Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 63: Lu Jianli

Thanks to these seven days of casting, every time Chu Jingtian runs out of divine thoughts, he will stop. Although this process is extremely difficult, it is also a kind of cultivation!


After taking three condensed spirits, Chu Jingtian squeezed his hands and drank suddenly.

The extroverted divine thoughts condensed and condensed at this moment. At the same time, the mana vortex in his mud pill palace also reached six.

From Tong Xuan Xiaocheng to the peak, Chu Jingtian only took seven days.

The disciples of Avenue Xianzong thought that it would take half a year to reach this state. The Dayan Dynasty practitioners, I am afraid, will take ten or even decades!

"I didn't expect that I practiced Falun Dafa and actually surpassed the gas refining realm!"

Chu Jingtian smiled slightly, holding his right hand in an imaginary gesture.

One by one flashes of fire and lightning in the palm of your hand! Spells are complex, and ordinary practitioners study one type of spell throughout their lives, but Chu Jingtian is proficient in the entire system, even in the history of Daoxianzong.

"Master Chu!"

There was a soft noise from outside the door. "I delivered something ..."


Chu Jingtian raised his eyebrows and saw that he didn't do anything. The closed door opened with a squeak, and there was Qin Ruoxi who stood respectfully.

"Very well, I owe it to your Qin family!"

Chu was shocked.

Ever since he used the blood of Musulong in Qiannan City to make the ancestral mystery of the ancestors, he has always asked the Qin family to search for the next material that would be sufficient for him to practice mystics.

These materials are very rare, so it took the Qin family a full month to fall.

"Being able to serve Master Chu is the glory of my Qin family!"

Qin Ruoxi is sincere and fearful.

Although it was known that the boy was not a mortal, but after learning that he was the Chu who killed the Quartet, the Qin family was naturally shaken. Although the Qin family has strong financial resources, it does not have a strong supporter of the family.

As long as you can get Chu Jingtian's friendship, at least you can guarantee that the Qin family will stand for a hundred years!

"This is ambergris, it is the grass where the dragon gathers!"

"This is Wanlong bone powder! Grinded from the bones of monsters with third-order true dragon blood, it is the essence of bone!"

"This is the third-level elite monster, the heart of the Xinglong dragon! Fifty years ago, it was beheaded and killed by the master of the gods, and our Qin family paid a great price to buy from the descendants of the master of the gods! "

Qin Ruoxi carefully placed the Sanwei materials in front of Chu Jingtian, and introduced the origin in detail.

"Where's Dragon Blood?"

Chu Jingtian frowned.

"Master Chu, this dragon's blood ... My Qin family searched the Dayan Dynasty and couldn't find it!" Qin Ruoxi smiled wryly.

Is to find these three things, the Qin family have already exhausted their efforts, how to talk about the most valuable dragon blood among them?

"That's it!" Chu Jingtian nodded.

Although it is dragon blood, it is actually the same as the previous Muxu dragon, as long as it has the blood of a true dragon blood monster. However, this 'dragon blood' must be 'blood-blooded', the blood taken from the monster when it is alive.

How terrible the third-order monster is, even Master Qi and Master Tong Xuan cannot fight, who else can get blood from him?

As for the other three, they are all dead, although it is easy.

‘Although it ’s four materials, in fact, ambergris, ten thousand bone dragon powder, and dragon heart are just icing on the cake. Dragon blood is the most important material for practicing Zulong's secret technique. ’

Chu Jingtian's fingers clasped the table and ‘Da’ rang.

‘Sure enough, the realm of this Great Yan Dynasty is still too low, and I did not expect that even Dragon Blood would not be available. With my current strength, I still want to get blood from the third-order monster! ’

‘It seems that I can only think of other ways! ’

Thinking of this, he looked at Qin Ruoxi and said: "Without Dragon Blood, cultivation cannot be achieved. You can look for me more. If you get the news of Dragon Blood, just notify me! I can't live without the benefits of your Qin family!"

Three exercises of physical martial arts, corresponding to the spirit of the human body!

If it is just a martial arts practice and neglecting refining, it is equivalent to a pile of exquisite furniture, but without the protection of houses outside. No matter how high you are, it's just like a duckweed without help.

"Yes!" Qin Ruoxi nodded quickly.


Leaving Zijin Pavilion, Chu Jingtian is always upset. If these materials are available, he will be able to open the third house immediately, and his strength will double by then. Even if the White Tigers invited the head coach, he could kill it with one stroke.

Although he was cast into Shen Yuanjian, he was already invincible, but he was always disappointed.

"No more, I can only hope that Qin Ruoxi moves faster."

Chu Jingtian secretly thought.

After all, the annual meeting will be near, and then that existence will inevitably come back, and he cannot suppress the opponent without enough hole cards!

Just then, an unbelievable voice came suddenly:

"Boss Chu!"

This familiar voice is too long gone!

Chu Jingtian turned around and saw a fat man of almost the same length and width standing there, looking at himself unbelievably. "It's you, where have you been these days?"

"Lu fat man?" Chu Jingtian's heart was mixed.

The real name of this fat man is Lu Jianli!

His father was the king of Xijiang, and he belonged to the four kings of the Great Yan. Lu Jianli was the only friend of Chu Jingtian's previous life. After the destruction of the Beiliang King's Mansion, he resolutely used all his power to help him escape from the Dayan Dynasty, despite the obstruction of the King of the West Xinjiang, but eventually died in the pursuit of the Nine Prince To kill.

This world Chu shocked the world many times the thought of seeing him, for fear of being implicated in him like the previous life. Unexpectedly, the other party actually came to find himself!

"You bastard, since that thing happened, I went to Beiliang King's Mansion several times to find you, but every time you are not in the house, now you finally come back?"

Lu Jianli punched Chu Jingtian's chest fiercely.

"Aren't you banned?" Chu Jingtian changed the subject.

Some time ago, he was either in Qiannan City, Wanshan Mountain, or Zijin Pavilion. How could Lu Jianli find him?

"Yeah! Since your accident, I have been banned by the old man, and I am not allowed to take another step out of the West Palace. I sneak out to find you every time. Why do I seem to be in a bad mood just now?"

Lu Jianli smiled and raised Chu Jingtian's shoulder.

He and Chu Jingtian said that the second city of the imperial city had the closest relationship. After Chu Jingtian's crime, the entire Beiliang Palace became the target of public criticism. The king of Xijiang was afraid of causing trouble to his body, so he banned Lu Jian away.

"Some annoying things!" Chu Jingtian said lightly.

"Don't worry, Wushi has just arrived in a batch of secret boxes, let's go to relax." Lu Jianli thought that Chu Jingtian was still worried about the three crimes, and he pulled Chu Jingtian and went directly to Wushi.

Wushi is located in Huangjiao. It is not a shop like Zijin Pavilion, but a large market. Because some unknown origins, treasures that cannot be on the table will appear here, so here are people who come to find treasures and find leaks.

And the most attractive thing in Wushi is the secret box!

As we all know, if some Tianlingdibao are not preserved by special means, they will be dissipated due to the aura over time and their medicinal properties will be greatly reduced. In ancient times, some people have developed secret boxes to store these heavenly spirit treasures.

With the passage of time, the function of the secret box has also been developed, in addition to being used to save the Tianlingdibao, it can also be used to save elixir, magic instruments, and cheats.

The secret boxes were all spread through ancient times, and no one knew what was in them. It may be empty or it may be worthless souvenir!

If you want to buy a secret box containing a baby, you have to rely on your eyesight and experience.

"If we can find something extraordinary in the secret box and sell it for money, then we can make up for your corruption of the treasury!"

Along the way, Lu Jianli gave Chu Jingtian all kinds of ridiculous ideas along the way.

For example, give Mo Moqing some food, and take care of her when she is not ready. After the wood had become a boat, and Mo Moqing was pregnant with Chu Jingtian's child, King Jinling never took him anymore.

Although Chu Jingtian is helpless, he still has infinite warmth in his heart. After all, at this time, it was only Lu Jianli who was able to tirelessly give him an idea, and other wine and meat friends were afraid of causing trouble and avoiding it!

"By the way, have you heard of Mr. Chu who has recently emerged? It is simply too powerful, even to kill the three chief teachers of the White Tiger Regiment. If you have the means, Jinling Wang would not dare to treat you like that. Maybe he will take the initiative to take out Mo Moqing's clothes to your bed! "

What suddenly happened to Lu Jianli ~ ~ Secretly made trouble.

"Why don't you pretend to be Mr. Chu?"

Chu Jingtian was really crying.

He sighed in his heart:

‘Why do n’t you pretend, you know I ’m Mr. Chu! ’

"Lu Fat, whose clothes do you want to strip away? Whose bed?" Just then, a cold drink came from behind them.

There was a stun in Lu Jian's centrifugal, and his expression became uglier than crying. He glanced at Chu Jingtian and whispered, "Why did this aunt come to Wushi?"

The two turned their heads and saw that Mo Moqing was standing there angrily with an angry look in her eyes, and she wanted to swallow Lu Jian away.

And Mo Moqing is still standing beside a man and a woman! The girl's face is beautiful and elegant, although her appearance is inferior to that of Mo Moqing, but she is also a rare beauty. The man's heroic posture is upright and handsome.

"Lu fat man, if you dare to talk nonsense, I will tear your mouth!"

Qi Moqing stared at Lu Jianli fiercely, and then set his sights on Chu Jingtian. But when he saw Chu Jingtian's unobtrusive expression, he couldn't help turning up the sky.

"Uncle speculates that he is Mr. Chu ..."

‘Even my father has begun to waver, he must give me as a maid. ’

Thinking of this, she shook her head vigorously, her eyes suddenly sharpened:

"Chu Jingtian, no matter who you are or what you are, you can't let me lose! And, I don't believe you are him!"

After speaking, she yelled at a man and a woman behind her without looking back:

"let's go!"

Only left with a blank face, Lu Jianli and Chu Jingtian who was always indifferent.

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