian and Lu Jianli.

Once Chu Jingtian hurts Zhang Jiulong, Lu Jianli will never give up. Maybe even rushed out desperately to avenge Chu in shock.

Therefore, Yuanyuan still intends to intervene in this matter. He believes that if Jiulong appears, even if Zhang Jiulong is bold, he won't be afraid of Chu!

"Is Zhang Jiulong?"

Chu Jingtian glanced at Qingjing, looked at the distant one, and said lightly:

"This matter does not require you to ask for help at Avenue Xianzong Headquarters, nor do you need to intervene in the Lotus King Kong Temple!"

"Since I'm out of customs, it's up to me!"

"If Zhang Jiulong stays honestly in the Wandao Jianzong, he might still be able to live a little longer. But now that he has arrived, don't blame me for being polite to him!"


Although Chu Jingtian's words were bland, the killing meaning contained in them was revealed without concealment. A provoked anger rushed into my heart.

After coming to Xianwujie, he has never been so angry.

"But the other party is Qijing!"

Qing Jing couldn't help it.

She wants to say that the other party is the strongest of the Seven Realms, the elder of Wandao Jianzong!

"What about Seven Realms?"

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes and waved his long sleeves.

In the previous life, Zhang Jiulong betrayed the right path. As one of the twenty-four demon monarchs, the imperial sword evil monarch had no prestige for a while and was fierce. As a result, Chu Jingtian eventually died in the hands of Chu Jingtian. Since the other party came to the door, Chu Jingtian didn't mind killing him again!

"The person I'm going to kill ~ ~ Even if he is the emperor, I can't protect him! This Kowloon kills us at the helm, but I don't show up as a big enshrinement, I can't afford to look up in this life!"

Chu Jingtian is already killing his heart, and his heart is determined.

"Boss, do you want to go back to the rudder? I'll go with you!"

Hearing Chu Jingtian's exit, Lu Jianli quickly rushed over. When he saw the other person's face full of anger, he immediately understood the meaning of the other person.

Seeing Chu Jingtian's face turned pale, he hurriedly said:

"That being the case, let Master Juetian take a walk with you! If something urgent happens, he can still take a shot ..."

"it is good!"

Chu Jingtian condensed for a moment, and nodded heavily.

"I agree, but I don't allow anyone to intervene!"


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